Last Updated on : 2024-02-23 06:11:59download
The Matter standard, organized by the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA, formerly the Zigbee Alliance), is jointly promoted by Amazon, Google, Apple, and the CSA. Matter aims to allow all IoT devices to become interoperable and implement device control simply on top of a single protocol. This topic describes how to implement management and control of Matter devices after they are integrated into your project.
Before a Matter device comes into use, you must finish the configuration of the development project and implement pairing with the Matter device. For more information, see Prepare for Integration with Matter Device.
Then, the Matter device can be added to your app for further use.
API description
- (BOOL)isSupportMatter;
- (void)judgeSupportMatter {
// self.device = [ThingSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"your_device_id"];
BOOL isSupport = [self.device.deiceModel isSupportMatter];
NSLog(@"judgeSupportMatter: %ld", isSupport);
func judgeSupportMatter() {
let isSupport = device?.deviceModel?.isSupportMatter()
Similarly to a generic type of device, call -publishDps:success:failure:
in ThingSmartDevice
to send a device control data point (DP).
The following table lists the channels supported by Matter devices.
Device type | Supported channel | Remarks |
Tuya-enabled Matter over Wi-Fi device |
Tuya’s LAN channel requires support by hardware firmware in the near future. |
Tuya-enabled Matter gateway |
None. |
Tuya-enabled Matter over Thread device |
None. |
Third-party Matter device | Matter LAN channel | None. |
Similarly to other types of devices, use the isOnline
field of ThingSmartDeviceModel
to determine whether a Matter device is online or offline.
The Multiple Fabrics feature is exclusive to Matter devices. This feature allows a Matter device to be interoperable among different manufacturers and ecosystems. Therefore, this device can be activated and used seamlessly on multiple Matter-enabled apps. For example, the Matter device can be used on a Tuya-enabled app, such as the Smart Life app. It can also be accessed with Apple Home, Google Home, and Amazon Alexa.
A fabric is a group of networked devices (also known as nodes) that share the same security domain. This enables secure communications among these nodes within the fabric. Nodes in the same fabric share the same Certificate Authority’s (CA) top-level certificate (Root of Trust) and, within the context of the CA, a unique 64-bit identifier named Fabric ID.
The Multiple Fabrics feature includes two parts: share among fabrics and manage fabrics.
Check if the mobile app can communicate with the device before you invoke sharing among fabrics and fabrics management.
API description
- (BOOL)checkPipelineAvailable;
- (void)preCheck {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
BOOL available = [self.fabricShare checkPipelineAvailable];
NSLog(@"fabric pipeline available: %d", available);
func preCheck() {
let available = fabricShare.checkPipelineAvailable
print("fabric pipeline available: \(available)")
API description
- (void)getConnectedStatusSuccess:(ThingSuccessHandler)success failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;
- (void)checkConnectStatus {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare getConnectedStatusSuccess:^{
NSLog(@"matter device is connected");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"matter device not connect: %@", error);
func checkConnectStatus() {
fabricShare.getConnectedStatusSuccess {
print("matter device is connected")
} failure: { error in
print("matter device not connect: \(error)")
Smart Life App SDK v5.2.0 or later simplifies the API used to generate the Multiple Fabrics sharing code and supports multiple communication channels for improved pairing rate.
Before using the API, you can call the check channel availability API for SDK v5.2.0 or later.
Open window for sharing and pairing
This API incorporates all the necessary methods to share devices across fabrics. You can request the maximum number of supported fabrics, the number of used fabrics, and the SSID of the Wi-Fi network connected by the device, and open and close the window for sharing and pairing.
API description
- (void)sendEnhancedCommissioning:(BOOL)forceRefresh
ssidInfo:(nullable void(^)(NSString * __nullable ssid))ssidInfo
success:(void(^)(NSString *qrCodeStr, NSString *setupCode))success
failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure
- (void)openECM {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare sendEnhancedCommissioning:YES ssidInfo:^(NSString * __nullable ssid){
NSLog(@"device ssid: %@", ssid)
} success:^(NSString * _Nonnull qrCodeStr, NSString * _Nonnull setupCode) {
NSLog(@"open ecm success: %@, %@", qrCodeStr, setupCode);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"open ecm fail: %@", error);
func openECM() {
fabricShare.sendEnhancedCommissioning(true) { ssid in
print("device ssid: \(ssid)")
} success: { qrcode, setupCode in
print("open ecm success: \(qrcode) \(setupCode)")
} failure: { error in
print("open ecm fail: \(error)")
Implement the APIs used in the process of sharing devices across fabrics, as shown in the diagram above. Before using the API, you can call the check channel availability API for SDKs earlier than v5.2.0.
Request maximum number of supported fabrics
The maximum number of supported fabrics can vary, depending on the performance of different Matter devices.
API description
- (void)readSupportedFabricsSuccess:(ThingSuccessInt)success
failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;
- (void)readMaxSupportFabricsNumber {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare readSupportedFabricsSuccess:^(int maxNum) {
NSLog(@"max support fabrics number: %i", maxNum);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"read max support fabrics number fail: %@", error);
func readMaxSupportFabricsNumber() {
fabricShare.readSupportedFabricsSuccess { maxNum in
print("max support fabrics number: \(maxNum)")
} failure: { error in
print("read max support fabrics number fail: \(error)")
Request number of used fabrics
API description
- (void)readCommissionedFabricsSuccess:(ThingSuccessInt)success failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;
- (void)readUsedFabricsNumber {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare readCommissionedFabricsSuccess:^(int usedNum) {
NSLog(@"used fabrics number: %i", usedNum);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"read used fabrics number fail: %@", error);
func readUsedFabricsNumber() {
fabricShare.readCommissionedFabricsSuccess { usedNum in
print("used fabrics number: \(usedNum)")
} failure: { error in
print("read used fabrics number fail: \(error)")
Get SSID of Wi-Fi network connected by device
Returns the SSID of the Wi-Fi network to which a Matter over Wi-Fi device is connected. This API method is unavailable to wired gateways and Thread devices.
API description
- (void)getWifiDeviceSsid:(ThingSuccessString)success failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;
- (void)fetchDeviceConnectWifi {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare getWifiDeviceSsid:^(NSString *result) {
NSLog(@"now the device connect ssid: %@", result);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"get the device connect ssid fail: %@", error);
func fetchDeviceConnectWifi() {
fabricShare.getWifiDeviceSsid { ssid in
print("now the device connect ssid: \(ssid)")
} failure: { error in
print("get the device connect ssid fail: \(error)")
Open window for sharing and pairing
Returns the model object of ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricPasscodeModel
API description
// Gets the data model of PasscodeModel.
- (void)getMultipleFabricPasscodeCompletion:(void(^)(ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricPasscodeModel *result, NSError *error))completionBlock;
// Forces refresh to return the object of PasscodeModel.
- (void)getMultipleFabricPasscodeForceRefreshCompletion:(void(^)(ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricPasscodeModel *result, NSError *error))completionBlock;
- (void)getPassscodeModel {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare getMultipleFabricPasscodeCompletion:^(ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricPasscodeModel * _Nonnull passcodeModel, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"get passcode model fail: %@", error);
NSLog(@"get the passcode model: %@", passcodeModel);
- (void)getRefreshPasscodeModel {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare getMultipleFabricPasscodeForceRefreshCompletion:^(ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricPasscodeModel * _Nonnull passcodeModel, NSError * _Nonnull error) {
if (error) {
NSLog(@"get refresh passcode model fail: %@", error);
NSLog(@"get refresh the passcode model: %@", passcodeModel);
func getPassscodeModel() {
fabricShare.getMultipleFabricPasscodeCompletion { passcodeModel, error in
if error != nil {
print("get passcode model fail: \(error)")
print("get the passcode model: \(passcodeModel)")
func getRefreshPasscodeModel() {
fabricShare.getMultipleFabricPasscodeForceRefreshCompletion { passcodeModel, error in
if error != nil {
print("get refresh passcode model fail: \(error)")
print("get refresh passcode model: \(passcodeModel)")
Uses the value of passcodeModel
obtained in the previous step to open the window for sharing and pairing a device.
API description
- (void)sendEnhancedCommissioningCommandWithFabricPasscodeModel:(ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricPasscodeModel *)passcodeModel
success:(void(^)(NSString *qrCodeStr, NSString *setupCode))success
failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;
- (void)openECM {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare sendEnhancedCommissioningCommandWithFabricPasscodeModel:passcodeModel success:^(NSString * _Nonnull qrCodeStr, NSString * _Nonnull setupCode) {
NSLog(@"open ecm success: %@, %@", qrCodeStr, setupCode);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"open ecm fail: %@", error);
func openECM() {
fabricShare.sendEnhancedCommissioningCommand(with: passcodeModel) { qrCode, setupCode in
print("open ecm success: \(qrCode) \(setupCode)")
} failure: { error in
print("open ecm fail: \(error)")
Close window for sharing and pairing
The window for sharing and pairing a device cannot be opened again when it is already opened. This window must be closed before it can be opened again.
API description
- (void)revokeCommissioningCommandSuccess:(ThingSuccessHandler)success failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;
- (void)revokeCommissioning {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare revokeCommissioningCommandSuccess:^{
NSLog(@"revoke commission success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"revoke commission fail: %@", error);
func revokeCommissioning() {
fabricShare.revokeCommissioningCommandSuccess {
print("revoke commission success")
} failure: { error in
print("revoke commission fail: \(error)")
A Matter device can be shared across ecosystems. In terms of fabric management, you can make API requests to get a list of current fabrics and remove a specific fabric.
Smart Life App SDK v5.2.0 or later supports multiple communication channels for improved pairing success rate. The usage of fabrics management APIs remains unchanged.
Returns a list of fabrics that support control of a specific device. This step provides a data reference for removing a specific fabric.
API description
- (void)readFabricsWithSuccess:(void(^)(NSArray<ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricInfoModel *> *fabrics))success
failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;
Data model
The following table defines the fields in the model ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricInfoModel
Property | Type | Description |
vendorId | NSNumber | The ID of the manufacturer. |
nodeId | long long | The value of nodeId provided by the specified fabric during pairing. |
fabricId | long long | The value of fabricId provided by the specified fabric during pairing. |
fabricIndex | NSInteger | The value of index provided by the specified fabric during pairing. |
label | NSString | The value of nodeLabel provided by the specified fabric during pairing. |
isCurrent | BOOL | Indicates whether the current app is working with the specified fabric. |
- (void)fetchFabricList {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare readFabricsWithSuccess:^(NSArray<ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricInfoModel *> * _Nonnull fabrics) {
NSLog(@"read fabrics success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"read fabrics fail: %@", error);
func fetchFabricList() {
fabricShare.readFabrics { fabricInfoModels in
print("read fabrics success: \(fabricInfoModels)")
} failure: { error in
print("read fabrics fail: \(error)")
Removes the specified fabric. Then, the target paired device cannot be controlled in this fabric.
The fabricIndex
of the fabric to be removed cannot be the one used by the current app. You can use the isCurrent
field of ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricInfoModel
to determine whether the current app is working with the target fabric.
API description
- (void)removeFabricIndex:(NSInteger)fabricIndex
failure:(nullable ThingFailureError)failure;
- (void)removeFabricIndex:(NSInteger)fabricIndex {
// self.fabricShare = [[ThingSmartMatterMultipleFabricShare alloc] initWithDeviceModel:deviceModel];
[self.fabricShare removeFabricIndex:fabricIndex success:^{
NSLog(@"remove success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"remove fail: %@", error);
func remove(fabricIndex: Int) {
fabricShare.removeFabricIndex(fabricIndex) {
print("remove success")
} failure: { error in
print("remove fail: %@", error)
For more information about the description of a specific error code, see the declaration and definition in ThingSmartMatterKitErrors.h
Error codes | Description |
3027 | The device is offline on all channels. |
3051 | Failed to open the window for sharing and pairing a device. |
3037 | Failed to read device properties. Example:
3055 | Failed to remove fabricIndex of a device. |
3057 | Failed to make the API request, for example, for fabric passcode . |
3058 | Failed to close the device pairing window. |
3059 | The number of available fabrics is zero. |
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