Cloud Test App

Last Updated on : 2024-06-21 04:22:17download

Tuya Cloud Test app is provided with multiple test modes for you to accelerate troubleshooting based on functional modules. This enables all-in-one tests for the device status and interaction link. This topic describes how to get started with the Tuya Cloud Test app.

Download the Cloud Test app


You have created a product on the Tuya Developer Platform. For more information, see Create Products.

Download procedure

  1. Log in to the Tuya Developer Platform, find and click the target product.

  2. In the Hardware Development step, scroll down the page.

    Cloud Test App

  3. Find Common Documents, click View on the right of Tuya Cloud Test App, and then scan the QR code to download the app.

    Cloud Test App

Next steps

After the app is downloaded and installed, you can follow the instructions in the documents to use the app. For more information about specific test guides, see Guidelines for Testing Industry Solutions.