Get Metadata of NB-IoT Device

Last Updated on : 2023-12-07 03:33:59download

Get the metadata information about NB-IoT devices. Currently, you can get the signal strength and SIM card number information of NB devices.

API address

GET: /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/meta

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
device_idStringuritrueThe device ID.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
idStringThe device ID.
nb_rsrpStringThe signal strength of a specified NB-IoT device. Unit: dBm. The higher the level, the weaker the signal.
  • Strength level 1: -65 < nb_rsrp
  • Strength level 2: -75 < nb_rsrp ≤ -65
  • Strength level 3: -85 < nb_rsrp ≤ -75
  • Strength level 4: -95 < nb_rsrp ≤ -85
  • Strength level 5: -105 < nb_rsrp ≤ -95
  • Strength level 6: nb_rsrp ≤ -105
nb_iccidStringThe SIM card number of a specified NB-IoT device.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/devices/xxxtestId/meta

Return example

    "result": {
        "nbIccid": "8986112**",
        "nbRsrp": "-77",
        "id": "***"
    "t": 1631764642450,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.