
Data Acquisition

Acquire various air quality data, including temperature, humidity, air quality, formaldehyde, VOC, and carbon monoxide.

Auto Power-Off

With millimeter-wave radar recognition, devices of all categories are automatically powered off when no one is detected.

HVAC Device Linkage

The air conditioner and ventilation system will be automatically powered on to improve indoor conditions if a person is detected under an uncomfortable temperature or environment.

Space Occupancy

Deploying infrared movement sensors and presence sensors to determine human presence. Then, the accurate occupancy data can be returned by Tuya space occupancy algorithm.


Smart Classroom

Acquire real-time ambient temperature, and link with air conditioners and ventilation systems to provide a comfortable classroom environment. Classrooms, libraries, and sports venues are also supported.

Data Visualization

Display real-time environmental data such as the temperature and air quality remotely for teachers to check the ambient environment.

Energy-saving Libraries

Power off devices when no one is present and conditionally adjust the air conditioners and ventilation systems to reduce energy consumption. It also applies to scenarios with crowded spaces such as dormitories and classrooms.

Take the Next Step

Dive deep into cloud capabilities for Smart Campus Space Management solutions in the era of smart campus.