Install Tuya Wind IDE

Last Updated on : 2023-12-07 03:07:53download

View developer guide

  1. Open Visual Studio Code.

  2. On the left toolbar, click Extensions. Search for Tuya Wind IDE in the extension marketplace.

  3. Click Find the complete developer guide to check out the developer documentation for Tuya Wind IDE.

    Install Tuya Wind IDE

    This page provides the complete installation and user guide.

Install Tuya Wind IDE


If you are on Windows:

  1. Search for Tuya Wind IDE in the extensions marketplace.

  2. Click Install.

    Install Tuya Wind IDE

Linux virtual machine on Windows

If you run a Linux virtual machine on Windows:

  1. Connect to your virtual machine from Visual Studio Code using SSH.
  2. Search for Tuya Wind IDE in the extensions marketplace.
  3. Click Install on SSH: to install Tuya Wind IDE on your virtual machine.

Installation complete

After installation, restart Visual Studio Code and open Tuya Wind IDE. If you get a screen similar to the following, it means the installation is successful.

Install Tuya Wind IDE