Sub-GHz Device Development Kit

Last Updated on : 2023-12-07 03:07:53download


Sub-GHz Device Development Kit is built on top of the TuyaOS and designed for developing smart Sub-GHz mesh products. It includes a host of features and functions to help you develop easily, including device pairing, upstream and downstream communication, production test, authorization, and OTA updates. You do not need to take care of feature implementation for different Sub-GHz chip platforms. Just working on the standard APIs, you can connect your products to the Tuya IoT Development Platform and make them IoT-enabled.


To make your development much simpler, we have made adaptations to popular Sub-GHz chip platforms and provided chip platform-specific network modules. With a specific development kit and Tuya’s network modules, you can focus on writing application code instead of spending time on the required infrastructure.


  • Platform-agnostic: Abstract away the hardware layer and encapsulate standard APIs to support quick integration with Sub-GHz chip platforms.
  • Safe and reliable: Our proven development kit provides stable performance. All communication data and device information are encrypted to secure your IoT deployment.
  • A broad range of components: Device pairing, upstream and downstream communication, production test, authorization, and OTA updates. Directly call APIs to implement all these features to reduce your development work.

Memory footprint

The memory footprint of a development kit depends on the chip platform for use. For more information, see Hardware Support.