Operation Management

Last Updated on : 2024-06-20 03:32:04download

User operations

IoT user operations can be classified into marketing push, user feedback and help, daily operations, and more campaigns. To cover all these operation scenarios, Tuya Developer Platform provides multiple Operation services, including App Operation, IoT SIM Card, Customer Service, and Cloud Recipe. You can benefit from a bunch of marketing tools, such as email marketing, app push notifications, and SMS notifications. These tools are the optimal choice to streamline user operations, improve device management capabilities, and increase your marketing reach. Go to Tuya Developer Platform > Operation to learn more about these services.


The Purchase services apply to brand owners or factories. At the end of product development, brand owners or factories can submit purchase intentions in Purchase to place a small order for trial production or make a bulk purchase for mass production. After the business manager confirms the order, the bill or deposit is paid. Then, the order will be put into production.

Go to Tuya Developer Platform > Purchase to see the following services that boost your production purchase capabilities:

  • Purchase
  • Order
  • Manufacturing
  • Contract
  • Transaction

Value-added services

Value-added services (VAS) are derived from common IoT service scenarios. They are intended to extend smart product business, minimize the product time to market, integrate ecosystem services in the global market, and provide end-to-end services worldwide. For more information, see Value-Added Services or visit the VAS website.

Operation Management