Platform Advantages

Last Updated on : 2023-12-07 03:02:55download

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Fast development capabilities

After a device is connected and integrated into Tuya’s ecosystem, third-party client (mobile app) developers of product manufacturers or device buyers can quickly develop native applications for Android/iOS, as well as web applications through the APIs or SDKs provided by cloud development. Web applications include but are not limited to IoT WeChat mini programs, SaaS backends, and cloud platforms.

Easy-to-use device linkage

All IoT devices connected to the cloud can be controlled by the cloud through authorization and API calls. You can implement the development of internal business logic by calling APIs. Device status listening is achieved in the form of message queues, so you can monitor device status and enable the linkage between different devices.

Abundant cross-platform capabilities

The Tuya IoT Development Platform has achieved interoperability across chip platforms and communication protocols. Tuya supports up to seven popular communication protocols, including Wi-Fi, Bluetooth Low Energy (LE), Bluetooth mesh, Zigbee, NB-IoT, GPRS, and Sub-G. Among them, dual-band Wi-Fi with 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz is applicable.

Diversified scene integration modes

Cloud development provides devices of different categories and communication capabilities for makers and manufacturers to apply in various home, commercial, and urban scenarios. Cloud development uses Tuya’s proven IoT services to provide a variety of integration models based on different scenarios.

  • Simple mode (implicit authorization)

    Cloud development provides integration on top of the OAuth 2.0 protocol. You can request access to cloud APIs on the Tuya IoT Development Platform, call the APIs according to Tuya’s API specifications, get your user and device data, and control the devices through permissions.

    For example, on the platform, you can scan the QR code to authorize the Smart Life app user account (or create OEM applications and products), and get user data or device data under the account.

  • Authorization code mode (explicit authorization)

    After applying the cloud API key in cloud development, you can call Tuya’s open APIs based on the API specification to get authorized resource data.

    The authorization code mode is mainly used in cloud integration scenarios where OEM applications are not created on the Tuya IoT Development Platform.

Multi-dimensional data linking methods

Cloud development provides several methods to link data.

  • Scan with Smart Life app to authorize and link

    Download and install the Smart Life app, register an account, bind the devices, and scan the QR code to authorize a user. After that, the user will get the operating permissions of the devices under the account.

  • Link with apps

    The user bound with the devices belongs to the app created by you, and you have operating permissions for this type of device. For example, if you use Tuya’s OEM app or an app developed based on Tuya App SDK to pair a device, you can manage the device by calling the APIs.

  • Link with products

    The product to which the device belongs is created under your account on the Tuya IoT Development Platform, and you have operating permissions for the device. For example, create a product on the Tuya IoT Development Platform and purchase the modules to generate the product. After such devices are paired, you can query the specific device list by product ID, helping you perform data subscription monitoring or API management.

  • Link with authorization code

    The user grants a third-party developer access to device resources in the authorization code mode, and the third-party developer indirectly gets the operating permissions of these devices. For example, as a third-party platform user, you also have an account in Tuya’s system (assuming that an account has been registered with Tuya’s all-in-one app), and you can grant your device resources in Tuya’s system to the third-party application platform. Then, the third-party application platform has permission to implement device control, management, and other features.