Overview of Camera Open Capabilities

Last Updated on : 2023-06-15 05:28:29

This topic describes how to integrate with open capabilities of security cameras.

Data points of cameras

For more information, see Public Area Device Data Point.

Data point code Description
tyabinmc7h Face recognition
ttimer Timer
tyabi58fr9 Push messages
ttyabixe55s Video recording
ttyabiucxtc Manual capture
ttyabiysvtf Video preview
ttyabiah99c Voice talk
ttyabi3jvv3 PTZ control
ttyabi74ysm Manual video recording
ttyabisy77h Automatic capture
ttyabiarwq7 High-rise littering detection
ttyabiac8f4 Thermal imaging
ttyabin9x78 Search by image
ttyabitkn9q Temperature measurement
ttyabiat3jc 3D zoom in
ttyabienscp Cruise path
ttyabi44pu7 Face detection
ttyabir4vuc Human shape detection
ttyabiagvay Detection of firefighting access occupation
ttyabi8e9qs Face tracking
ttyabi5wy4n Intrusion
ttyabir5jhu People gathering
ttyabi5vthj People stay
ttyabi7pw33 Electric vehicle detection
ttyabin3xgx Device binding mode
ttyabi38qux Device offline notification
ttyabiduk8x Quick movement
ttyabijtupe Violent motion
ttyabiyks3g Fall detection
ttyabifapjm Unattended baggage
ttyabiwymed Garbage spillover
ttyabipkttr Cross-fence detection
ttyabipuarx Entering a zone
ttyabikdy83 Leaving a zone
ttyabigsrnr Loitering detection
ttyabitytts Off-duty alert
ttyabi5w4ut Foot traffic detection

API description

Capture an image

API name API endpoint
Capture An Image POST: /v1.0/cameras/{device_id}/actions/capture

Face image management

API name API endpoint
Add Face Image POST: /v1.0/cameras/{device_id}/configs/face/{face_id}
Delete Face Image DELETE: /v1.0/cameras/{device_id}/configs/face/{face_id}
Change Face Image PUT: /v1.0/cameras/{device_id}/configs/face/{face_id}

PTZ control

API name API endpoint
PTZ Control POST: /v1.0/cameras/{device_id}/configs/ptz

Camera event format

After you subscribe to the message service for a cloud development project, you can receive event messages from the linked devices.

For more information about the integration with a message queue, see Message Queue.

Report general alert events

API description

When the camera detects and recognizes a preset general alert event, you will be notified by messages. The event code is alarm_info_report.

For more information about the parameter fields, see Report device message event.


    "dataId": "AAXRV4BrtW9BRB9A2JY****",
    "devId": "6cfe10aeb76a63b725****",
    "productKey": "m0h21teryo2g****",
    "status": [
            "3": "{\"subScene\":\"webcam_face_capture\",\"rawData\":\"{\\\"alarmType\\\":200,\\\"alarmCont\\\":\\\"Face capturing alert\\\",\\\"happenTime\\\":1663062188955,\\\"tuyaAlarmType\\\":\\\"ALARM_PERSON_DETECTION\\\",\\\"alarmImageId\\\":\\\"209dde23b3fe89e914f1178951012479\\\"}\"}",
            "code": "alarm_info_report",
            "t": 1637548630455,
            "value": "{\"subScene\":\"webcam_face_capture\",\"rawData\":\"{\\\"alarmType\\\":200,\\\"alarmCont\\\":\\\"Face capturing alert\\\",\\\"happenTime\\\":1663062188955,\\\"tuyaAlarmType\\\":\\\"ALARM_PERSON_DETECTION\\\",\\\"alarmImageId\\\":\\\"209dde23b3fe89e914f1178951012479\\\"}\"}"

Currently, the following alert event types are supported by the camera:

Scene type subScene Description
fire_occupyroad Firefighting access occupation alert
webcam_parabolic High-rise littering alert
webcam_face_recognition Face recognition alert
webcam_car_plate_recognition License plate recognition alert
webcam_capture_image Image capturing
webcam_vca Behavior analytics
webcam_person_flow_rate Foot traffic alert
webcam_temperature Temperature report

rawData parameter description of firefighting access occupation alert

Parameter name Data type Description Required
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
sourceProvider String The source. No
happenTime Long The time when a specified alert occurs. No
subjectType String The type of a specified target object. No
alarmMode Integer The mode of a specified alert. No
areaId Integer The ID of a specified area. No
alarmImageId String The ID of a specified alert image. No
alarmImageUrl String The URL of a specified alert image. No
message String The message of a specified alert. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a specified local image. No

Description of rawData for high-rise littering alert

Parameter name Data type Description Required
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
sourceProvider String The source. No
happenTime Long The time when a specified alert occurs. No
alarmCode Integer The code of a specified alert. No
alarmType Integer The alert type. No
alarmImageFileId String The ID of a specified alert image. No
alarmImageFileUrl String The URL of a specified alert image. No
alarmVideoFileId String The ID of a specified alert video. No
alarmVideoFileUrl String The URL of a specified alert video. No
localVideoUrl String The URL of a specified local video. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a specified local image. No

Description of rawData for face recognition alert

Parameter name Data type Description Required
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
sourceProvider String The source. No
happenTime Long The time when a specified alert occurs. No
alarmType Integer The alert type. No
alarmLevel String The severity level of a specified alert. No
alarmImageId String The ID of a specified alert image. No
alarmImageUrl String The URL of a specified alert image. No
userName String The username. No
faceId String The face ID. No
faceImageId String The ID of a specified face image. No
faceImageUrl String The URL of a specified face image. No
similarity Float The similarity. No
sex String The gender. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a specified local image. No
localFacePicUrl String The URL of a specified local face image. No

Description of rawData for license plate recognition alert

Parameter name Data type Description Required
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
sourceProvider String The source. No
happenTime Long The time when a specified alert occurs. No
plateNo String The license plate number. No
alarmImageId String The ID of a specified alert image. No
alarmImageUrl String The URL of a specified alert image. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a specified local image. No

Description of rawData for image capturing

Parameter name Data type Description Required
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
sourceProvider String The source. No
happenTime Long The time when a specified alert occurs. No
sn String The serial number. No
alarmImageId String The ID of a specified alert image. No
alarmImageUrl String The URL of a specified alert image. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a specified local image. No

Description of rawData for behavior analytics

Parameter name Data type Description Required
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
sourceProvider String The source. No
happenTime Long The time when a specified alert occurs. No
alarmType Integer The alert type. No
tuyaAlarmType String The alert type defined by Tuya. No
alarmCont String The content of a specified alert. No
alarmImageId String The ID of a specified alert image. No
alarmImageUrl String The URL of a specified alert image. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a specified local image. No

Description of rawData for foot traffic alert

Parameter name Data type Description Required
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
sourceProvider String The source. No
happenTime Long The time when a specified alert occurs. No
alarmCont String The content of a specified alert. No
realTimeInfo RealTimeFlowRateInfo The real-time foot traffic. No
periodInfo PeriodFlowRateInfo The foot traffic within a specified time period. No
Parameters of RealTimeFlowRateInfo
startTime Long The start time when the foot traffic is cleared. No
inNum Integer The number of persons who enter a specified area. No
outNum Integer The number of persons who leave a specified area. No
passNum Integer The number of persons who pass a specified area. No
childInNum Integer The number of children who enter a specified area. No
childOutNum Integer The number of children who leave a specified area. No
attentNum Integer The number of persons who are engaged with a specified area. No
duplicateNum Integer The number of duplicate foot traffic. No
Parameters of PeriodFlowRateInfo
endTime Long The end time of the statistics. No

Description of rawData for temperature report

Parameter name Data type Description Required
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
sourceProvider String The source. No
happenTime Long The time when a specified alert occurs. No
alarmType Integer The alert type. No
alarmLevel String The severity level of a specified alert. No
tuyaAlarmType String The alert type defined by Tuya. No
alarmCont String The content of a specified alert. No
alarmImageId String The ID of a specified alert image. No
alarmImageUrl String The URL of a specified alert image. No
fTemp Float The temperature, in °C. No
thermoImageId String The ID of a specified thermal image. No
localThermoImageUrl String The URL of a specified local thermal image. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a specified local image. No

Camera event format v1.0

Device event messages are compatible with v1.0 format. If you want to subscribe to the v1.0 format, please contact Tuya’s staff. For more information about the integration process, see Device event format v1.0.

General alert events of the camera

API description

When the camera detects and recognizes a preset general alert event, you will be notified by messages.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: edge_device_alarm. Yes
mode String The mode of a specified event. Default value: monitor-alarm. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. Yes
subScene String The alert scene. Default value: webcam_alarm. Yes
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert event. Yes
alarmCont String The content of a specified alert. Yes
alarmType Integer The type of a specified alert. Yes
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an alert occurs. Yes

Description of alert types

Alert type Description
0 Unknown alert.
1 Signal loss.
2 Motion detection.
3 Video tampering.
4 Signal exception.
5 Video recording exception.
6 The resolution rates do not match.
7 Failed to request decoding resources.
8 The obtained sound resource is lost.
9 Camera perspective exception.
10 Defocus detection exception.
11 Alert of scene change.


  "eventType": "edge_device_alarm",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "mode": "monitor-alarm",
  "data": {
    "deviceId": "6c280fdff93c18e45be***",
    "rawData": {
      "subScene": "webcam_alarm",
      "alarmId": "1122567",
      "alarmCont": "People gathering",
      "alarmType": 105,
      "happenTime": 1613616817285

Firefighting access occupation alert event

API description

When the camera detects a firefighting access occupation event, you will be notified by messages.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: edge_device_alarm. Yes
mode String The mode of a specified event. Default value: monitor-alarm. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. Yes
subScene String The alert scene. Default value: fire_occupyroad. Yes
subjectType String The code of a specified target object type. Currently, only vehicle is available. Yes
areaId String The ID of a specified area. Yes
picUrl String The temporary URL of an image about firefighting access occupation. This image can be downloaded through the URL and saved. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a local image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an alert occurs. Yes


  "eventType": "edge_device_alarm",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "mode": "monitor-alarm",
  "data": {
    "deviceId": "6c280fdff93c18e45be***",
    "rawData": {
      "subScene": "fire_occupyroad",
      "picUrl": "http://www.xxx.com/pic.jpg",
      "areaId": "1112222",
      "subjectType": "vehicle",
      "happenTime": 1613616817285

High-rise littering alert event

API description

When the camera detects a high-rise littering event, you will be notified by messages.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: edge_device_alarm. Yes
mode String The mode of a specified event. Default value: monitor-alarm. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. Yes
subScene String The alert scene. Default value: webcam_parabolic. Yes
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert event. Yes
alarmCode Integer The code of a specified alert. Valid values:
0: high-rise littering.
1: smoke and flame recognition.
alarmType Integer The event type. Valid values:
1: Report an alert event.
2: Report an alert image.
3: Report an alert video.
picUrl String The temporary URL of a specified captured image. This image can be downloaded through the URL and saved. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a local image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
videoUrl String The temporary URL of a specified captured video. This video can be downloaded through the URL and saved. No
localVideoUrl String The URL of a local video. This parameter applies only when the video is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an alert occurs. Yes


  "eventType": "edge_device_alarm",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "mode": "monitor-alarm",
  "data": {
    "deviceId": "6c280fdff93c18e45be***",
    "rawData": {
      "subScene": "webcam_parabolic",
      "picUrl": "http://www.xxx.com/pic.jpg",
      "alarmId": "1112178",
      "alarmCode": 0,
      "alarmType": 1,
      "happenTime": 1613616817285

Face recognition alert event

API description

Images of persons and their faces are sent to the camera. When the camera detects and recognizes a face, you will be notified by messages.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: edge_device_alarm. Yes
mode String The mode of a specified event. Default value: monitor-alarm. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. Yes
subScene String The alert scene. Default value: webcam_face_recognition. Yes
userName String The username. No
faceId String The face ID. A faceId is generated when a face image is added. Yes
facePicUrl String The temporary URL of a specified face image in the face database. This image can be downloaded through the URL and saved. The image can only be a .jpg file. No
localFacePicUrl String The URL of a local face image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
picUrl String The temporary URL of a specified captured face image. This image can be downloaded through the URL and saved. The image can only be a .jpg file. Yes
localPicUrl String The URL of a local image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
alarmType Integer The alert type. No
alarmLevel String The severity level of a specified alert. No
similarity Float The similarity. Valid values range from 0 to 100. No
sex String The gender. Valid values:
1: male.
2: female.
UNKNOWN: unknown.
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an alert occurs. Yes


  "eventType": "edge_device_alarm",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "mode": "monitor-alarm",
  "data": {
    "deviceId": "6c280fdff93c18e45be***",
    "rawData": {
      "subScene": "webcam_face_recognition",
      "facePicUrl": "http://www.xxx.com/face.jpg",
      "picUrl": "http://www.xxx.com/pic.jpg",
      "userName": "James",
      "faceId": "123",
      "alarmType": 1,
      "alarmLevel": "high",
      "similarity": 80.1,
      "sex": "1",
      "happenTime": 1613616817285

License plate recognition alert event

API description

License plate numbers are entered in the system. When the camera detects and recognizes a license plate number, an alert event will be triggered and you will be notified by messages.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: edge_device_alarm. Yes
mode String The mode of a specified event. Default value: monitor-alarm. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. Yes
subScene String The alert scene. Default value: webcam_car_plate_recognition. Yes
plateNo String The license plate number. Yes
picUrl String The temporary URL of a specified captured license plate image. This image can be downloaded through the URL and saved. The image can only be a .jpg file. No
localPicUrl String The URL of a local image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an alert occurs. Yes


  "eventType": "edge_device_alarm",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "mode": "monitor-alarm",
  "data": {
    "deviceId": "6c280fdff93c18e45be***",
    "rawData": {
      "subScene": "webcam_car_plate_recognition",
      "picUrl": "http://www.xxx.com/pic.jpg",
      "plateNo": "A1***5",
      "happenTime": 1613616817285

Image capturing event

API description

After the camera is instructed to capture an image, the captured image will be sent to you by messages.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
mode String The mode of a specified event. Default value: monitor-alarm. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: edge_device_alarm. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. Yes
subScene String The alert scene. Default value: webcam_capture_image. Yes
picUrl String The temporary URL of a specified captured image. This image can be downloaded through the URL and saved. The image can only be a .jpg file. Yes
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an alert occurs. Yes


  "eventType": "edge_device_alarm",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "mode": "monitor-alarm",
  "data": {
    "deviceId": "6cfc6009cddda0bb9fv***",
    "rawData": {
      "subScene": "webcam_capture_image",
      "picUrl": "https://aaa.jpg",
      "happenTime": 1627358395883

Behavior analytics event

API description

The camera detects behavior and performs behavior analytics.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
mode String The mode of a specified event. Default value: monitor-alarm. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: edge_device_alarm. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. Yes
subScene String The alert scene. Default value: webcam_vca. Yes
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
alarmType Integer The alert type. Yes
alarmCont String The content of a specified alert. Yes
picUrl String The temporary URL of a specified captured image. This image can be downloaded through the URL and saved. The image can only be a .jpg file. Yes
localPicUrl String The URL of a local image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an alert occurs. Yes

Description of alert types

Alert type Description
100 Intrusion alarm
101 Cross-fence detection
102 Entering a zone
103 Leaving a zone
104 Loitering detection
105 People gathering
106 Quick movement
107 Violent motion
108 Fall detection
109 Off-duty alert
110 People stay
111 Inconsistent number of people
112 Unattended baggage
113 Baggage pickup
114 Electric vehicle in the elevator
119 Garbage spillover


  "eventType": "edge_device_alarm",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "mode": "monitor-alarm",
  "data": {
    "deviceId": "6cfc6009cddda0bb9fv***",
    "rawData": {
      "subScene": "webcam_vca",
      "alarmId": "11111",
      "alarmType": 114,
      "alarmCont": "Electric vehicle in the elevator",
      "picUrl": "https://a.jpg",
      "happenTime": 11122233

Foot traffic alert event

API description

The camera counts the foot traffic. You will be notified by messages.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
mode String The mode of a specified event. Default value: monitor-alarm. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: edge_device_alarm. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. Yes
subScene String The alert scene. Default value: webcam_person_flow_rate. Yes
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
alarmCont String The content of a specified alert. Yes
realTimeInfo JSON object The real-time foot traffic information in JSON format. Yes
periodInfo JSON object The foot traffic information within a specified time period, in JSON format. Yes
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an alert occurs. Yes


  "eventType": "edge_device_alarm",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "mode": "monitor-alarm",
  "data": {
    "deviceId": "6cfc6009cddda0bb9fv***",
    "rawData": {
      "subScene": "webcam_person_flow_rate",
      "alarmId": "11111",
      "alarmCont": "Alert content",
      "realTimeInfo": {
          "startTime": 11, // long  The start time when the foot traffic is cleared.
          "inNum": 10, // int  The number of persons who enter a specified area.
          "outNum": 20, // int The number of persons who leave a specified area.
          "passNum": 30, // int  The number of persons who pass a specified area.
          "childInNum": 40, // int The number of children who enter a specified area.
          "childOutNum": 50, // int The number of children who leave a specified area.
          "attentNum": 60, // int The number of persons who are engaged with a specified area.
          "duplicateNum": 70 // int The number of duplicate foot traffic.
      "periodInfo": {
        "startTime": 11, // long  The start time when the foot traffic is cleared.
        "endTime": 22, // long The end time of counting.
        "inNum": 10, // int  The number of persons who enter a specified area.
        "outNum": 20, // int The number of persons who leave a specified area.
        "passNum": 30, // int  The number of persons who pass a specified area.
        "childInNum": 40, // int The number of children who enter a specified area.
        "childOutNum": 50, // int The number of children who leave a specified area.
        "attentNum": 60, // int The number of persons who are engaged with a specified area.
        "duplicateNum": 70 // int The number of duplicate foot traffic.
      "happenTime": 11122233

Temperature report event

API description

Report the temperature measurement data collected by the camera.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
mode String The mode of a specified event. Default value: monitor-report. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: edge_report_data. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. Yes
subScene String The alert scene. Default value: webcam_temperature. Yes
alarmId String The ID of a specified alert. Yes
alarmType Integer The alert type. Yes
alarmCont String The content of a specified alert. Yes
picUrl String The temporary URL of a specified original image. This image can be downloaded through the URL and saved. The image can only be a .jpg file. Yes
localPicUrl String The URL of a local image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
thermoImageUrl String The temporary URL of a specified thermal image. This image can be downloaded through the URL and saved. The image can only be a .jpg file. Note: Some device manufacturers do not support this field and it is not required. No
localThermoImageUrl String The URL of a local thermal image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
fTemp Float The temperature, in °C. Yes
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an alert occurs. Yes


  "eventType": "edge_report_data",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "mode": "monitor-report",
  "data": {
    "deviceId": "6cfc6009cddda0bb9fv***",
    "rawData": {
      "subScene": "webcam_temperature",
      "alarmId": "1111",
      "alarmType": 0,
      "alarmLevel": "1",
      "alarmCont": "Temperature 35°C",
      "picUrl": "https://aa.jpg",
      "thermoPicUrl": "https://bb.jpg",
      "fTemp": 35.0,
      "happenTime": 111222333

Report the result of searching for images asynchronously

API description

When you search for images by using the edge gateway, the result will be sent to you in Pulsar messages.


Parameter name Data type Description Required
bizCode String The business code of a specified event. Default value: edge_device. Yes
eventType String The type of a specified event. Default value: cmd_issue_result. Yes
deviceId String The ID of a specified Tuya device. When the underlying layer is a platform, this field refers to the ID of the platform. Yes
data String JSON data. Yes
sn String The ID of a specified command record. Yes
processStatus Integer The execution status of a command. Valid values:
1: The command is being sent.
2: The command has already been sent.
3: The command has been sent successfully.
4: Failed to send the command.
message String The description of the command execution. In case of a failure, an error message will be returned. No
happenTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when a command is executed. Yes
subScene String The sub-scene. Default value: face_retrieval. The return data type can be distinguished by this value. Yes
facePicUrl String The URL of a specified temporary face image. Yes
localFacePicUrl String The URL of a local face image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
bgPicUrl String The temporary background image. Yes
localBgPicUrl String The URL of a local background image. This parameter applies only when the image is saved in the local storage of the underlying platform. No
deviceId String The ID of a specified camera that captures an image. Yes
captureTime Long The 13-digit timestamp when an image is captured. Yes
score Float The similarity score. Valid values range from 0 to 1. Yes


  "eventType": "cmd_issue_result",
  "bizCode": "edge_device",
  "data": "Message data"

The message data is in JSON format.

  "sn": "1212581947449081***",
  "subScene": "face_retrieval",
  "deviceId": "002dj00118fe34d9**** ",
  "processStatus": 3,
  "message": "The command has already been sent",
  "happenTime": 1591693362843,
  "bizData": [
      "facePicUrl": "http://aa.jpg",
      "bgPicUrl": "http://bb.jpg",
      "projectId": "12345",
      "deviceId": "aaabbb",
      "reportTime": 2233344,
      "score": 0.86