Smart Industry App

Add Assets

Last Updated on : 2022-05-09 12:22:16download

An asset is a collection of devices that belong to different types, regions, or brands. This allows you to manage devices and permissions in a centralized manner by asset ID. This topic describes how to add assets to a cloud development project.


At least one cloud development project is created. For more information, see Create Projects.

When you create a project, you can follow the Project Configuration step on the platform to quickly create an asset and grant a user access to the asset. If you skip this step, you can learn how to add assets to a project based on the steps in this topic.


  1. Go to Tuya IoT Development Platform > Cloud Development.

  2. On the My Cloud Projects page, click the project to be managed. The Overview tab appears by default.

    Add Assets

  3. Click the Assets tab and click Add Asset.

  4. In the Add Asset dialog box, enter the asset name and click OK.

    Add Assets

Next step

In Cloud Development, add users and grant them access to the asset.