Build a Smart Light App for Android with Tuya App SDK

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Occasionally, you get home from a long day and feel the fatigue hit you when you walk in the door. Wouldn’t it be comfortable if your home is bright and warm when you arrive, waiting for you to settle in?
With the Tuya IoT Platform, you can easily build a smart light app, the key to smart lighting. A smart light app enables control of smart lights with ease and comfort and gives an innovative lifestyle. Image this beautiful scene: In the morning, when you get up and go into the kitchen, the cool white light automatically turns on. In the evening, you could have a warm white light go on when you arrive home from work so you don’t have to walk into a dark house.


Hardware (1)
  • One smart product


    In this demo, we assume that you already have a smart product. It could be created on the Tuya IoT Platform or purchased from TuyaGo.more


  • Step 1: What is smart light app?

    Before getting into developing a smart light app, let’s find out what innovative features a smart light offers these days.

    Basic functionality

    • Smart timer: You can set a daily or weekly schedule when lights turn on or off. It could be a once or repeating schedule. You can also apply a schedule to a group of lights.

    • Remote control: The smart light can communicate with a mobile phone or tablet via a wireless router. This allows you to remotely control a light, such as on/off, dimming, multi-color, and scenes.

    • Color adjustment: Play with more than 16 million colors or any shade of white light.

    • Geofencing: With the geofencing function, a smart light app can achieve At Home Mode and Away Mode.

    • Music sync: Immerse yourself in your favorite music and sync your lights to any song. Simply set up your entertainment area in a smart light app.

    • Smart scenes: Feature four scenes handpicked by lighting designers. The soft, colorful, dazzling, and gorgeous modes let you always get the right light to match every moment of your daily life.

    Application scenarios

    • Working: Provide the best white light to support your focus.

    • Reception: Switch to a more relaxing setting and wind down with your friends.

    • Bedroom: Warm white light for the bedroom helps you relax.

    • Wake up: Set a timer to activate your lights in the morning to gently wake you up with music.

  • Step 2: Get Tuya App SDK

    1. Go to App SDK on the Tuya IoT Platform and click Create.

      Create App SDK
    2. Complete app details and click Ok.

      • App Name: Enter your app name.
      • iOS Bundle ID: Enter your iOS app bundle ID. The recommended format is com.xxxxx.xxxxx.
      • Android Package Name: Enter your Android app package name. It is not necessary to be consistent with the iOS app bundle ID.
      • URL Scheme: It is not required. If it is left empty, the system will automatically generate one according to the package name.
    3. Select SDK solutions as per your actual requirements, and integrate SDK according to Podfile and Gradle. The Podfile and Gradle file will be created for the iOS SDK and Android SDK respectively.

      Obtain SDK

    4. Click Obtain Key to get AppKey, AppSecrete, and security image.

      Obtain key

  • Step 3: Create a project in Android Studio

    1. Create a project in Android Studio.

    2. Configure the build.gradle file.

      1. Add dependencies to the build.gradle file.

        android {
        	defaultConfig {
        		ndk {
        			abiFilters "armeabi-v7a", "arm64-v8a"
        	packagingOptions {
        		pickFirst 'lib/*/' // This .so file exists in multiple .aar files. Select the first one.
        dependencies {
        	implementation ''
        	implementation 'com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp-urlconnection:3.14.9'
        	// The latest version of the Tuya Home:
        	implementation ''
      2. Add the jcenter() repository to the build.gradle file.

        repositories {


        • The Tuya Smart SDK earlier than 3.10.0 only supports armeabi-v7a.
        • The SDK V3.11.0 and the later version have integrated armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a. If you have added .so libraries to the project, you need to remove them and only use the library included in the SDK.
        • If you want to integrate the .so library of a new version, you must remove the library of an earlier version to avoid conflicts or other possible issues.
        • Find more in GitHub.
    3. Integrate a security image

      1. Click Download > Download Security Image.

      2. Rename the security image as t_s.bmp and put the image in the assets folder of your project.

        Place image
    4. Configure appkey and appSecret in AndroidManifest.xml and set permissions for the app.

      android:value="Appkey" />
      android:value="AppSecret" />
    5. Configure obfuscation in

      -keep class**{*;}
      -keep class** { *; }
      -keep class okhttp3.** { *; }
      -keep interface okhttp3.** { *; }
      -dontwarn okhttp3.**
      -keep class okio.** { *; }
      -dontwarn okio.**
      -keep class com.tuya.**{*;}
      -dontwarn com.tuya.**
  • Step 4: Integrate and initialize Home SDK

    1. Initialize Home SDK in your Application. Make sure all processes are initialized. Sample code:

      public class TuyaSmartApp extends Application {
      	public void onCreate() {
    2. Configure appId and appSecret in AndroidManifest.xml, or run initialization code.

      TuyaHomeSdk.init(Application application, String appkey, String appSerect)
    3. Before you exit the application, you need to call the following operation to disable the cloud connection.

    4. In debug mode, you can enable SDK logging to facilitate troubleshooting. It is recommended to disable logging in the release mode.

  • Step 5: Integrate light control SDK

    Before you proceed with integration, you need to try and successfully run the light demo app. The light control SDK depends on part of the Home SDK, which will be described in this step.

    Dependency description

    // Home SDK dependencies. You must use SDK 3.20.0 or later versions. 
    implementation ''
    // Control SDK dependencies
    implementation ''

    Note: tuyasmart-centralcontrol is compiled in Kotlin, so you need to import the Kotlin library to ensure dependencies can be properly used. If you have imported the Kotlin library, you can ignore the following configuration.

    Integrate Kotlin

    1. Import the dependencies of Kotlin plug-in to the build.gradle file.

      buildscript {
      	ext.kotlin_version = '1.3.72'
      	dependencies {
      		classpath "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:$kotlin_version"
    2. Import the Kotlin plug-in and Kotlin package to the build.gradle file.

      apply plugin: 'kotlin-android'
      dependencies {
      	implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk7:$kotlin_version"

    Standard command description

    If standard commands are not used to control a device, the following method is used alternatively.

    ITuyaDevice mDevice = TuyaHomeSdk.newDeviceInstance(String devId);
    // Register a device listener
    mDevice.registerDevListener(new IDevListener() {
        public void onDpUpdate(String devId, String dpStr) {
        public void onRemoved(String devId) {
        public void onStatusChanged(String devId, boolean online) {
        public void onNetworkStatusChanged(String devId, boolean status) {
        public void onDevInfoUpdate(String devId) {
    mDevice.publishDps("{\"101\": true}", new IResultCallback() {
        public void onError(String code, String error) {
            Toast.makeText(mContext, "Failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
        public void onSuccess() {
            Toast.makeText(mContext, "Successful", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

    In this method, the cloud sends the data point ID (DPID), such as 101 and 102, to the device for device control. 101 is the DPID to turn device on/off.

    This control method has disadvantages. If the other device has a switch function that is not controlled by 101, you must pass in a different parameter to implement this function. Therefore, when this happens to multiple devices, you need to implement control logic one by one.

    To solve this problem, we introduce the idea of standard commands for the same function. A standard command is a standard number of a specific function. For example, the standard command for turning lights on/off is the fixed switch_led. The command switch_led can turn ‘Powered by Tuya’ lights on/off. For more information, see Standard Instruction Set.

    Determine command applicability

    1. You need to determine whether your product can be controlled by standard commands based on its product ID.

      If the standard commands are not applicable, you can only proceed with the above-mentioned traditional method to implement device control.

      Sample code:

      boolean isStandard = TuyaHomeSdk.getDataInstance().isStandardProduct("your_product_id");

      your_product_id is the product ID (PID), which can be obtained from DeviceBean.

    2. When you have finished integrating SDK, the invoking method is as follows:

      ITuyaDevice mDevice = TuyaHomeSdk.newDeviceInstance(String devId);
      // Note: The method of registerDeviceListener is used, and IDeviceListener is registered.
      tuyaDevice.registerDeviceListener(new IDeviceListener() {
      	public void onDpUpdate(String devId, Map<String, Object> dpCodeMap) {
      	public void onRemoved(String devId) {
      	public void onStatusChanged(String devId, boolean online) {
      	public void onNetworkStatusChanged(String devId, boolean status) {
      	public void onDevInfoUpdate(String devId) {
      HashMap<String, Object> dpCodeMap = new HashMap<>();
      dpCodeMap.put("switch_led", true);
      // Send a standard command
      tuyaDevice.publishCommands(dpCodeMap, new IResultCallback() {
      	public void onError(String code, String error) {
      		Toast.makeText(mContext, "Failed", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
      	public void onSuccess() {
      		Toast.makeText(mContext, "Successful", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();

      Note: The method of registerDeviceListener is used for standard commands, and registerDevListener is used for non-standard commands.

      Note that the standard commands do not apply to all devices. The following step describes how to determine whether a device supports standard commands. If you want inapplicable devices to be controlled by standard commands, you can contact Tuya for further support.

    You can find all available standard commands on the Tuya IoT Platform. For example,

    You can implement device control with the method of tuyaDevice.publishCommands and standard commands.

    Product category description

    Each IoT product category on the Tuya IoT Platform has its unique category value. For example, the dj in the light (dj) standard instruction set is the category value of lights. You can use the category field to determine the category of your device and display different control panels.

    The following table lists the common applicable product categories.

    Category category value
    Switch kg
    Socket cz
    Power strip pc
    Scene switch cjkg
    Curtain switch clkg
    Light dj
    Robot vacuum sd
    Electric tea kettle bh
    Diffuser xxj
    Humidifier jsq
    Air conditioner kt
    Air purifier kj
    Clothes hanger lyj
    Heater qn
    Air conditioner controller ktkzq
    Curtain cl
    Thermostat wk
    Fan fs
    Contact sensor mcs
    Water detector sj
    Temperature and humidity sensor wsdcg
    PIR sensor pir
    Vibration sensor zd
    Pressure sensor ylcg
    Luminance sensor ldcg
    Smoke detector ywbj
    Siren sgbj
    CO2 sensor co2bj
    CO sensor cobj
    PM2.5 sensor pm2.5
    Gas detector rqbj
    SOS sensor sos
    Lock ms

    Get category value

    You can get category value based on the product ID. The sample code is as follows:

    String category = TuyaHomeSdk.getDataInstance().getStandardProductConfig("your_product_id").category;

    Light control

    The light firmware has two versions, v1 and v2. You must develop two sets of control logic even though standard commands are used.

    The packaged lighting functions include on/off, working mode, brightness, color temperature, multi-color, and four scenes.

    Quick start

    Create an ITuyaLightDevice object, which packages all the light-related methods.

    ITuyaLightDevice lightDevice = new TuyaLightDevice(String devId);

    This object packages all data points (DPs) of the light, including command transmission.

    Invoking samples:

    // Create lightDevice
    ITuyaLightDevice lightDevice = new TuyaLightDevice("vdevo159793004250542");
    // Register a listener
    lightDevice.registerLightListener(new ILightListener() {
        public void onDpUpdate(LightDataPoint dataPoint) { // Return LightDataPoint, including all DP values 
            Log.i("test_light", "onDpUpdate:" + dataPoint);
        public void onRemoved() {
            Log.i("test_light", "onRemoved");
        public void onStatusChanged(boolean status) {
            Log.i("test_light", "onDpUpdate:" + status);
        public void onNetworkStatusChanged(boolean status) {
            Log.i("test_light", "onDpUpdate:" + status);
        public void onDevInfoUpdate() {
            Log.i("test_light", "onDevInfoUpdate:");
    // Turn the light on
    lightDevice.powerSwitch(true, new IResultCallback() {
        public void onError(String code, String error) {
            Log.i("test_light", "powerSwitch onError:" + code + error);
        public void onSuccess() {
            Log.i("test_light", "powerSwitch onSuccess:");
    // Sleep scene
    lightDevice.scene(LightScene.SCENE_GOODNIGHT, new IResultCallback() {
        public void onError(String code, String error) {
            Log.i("test_light", "scene onError:" + code + error);
        public void onSuccess() {
            Log.i("test_light", "scene onSuccess:");
    // Set a color
    lightDevice.colorHSV(100, 100, 100, new IResultCallback() {
        public void onError(String code, String error) {
            Log.i("test_light", "colorHSV onError:" + code + error);
        public void onSuccess() {
            Log.i("test_light", "colorHSV onSuccess:");
  • Step 6: Learn more APIs

    This step describes more App SDK APIs to implement diverse functions.

    API: Register a listener


     * Register a listener
    void registerLightListener(ILightListener listener);

    The callback of ILightListener is as follows:

    public interface ILightListener {
         * The listener of the light DP change
         * @param dataPoint   All DP status of the light
        void onDpUpdate(LightDataPoint dataPoint);
         * Remove the light
        void onRemoved();
         * The light goes online or offline
        void onStatusChanged(boolean online);
         * Network status
        void onNetworkStatusChanged(boolean status);
         * Update light information, such as light name
        void onDevInfoUpdate();

    Parameter description

    The LightDataPoint object packages all DPs of the current light. When a DP changes, a callback will be invoked. The complete object is called back.

    The following specifies object parameters:

    public class LightDataPoint {
         * On/off
        public boolean powerSwitch;
         * Working mode
         * <p>
         * MODE_WHITE is the white light mode
         *  MODE_COLOUR is the multi-color light mode
         * MODE_SCENE is the scene mode
        public LightMode workMode;
         * Brightness percentage, ranging from 0 to 100
        public int brightness;
         * Color temperature percentage, ranging from 0 to 100
        public int colorTemperature;
         * HSV value
         * <p>
         * H is the hue, ranging from 0 to 360
         * S is the saturation, ranging from 0 to 100
         * V is the value, ranging from 0 to 100
        public LightColourData colorHSV;
         * Multi-color light scene
         * SCENE_GOODNIGHT is the sleep scene
         * SCENE_WORK is the working scene
         * SCENE_READ is the reading scene
         * SCENE_CASUAL is the casual scene
        public LightScene scene;

    API: Get the light type

    Five types of light: cool white light ( C), cool and warm white light (CW), multi-color light (RGB), cool white and multi-color light (RGBC), as well as cool and warm white and multi-color light (RGBCW).

    These five types of light differ in the function definition. Take the difference into account during UI design and control method development.

    The following method can get the light type.

     * Get the light type
     * @return {@link LightType}
    LightType lightType();

    The LightType is defined as follows:

     * For cool white light, dpCode is bright_value
     * For cool and warm light, dpCode is bright_value + temp_value
     * For multi-color light, dpCode is colour_data
     * For cool white and multi-color light, dpCode is bright_value + colour_data
     * For cool and warm white and multi-color light, dpCode is bright_value + temp_value + colour_data

    API: Get all DP values

    When a control panel is opened, all DP values are required to be obtained. This API is used to get the LightDataPoint object.

     * Get all DP values
    LightDataPoint getLightDataPoint();

    API: On/off

    This API is used to turn a light on or off.


     * Turn light on or off
     * @param status         true or false
     * @param resultCallback callback
    void powerSwitch(boolean status, IResultCallback resultCallback);

    Parameter description

    Field Description
    status true indicates the light is turned on.
    resultCallback It indicates whether the command is sent successfully. The DP status in the ILightListener indicates whether the control is successful.

    API: Working mode

    This API is used to switch a working mode.


     * Switch a working mode
     * @param mode           Working mode
     * @param resultCallback callback
    void workMode(LightMode mode, IResultCallback resultCallback);

    Parameter description

    Field Description
    mode The values of working mode include: MODE_WHITE (white light), MODE_COLOUR (multi-color light), and MODE_SCENE (scene mode).
    resultCallback It indicates whether the command is sent successfully. The DP status in the ILightListener indicates whether the control is successful.

    Call example

    Switch to multi-color mode.

    lightDevice.workMode(LightMode.MODE_COLOUR, new IResultCallback() {
        public void onError(String code, String error) {
            Log.i("test_light", "workMode onError:" + code + error);
        public void onSuccess() {
            Log.i("test_light", "workMode onSuccess");

    Note: For some lights, the color value can only be sent when the light is switched to the corresponding working mode. For example, to adjust the color value, the light must work in the multi-color mode.

    API: Brightness

    This API is used to adjust light brightness.


     * Adjust brightness
     * @param status         Brightness percentage, ranging from 0 to 100
     * @param resultCallback callback
    void brightness(int status, IResultCallback resultCallback);

    Parameter description

    Field Description
    status Brightness percentage
    resultCallback It indicates whether the command is sent successfully. The DP status in the ILightListener indicates whether the control is successful.

    API: Color temperature

    This API is used to adjust color temperature.


     * Adjust color temperature
     * @param status         Color temperature percentage, ranging from 0 to 100
     * @param resultCallback callback
    void colorTemperature(int status, IResultCallback resultCallback);

    Parameter description

    Field Description
    status Color temperature percentage
    resultCallback It indicates whether the command is sent successfully. The DP status in the ILightListener indicates whether the control is successful.

    API: Multi-color

    This API is used to adjust light colors.


     * Adjust light colors
     * @param hue               Hue, ranging from 0 to 360
     * @param saturation     Saturation, ranging from 0 to 100
     * @param value            Value, ranging from 0 to 100
     * @param resultCallback callback
    void colorHSV(int hue, int saturation, int value, IResultCallback resultCallback);

    API: Scene

    This API is used to switch a scene. Four scenes are available:

    • LightScene.SCENE_GOODNIGHT is the sleep scene.
    • LightScene.SCENE_WORK is the working scene.
    • LightScene.SCENE_READ is the reading scene.
    • LightScene.SCENE_CASUAL is the casual scene.


     * @param lightScene     {@link LightScene}
     * @param resultCallback callback
    void scene(LightScene lightScene, IResultCallback resultCallback);

    Appendix: All light data points

    code Name Data type Value description Remark
    switch_led Switch Boolean {}
    work_mode Mode Enum {“range”:[“white”, “colour”, “scene”, “music”, “scene_1”, “scene_2”, “scene_3”, “scene_4”]}
    bright_value Brightness Integer {“min”:25,“scale”:0,“unit”:"", “max”:255,“step”:1}
    bright_value_v2 Brightness Integer {“min”:10,“scale”:0,“unit”:"", “max”:1000,“step”:1}
    temp_value Color temperature Integer {“min”:0,“scale”:0,“unit”:"", “max”:255,“step”:1}
    temp_value_v2 Color temperature Integer {“min”:0,“scale”:0,“unit”:"", “max”:1000,“step”:1}
    colour_data The number of multi-color modes Json {}
    colour_data_v2 The number of multi-color modes Json {}
    scene_data The number of scene modes Json {}
    scene_data_v2 The number of scene modes Json {}
    flash_scene_1 Soft mode Json {}
    flash_scene_2 Colorful mode Json {}
    flash_scene_3 Dazzling mode Json {}
    flash_scene_4 Gorgeous mode Json {}
    music_data Music sync mode Json {}
    control_data Control DP Json {}
    countdown_1 Countdown Integer {“unit”:"", “min”:0,“max”:86400,“scale”:0,“step”:1}
    scene_select Select a scene Enum {“range”:[“1”, “2”, “3”, “4”, “5”]} Legacy version
    switch_health_read Healthy reading on/off Boolean {} Legacy version
    read_time Healthy reading: reading time setting Integer {“unit”:“minute”, “min”:1,“max”:60,“scale”:0,“step”:1} Legacy version
    rest_time Healthy reading: rest time setting Integer {“unit”:“minute”, “min”:1,“max”:60,“scale”:0,“step”:1} Legacy version