Tuya Developer Platform

Last Updated on : 2024-06-24 10:09:41download

Tuya Developer Platform is committed to building interconnection standards to facilitate smart development for all walks of brand owners, OEM manufacturers, developers, retailers, and other participants. Based on the public cloud deployed across the world, the platform processes hundreds of millions of requests and interactions per day and interconnects smart devices in varied smart scenes. The platform provides a broad portfolio of services that cover hardware development tools, app development tools, cloud services, and smart industry development. Thus, you can unlock your imagination on all fronts, ranging from technological advancement to marketing channel expansion.

Tuya Developer Platform
Cloud Service 
Mobile App 
Network Module 
Control Board 
Device or Application

Tuya Developer Platform provides online self-service tools for you to drive projects to new levels. It also delivers all-around products and services that meet you where you are, for example, standard processes, collaborative work divisions, online transactions, and technical support.

Self-service development

The platform streamlines troubleshooting to energize your self-service development, such as things data model design, hardware selection, embedded development, and application firmware development. Therefore, you can get productive results simply by independent development on the platform with the minimum costs. You are relieved from additional non-standard processes offline.

Tuya has been engaged for years in the successful implementation of projects and products. These vital practices have been polished into breakthrough self-service development models under constant iteration.

Smart Products 
Client Applications 
Application Service Software 
Customers' Requirements

Development solutions

Fast smart development solutions are placed at the forefront of the platform, including product development, app development, cloud development, and SaaS application development.

  • Tuya’s product development solutions support thousands of product categories. End-to-end development processes are clarified, respecting the functional design, panel templates, firmware, hardware such as modules and printed circuit board assemblies (PCBAs), test cases, preset advanced smart configurations, and many more. You can get started with the development with a few simple steps or retrofit an existing solution on your terms. A bunch of smart product solution templates has been fully tested by successful mass production. You can quickly complete the full cycle of development based on the templates, no matter whether you are new or experienced in smart product development. For more information about recommended solutions, see Solution Center.

    Tuya Developer Platform
  • To empower your app development, personalized OEM app templates are available to get your hands on an app that serves as a smart control hub. You can easily build and launch this type of app without writing any code.

    Tuya Developer Platform
  • Furthermore, cloud development paves the way for SaaS-based control and management of devices and users. Your application development can be simplified with a variety of templates in cloud development.


Tuya takes the initiative to provide simple five steps to complete low-code development on the platform. The procedure simplifies complex smart product development into a clear and easy-to-understand workflow. Thus, beginners and hardware developers who have just transformed can quickly grasp the whole picture of product development without a lot of preliminary preparations. By going through the workflow, you can learn and complete product development effortlessly. This five-step model sets the benchmark for low-code development in the industry.

In addition, comprehensive processes are iterated and released to promote your development of apps, miniapps, and cloud projects. Your development time and expenses can be reduced to the greatest extent.


The platform is supplied with useful development tools. They play a key role in enhancing efficiency and accuracy and simplifying your development processes. For example, drag and drop components in visualized panel design with the Panel Studio. Debug panels and cloud commands with virtual devices. Generate firmware with a GUI-based configuration process without coding. Perform automated product tests with the Cloud Test app. Automatically generate certificates for launching apps. Generate QR codes online.

Recommended self-service development products and services include:

Self-service transactions

Both individuals and organizations can complete smart development resource purchases in addition to online development all in one place. Modules, hardware components, licenses and premium cloud services, value-added services, and more materials can be ordered with a few clicks.

The parameters and production processes of required resources can vary, depending on different smart devices. Ordinary supply chains are vulnerable to inefficient communication, long-term production and stocking, and product rework caused by information errors. To achieve efficient scheduling and mass production at a lower cost and speed up transactions, you can choose among sufficient products throughout the platform processes from product development to end product delivery. A full range of supply chain services can be finished online, for example, production information management, order placement and management, electronic payment, and electronic contract signing.

Tuya Developer Platform

Recommended self-service transaction products and services include:

Self-service management

You can connect a large number of smart devices to the cloud. In this case, various management and application transactions are processed, for example, operations and maintenance (O&M) management, updates, data analytics, and after-sales services. This results in costly on-site maintenance and management of devices, particularly if the number of devices is on the rise. To fix the problem, the platform helps all participants out by the remote self-service management, regarding development, O&M, marketing, and customer services. Product and application owners can create an extraordinary user experience with shortened response times and minimized costs.

Management is classified into the following three sections on the platform. Accounts can be authorized to deal with different sections and collaborate within your team.

Remote O&M

Device management facilitates the development and O&M of worldwide smart devices that are interconnected in the cloud. This service helps you with monitoring, log tracking, remote management, and OTA updates.

If a device enters a preset state or reports certain data, or based on specified push notifications, alerts or messages can be sent to device users and platform O&M staff who can take responsive measures. For more information, see Device Management.

Data analytics

Networked devices and applications transmit a large amount of data to the cloud. Sensitive data is masked and encrypted in compliance with data security regulations before its statistics results are presented on the platform. You can dive deep into the data analytics, and gain actionable insights for development, market research, and operations.

Common statistics patterns for devices, apps, and user feedback can be implemented with visual data dashboards. Plenty of statistical methods and tools are designed to fit your needs. Typically, you can customize the target time and regions, and calculate differentiated statistics by quantity or percentage.

Moreover, you can download the raw data for statistics for further independent analytics to meet your personalized requirements. For more information, see Data Services.

After-sales operations

The platform helps you accurately reach device users through multiple channels, such as emails, app push notifications, and app splash screens. More users will be engaged in your daily operations and marketing campaigns.

During the operations on this platform, you can query and manage target users, receive user feedback, communicate with users online, and edit the knowledge content displayed on apps. This way, you can take user relationship building and after-sales services to the next level and improve your brand loyalty. For more information, see Data Intelligent Operation.

Technical support

Support multiple types of technical support online. Professional support teams are dedicated to troubleshooting development, management, and transactions in all fields.

Tuya Developer Platform

Different support solutions are always ready to meet you where you are, for example:

  • Technical support tickets: Troubleshoot technical problems and request operation permissions during the development on the platform.
  • Online customer services: Respond to your request, locate your problem, and provide further guidance at the earliest opportunity.
  • Project management groups: Easily contact project members by means such as multi-party real-time conversations or online video or voice conferences.

For more information, see Service and Support.