
Quick Start

Last Updated on : 2021-06-02 06:54:48download

This topic introduces how to use the Tuya IoT Platform to fast create a smart product. You can scan a QR code with the Tuya Smart mobile application to get a browsing experience.


  1. Go to the account registration page, and follow the guide on the page to obtain a developer account.

  2. (Optional) Complete the enterprise certification. For more information about the enterprise certification, see the Enterprise certification process.

    Note: An enterprise account refers to the account registered on the Tuya IoT Platform, and after you fill in the relevant information of your company, it passes the certification of Tuya Smart. At present, the enterprise certification mainly requires the business accounts of your company. The account that completes the Tuya Smart authentication will have more account benefits. For more information, visit Cloud Market.

    Important: The account you registered has administrative permission. Please keep your account properly to prevent the smart hardware products, apps, device operations, or user data from being subject to security risks.


Step 1: Create a product

  1. Log in to the Tuya IoT Platform console.

  2. Click Create.

    Quick Start

  3. Choose a category and a product. For example, choose a product under the Small Home Appliances, and click the icon of the air purifier.

    Quick Start

    Important: The product category is very important, which will affect the subsequent product functions and recommendations of the app panel. If the product category you need is not available, contact Tuya Smart to add it.

  4. Fill in the Product Name and Product Model, select the Networking Method, and click Create Product.

    Quick Start

Step 2: Set product functions

Function refers to the functional abstraction of a smart product, which is one of the most important attributes of a product. Functions are represented by different data points (DP for short). For example, a switch has functions of on and off. You can define the switch as a Boolean DP, with 1 indicating on and 0 indicating off.

  1. Go to the development page of the smart product and enter the Function Definition step.

  2. According to the guide on the page, select multiple standard product functions.

    Note: In the Standard Functions, the Tuya IoT Platform console has set some Required DPs according to the category you selected. You cannot delete the data point with the Required mark.

    Quick Start

  3. Click Confirm to complete the addition.

  4. (Optional) If the product function you want to add is not one of the standard functions, you can click Create Functions at the Custom Functions area, or enable some Cloud Functions.

    Quick Start

    The MCU SDKs for embedded development and app control panels will be automatically generated based on the selected product functions.

Step 3: Select the app panel

The panel is a control dashboard on the mobile application of the smart product. After selecting the panel, it will be displayed when the user controls the smart device on the app.

  1. Go to the development page of the smart product and enter the Device Panel step.

  2. In the Select Device Panel area, apply a panel as the app control dashboard.

    Quick Start

  3. (Optional) If you want to quickly customize the UI setting and page layout based on the recommended panel, you can click Edit after selecting the panel, and go to the panel studio to complete the panel customization online.

  4. Get the QR code that you can have a browsing experience for the product.

    Quick Start

Step 4: Preview the product

  1. Scan the code with your phone camera to download the Tuya Smart app. Quick Start

  2. Register a Tuya Smart app account and enter the app.

  3. On the home page of the app, click + in the top right corner.

    Quick Start
  4. Tap the code scanner icon in the top right corner of the product list.

    Quick Start
  5. Scan the QR code of the product, and start to experience your product. Now, you can preview your products on your mobile phone, and use product features and panel styles.

    Quick Start

Next steps

After you create a product, you can continue to develop the product according to the following steps.

  1. Hardware development
  2. Cloud configuration
  3. Arrange production