Global Error Codes

Last Updated on : 2024-07-22 06:40:08download

This topic provides information and solutions about the error codes and messages that are generated when an API request fails. You can also submit a ticket to request technical support.

System error codes

System error codes start with 500, 10xx, and 11xx. System errors might be caused by signature issues, wrong parameter values, and system timeout.

Error code Error message Description Solution
500 system error, please contact the admin The business application network is unavailable, or the API times out. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a service ticket.
1000 data not exist The data does not exist. Check the request parameters.
1001 secret invalid The secret is invalid. See View Project Details and check the value of secret.
1002 access_token is null The token is empty. Check if access_token is empty. See Request Header Parameters for details.
1003 grant type invalid The authorization type is invalid. Set a valid authorization type. See Get a Token for details.
1004 sign invalid The signature is invalid. Check the used signature algorithm. See Sign Requests for details.
1005 clientId invalid The client_id is invalid. See View Project Details and check the value of client_id.
1010 token is expired The token has expired. Check the validity period of the access token. See Get a Token for details.
1011 token invalid The token is invalid. Check the validity of the access token. See Get a Token for details.
1012 token status is invalid The token status is invalid. Check the status of the access token. See Get a Token for details.
1013 request time is invalid The request timestamp has expired. Check if the request timestamp has expired or is quite different from the current time. See Request Header Parameters for details.
1100 param is empty Some parameters are empty. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, check if a parameter is missing or not set.
1101 params range invalid The parameter range is invalid. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
1102 param is null The parameter is empty. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, check if a parameter is missing or not set.
1103 commands issue error The specified command is invalid. Failed to send the command. Check the corresponding message or try again later.
1104 type is incorrect The type is invalid. Check the value of type.
1105 missing the header The header is wrong. Check if a parameter is missing or set incorrectly in the header. See Request Header Parameters for details.
1106 permission deny No permission. You are not authorized to access the API or device. Find the error details by TID from the API logs, or check if the device has been linked.
1107 code invalid The authorization code is invalid. Check the authorization code.
1108 uri path invalid The value of uri is invalid. Check the value of uri.
1109 param is illegal, please check it The parameter is invalid. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
1110 concurrent request over limit The request timed out. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a service ticket.
1111 system is busy, please retry later The system is busy. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a service ticket.
1112 the user is syncing in the background, please try again later User data is synchronizing. User data is synchronizing in the backend. Try again later.
1113 do not repeat the operation in a short time Repeated request. Try again later. See Request Header Parameters for details.
1114 your ip don’t have access to this API The client_id has the cloud authorization IP allowlist enabled, and the IP address of the request is not allowlisted. Check the allowlist setting. See Manage Projects for details.
1199 your requests are too frequent Too many requests in a short time. Try again later.
1400 token invalid The token is invalid. Check the validity of the access token. See Get a Token for details.
2007 IP cross-region The IP address of the request is from another data center. Access is not allowed. An IP address can only access its dedicated data center. To enable access to a different data center, set the cloud authorization IP allowlist.
28841001 No permission No cloud development plan subscribed. To continue using the cloud service, subscribe to a cloud development plan.
28841002 Cloud development plan expired Your subscription to the cloud development plan has expired. Renew your plan or subscribe to the cloud service again.
28841003 Plan bill is overdue Your subscription bill is overdue. Pay the bill and check the cost.
28841004 Trial Edition quota is exhausted You have exceeded the Trial Edition quota. To continue using the cloud service, subscribe to a cloud development plan or wait for the quota to refresh.
28841101 API is not subscribed You have not subscribed to this API. Subscribe to the resource pack for this API.
28841102 API subscription expired Your subscription to this API has expired. Renew or subscribe to the resource pack for this API.
28841103 API bill is overdue You have an overdue bill for this API. Pay the bill and check the cost.
28841104 API quota is exhausted The number of calls to this API has exceeded the quota. To continue using the cloud service, upgrade the resource pack for this API, or wait for the quota to refresh.
28841105 Project is not authorized to use this API This specified cloud project is not authorized to call this API. Authorize the project to use this API, or modify the project.
28841106 API is not subscribed You are not subscribed to this API. Subscribe to the resource pack for this API.

IoT Core error codes

Error code Error message Description Solution
40000001 Property is empty The property cannot be empty. Check if the property is missing or not set.
40000002 Invalid custom name The name is empty or contains emojis. Check if the name is missing or not set.
40000003 Code not exist The product to which the device belongs does not define this function value. Check the value of this function, or review the function definition of the product on the Tuya Developer Platform.
40000200 System error Contact the admin. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a service ticket.
40000203 Invalid parameter See the API documentation and set parameters. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40000232 A Zigbee device is being updated Check if a Zigbee device under the gateway is being updated. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a service ticket.
40000233 System is up to date The system already runs the latest version. Compare the version number, or try again later.
40000247 Device’s module not exist Check the module information. Check if the device has reported the module information when it is activated.
40000302 Remote API call failed Contact the admin. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a service ticket.
40000303 Invalid parameter See the API documentation and set parameters. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40000308 Wrong format of command or value See the API documentation and set parameters. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40000801 Device offline Check the device status. Check the connection status and power supply.
40000802 Property error Check the device’s property. Check if the device’s property is set correctly.
40000901 Device not exist Check the request parameters. Check the value of the request parameter.
40000903 Invalid parameter See the API documentation and set parameters. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40000904 Too many parameters See the API documentation and set parameters. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set the appropriate number of parameters.
40000999 Device system error Contact the admin. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a service ticket.
40001001 Space ID is empty Check the request parameters. Check if the space ID is missing or not set.
40001002 Invalid parent space ID Check the value of parent_space_id. Check if parent_space_id is missing or set incorrectly.
40001003 Space name is empty Check the request parameters. Check if the space name parameter is missing or not set.
40001004 Space name is too long The space name is up to 50 characters. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40001005 Space description is too long The space description is up to 255 characters. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40001101 Resource ID is empty Check the request parameters. Check if the resource ID is missing or not set.
40001102 Resource set exceeds limit The resource set exceeds the length limit. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set the appropriate number of resource sets.
40001103 Invalid resource type Check the request parameters. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter value.
40001104 Resource not exist Check the request parameters. Check if the parameter is missing or set incorrectly.
40001105 Resource already exists in this space Check the request parameters. Check if the resource already exists.
40001106 Subspace exists in this space Delete the subspace before proceeding. Delete the subspace first.
40001107 Resource exists in this space Delete the resource and try again. Delete the existing resource in this space.
40001900 No space permission No permission to access this space. Grant permission for this space.
40001901 Space not exist The space does not exist. Check if the parameter is missing or set incorrectly.
40001902 Invalid parameter Check the parameter and try again. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40002901 Group not exist The group does not exist. Check if this group is valid. Check if the parameter is missing or set incorrectly.
40002902 uid not exist The group ID uid does not exist. Check the parameter. Check the value of uid.
40002903 Upper limit exceeded The groups in this space or the devices in a group exceed the limit. Check the limits on this space.
40002904 No permission for this group No permission for this group. Check if the account has permission to access this group.
40002905 Group not allowed This product does not support creating a group. Configure the product to support creating groups.
40002906 Invalid parameter Check the parameter. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40002999 Group service error A group service error occurs. Contact the admin. Try again later. If the problem persists, submit a service ticket.
40003900 Parameter is empty Populate the required parameter based on the developer documentation. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, check if a parameter is missing or not set.
40003901 Invalid parameter Populate the parameter with a valid value. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40003902 Unable to enable/disable the linkage scene Check the rule ID of the scene. Check if the rule ID of the scene is included in the request parameter.
40003903 Parameter is empty Populate the required parameter based on the developer documentation. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40003904 Linkage rule not exist Check the request parameters. Check if the request parameter is missing or set incorrectly.
40003905 Duplicate condition IDs for the linkage rule Check the request parameters. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40004001 Invalid parameter Populate the required parameter based on the developer documentation. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter type and value range.
40004002 Instruction not exist Populate the required parameter based on the developer documentation. Check if the instruction parameter is missing or set incorrectly.
60009001 Not in the permission package This API is not in the permission package supported by the associated authorization. Refer to the permission package documentation to select the appropriate API.

Business error codes

Business error codes start with 20x and 21x. System errors might be caused by device offline, user data, and task run.

Error code Error message Description Solution
2001 device is offline The device is offline. Check the network connection of the device.
2002 this user doesn’t have any devices The user has no device. Check if the user account is linked with a device.
2003 function not support The function is not supported. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid instruction.
2004 not support the lock type The lock type is not supported. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid lock type.
2005 product not exist The product does not exist. Check if the product parameter is missing or set incorrectly.
2006 user not exist The user does not exist. Check if the user parameter is missing or set incorrectly.
2007 device token expired The device token has expired. Check the validity period of the device token.
2008 command or value not support The instruction is not supported. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid instruction.
2009 not support this device The device is not supported. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set the supported device.
2010 device not exist The device does not exist. Check if the device parameter is missing or set incorrectly.
2012 application not support The application is not supported. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set the supported application.
2013 add timer failed Failed to add a scheduled task. Check the value of the parameter. Try again later or contact the admin.
2014 this device doesn’t have any timers The device has no scheduled task. Check if a scheduled task has been created for the device.
2015 this category is not supported The category is not supported. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set the supported category.
2016 remote control is removed or does not exist The remote control is removed or does not exist. Check if the remote control feature is available, or if the parameter value is correct.
2017 schema does not exist The app schema does not exist. Check if the app schema exists, or if the parameter value is correct.
2018 data decrypt failed Failed to decrypt the data. Check the value of the parameter. Try again later or contact the admin.
2019 time over two hours The time span is over two hours. Check if the time span exceeds the limit.
2020 Only third-party clouds are supported Only third-party cloud services are supported. Check if a third-party cloud is used.
2021 Illegal email The email address is invalid. Check the format of the email address.
2022 Illegal phone The mobile phone number is invalid. Check the format of the mobile phone number.
2023 user exist The user already exists. Check if the user account has been created.
2024 device file path is not standardized The device file path is invalid. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, check the format of the device file path.
2025 device and file path mismatch The device and file path do not match. Check the format of the device and file path.
2026 ip failed to get Failed to get the IP address. Check if a proxy is used.
2027 Size is too large The size is too large. Check if the text or file exceeds the limit.
2028 encryption token expire The token has expired. Check the validity period of the encryption token.
2029 session status is invalid The session is invalid. Check if the session has expired or if the parameter value is correct.
2030 virtual scan only supports ay region Virtual scan is only available for China Data Center. Check if the request endpoint is the China Data Center.
2031 third-party platform authorization failed Third-party authentication failed. Check if the third-party service works fine. Try again later or contact the admin.
2032 app pushed request unique ID is duplicate The request_id already exists. Idempotency is required. Check if the request_id is created properly, or if repeated requests are made.
2033 more than 1000 app message push users Too many message receivers. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid parameter value.
2037 the username has been bound by another username type The user has been bound with another type. Check if the user has been bound with other types.
2041 operator name is exist The operator’s username already exists. Check if the operator’s username already exists.
2042 operator not exist The operator does not exist. Check if the operator exists, or if the parameter value is correct.
2043 operator uuid not exist The UUID does not exist. Check if the UUID exists, or if the UUID value is correct.
2044 operator ip not exist The IP address does not exist. Check if the IP address exists, or if the value of the IP address is correct.
2045 operator ip has bind The operator’s IP address has been bound. Check if the operator’s IP address has been bound.
2046 operator uuid has bind The operator’s UUID has been bound. Check if the operator’s UUID has been bound.
2047 this device is frozen by user, cannot command The device is frozen. Check if the user has frozen the device.
2050 the infrared code corresponding to the key does not exist The infrared code does not exist. Check if the infrared code exists, or if the parameter value is correct.
2051 send infrared command failed Failed to send the infrared instruction. Check the instruction. Try again later or contact the admin.
2052 not support the command to set specific temperature The command to set a specific temperature is not supported. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set a valid command.
2053 the matching infrared code is invalid The specified infrared code is invalid. Check the infrared code status, or if the parameter value is correct.
2054 the sub-device does not exist The sub-device does not exist. Check if the sub-device exists, or if the parameter value is correct.
2055 not support the device The device is not supported. Based on the Request Parameters in the API documentation, set the supported device.
2056 device has bind or not active The device has already been bound, or it is inactive. Check the device status, or if the parameter value is correct.
2060 failed to add user, please try it later Failed to add the user. Try again later or contact the admin.
2061 message push config are not set Message push is not set. Set the message push feature.
2062 data already exists The data already exists. Check if the data already exists. Do not repeat the operation.
2063 other Zigbee device is upgrading A Zigbee device is being updated. Check if a Zigbee device is being updated, or try again later.
2064 device version is the latest The device version is up to date. Compare the version number.
2101 duplicate naming under the device Duplicate device names. Check if the device name already exists.
2401 username or password wrong The username or password of the app account is wrong. Change the account or password and try again.