Smart Product Solutions

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 04:21:51download

Tuya provides a broad portfolio of smart product solutions and allows you to integrate smart devices with IoT applications in a stable and reliable way. These solutions cover a wide range of product categories and industries, such as smart home, smart security, smart real estate, and smart energy. They serve as the benchmarks for unified and standard device deployment in complex scenarios and bridge the communication between smart products and IoT mobile apps. The following product categories are supported:

  • Electrical products
  • Lighting
  • Home appliances
  • Sensors
  • Kitchen appliances
  • Exercise & health
  • IP cameras
  • Smart locks
  • Voice & control panels
  • Gateway control
  • Outdoor travel
  • Energy
  • Digital entertainment

Smart product solutions also give you access to vital device data. Thus, you can process the data in real time and gain the immediate insights you need to make critical business decisions. You can log in to the Tuya Developer Platform, and iterate and manage smart products as needed. You can also design marketing campaigns based on real-time device data measured on the platform. For more information, see Solution Center.