Unlock & Alarm Records API

Last Updated on : 2023-06-15 05:15:07

Unlock & Alarm Records API

Query unlocking records

Note: This API only applies to legacy versions.

Applicable lock types

  • Wi-Fi lock
  • Zigbee lock for hotel use
  • Bluetooth lock

API endpoint

GET /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/door-lock/open-logs

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter type Description Required
device_id String URI The device ID. Yes
page_no Integer URL The page number. Yes
page_size Integer URL The number of records returned on each page. Yes
start_time Long URL The start time. Yes
end_time Long URL The end time. Yes

Sample request

GET /v1.0/devices/vdevo153459260090544/door-lock/open-logs?page_no=1&page_size=20&start_time=1543213146&end_time=1543213546

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
Code Integer The error code that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds.
success Boolean Indicates whether the operation is successful. Valid values:
  • true: succeeded.
  • false: failed.
t Long The response time.
msg String The error message that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds.
result Object The returned result.


Parameter Type Description
total Integer The total number of records.
logs List A list of unlocking records.

Description of logs

Parameter Type Description
status List A list of lock status.
update_time Long The time when the status is updated.
unlock_name String The name of a specified unlocking method.
user_id String The user ID.
nick_name String The username.

Description of status

Parameter Type Description
Code String The status code.
value Object The status value.

Description of status codes

Parameter Type Description
unlock_fingerprint Long Unlock with a fingerprint. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_password Long Unlock with a password. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_temporary Long Unlock with a temporary password. The value is the password ID.
unlock_dynamic Long Unlock with a dynamic password. The value is the password ID.
unlock_card Long Unlock with a card. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_face Long Unlock with face recognition. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_key Long Unlock with a mechanical key. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_identity_card Long Unlock with an ID card. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_emergency Long Unlock with an emergency password. The number is assigned locally by the lock.

Sample response on success


Sample response on failure

    "success": false,
    "code": 500, // The error code. For more information, see Global Error Codes.
    "msg": "system error, please contact the admin"

Query the unlocking records

Applicable lock types

  • Wi-Fi lock
  • Zigbee lock for hotel use
  • Bluetooth lock
  • Wi-Fi lock with video talk

API endpoint

GET /v1.1/devices/{device_id}/door-lock/open-logs

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter type Description Required
device_id String URI The device ID. Yes
page_no Integer URL The page number. Yes
page_size Integer URL The number of records returned on each page. Yes
start_time Long URL The start time. Yes
end_time Long URL The end time. Yes
showMediaInfo Boolean URL Indicates whether to display image information. No

Sample request

GET /v1.1/devices/6cdb36b2e489885fa57lzm/door-lock/open-logs?page_no=1&page_size=3&start_time=1553053133000&end_time=1614008938000&show_media_info=true

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
Code Integer The error code that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds.
success Boolean Indicates whether the operation is successful. Valid values:
  • true: succeeded.
  • false: failed.
t Long The response time.
msg String The error message that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds.
result Object The returned result.


Parameter Type Description
total Integer The total number of records.
logs List A list of unlocking records.

Description of logs

Parameter Type Description
status List A list of lock status.
update_time Long The time when the status is updated.
unlock_name String The name of a specified unlocking method.
user_id String The user ID.
nick_name String The username.
media_infos List The media information.

Description of media_infos

Parameter Type Description
file_url String The full URL of a specified cover image.
file_key String The secret key of a specified file.
media_url String The full URL of a video.
media_key String The secret key of a specified video file.

Description of status

Parameter Type Description
Code String The status code.
value Object The status value.

Description of status codes

Parameter Type Description
unlock_fingerprint Long Unlock with a fingerprint. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_password Long Unlock with a password. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_temporary Long Unlock with a temporary password. The value is the password ID.
unlock_dynamic Long Unlock with a dynamic password. The value is the password ID.
unlock_card Long Unlock with a card. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_face Long Unlock with face recognition. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_key Long Unlock with a mechanical key. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_identity_card Long Unlock with an ID card. The number is assigned locally by the lock.
unlock_emergency Long Unlock with an emergency password. The number is assigned locally by the lock.

Sample response on success

  "result": {
    "logs": [
         "media_infos": [
            "file_key": "uwu5m7kvj45av47g",
            "file_url": "https://..."
        "nick_name": "",
        "status": {
          "code": "unlock_app",
          "value": "0"
        "unlock_name": "",
        "update_time": 1613978384000,
        "user_id": "0"
    "total": 1
  "success": true,
  "t": 1614063791358

Sample response on failure

    "success": false,
    "code": 500, // The error code. For more information, see Global Error Codes.
    "msg": "system error, please contact the admin"

Get alert records

Note: This API only applies to legacy versions.

Applicable lock types

  • Wi-Fi lock
  • Zigbee lock
  • Zigbee lock for hotel use
  • Bluetooth lock

API endpoint

GET /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/door-lock/alarm-logs

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter type Description Required
device_id String URI The device ID. Yes
page_no Integer URL The page number. Yes
page_size Integer URL The number of records returned on each page. Yes
dp_codes String URL The data point (DP) code of alert features. Separate multiple codes by a comma (,). Common alerts are queried by default. No

Sample request

GET /v1.0/devices/vdevo153459260090544/door-lock/alarm-logs?page_no=1&page_size=20&dp_codes=hijack

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
Code Integer The error code that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds. For more information, see Global Error Codes.
success Boolean Indicates whether the operation is successful. Valid values:
  • true: succeeded.
  • false: failed.
t Long The response time.
msg String The error message that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds.
result Object The returned result.


Parameter Type Description
total Integer The total number of records.
records List A list of alert records.

Description of records

Parameter Type Description
status List A list of lock alerts.
update_time Long The time when the status is updated.
nickName String The username.

Description of status

Parameter Type Description
Code String The DP code of a specified alert.
value Object The status value. The value of a duress alarm is the value of the DP set to trigger a duress event.

Sample response on success


Sample response on failure

    "success": false,
    "code": 500, // The error code. For more information, see Global Error Codes.
    "msg": "system error, please contact the admin"

Get alert records

Applicable lock types

  • Wi-Fi lock
  • Zigbee lock
  • Zigbee lock for hotel use
  • Bluetooth lock
  • Wi-Fi lock with video talk

API endpoint

GET /v1.1/devices/{device_id}/door-lock/alarm-logs

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter type Description Required
device_id String URI The device ID. Yes
page_no Integer URL The page number. Yes
page_size Integer URL The number of records returned on each page. Yes
codes String URL The data point (DP) code of alert features. Separate multiple codes by a comma (,). Common alerts are queried by default. No
show_media_info Boolean URL Indicates whether to display image information. No

Sample request

GET /v1.1/devices/6ca87475b5bfbaa716felz/door-lock/alarm-logs?page_size=20&codes=doorbell&showMediaInfo=true&page_no=1

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
Code Integer The error code that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds. For more information, see Global Error Codes.
success Boolean Indicates whether the operation is successful. Valid values:
  • true: succeeded.
  • false: failed.
t Long The response time.
msg String The error message that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds.
result Object The returned result.


Parameter Type Description
total Integer The total number of records.
records List A list of alert records.

Description of records

Parameter Type Description
status List A list of lock alerts.
update_time Long The time when the status is updated.
nickName String The username.
media_infos List The media information.

Description of media_infos

Parameter Type Description
file_url String The full URL of a specified cover image.
file_key String The secret key of a specified file.
media_url String The full URL of a video.
media_key String The secret key of a specified video file.

Description of status

Parameter Type Description
Code String The DP code of a specified alert.
value Object The status value. The value of a duress alarm is the value of the DP set to trigger a duress event.

Sample response on success

    "result": {
        "records": [
                "media_infos": [
                        "file_key": "jxmgqs59gfr899qe",
                        "file_url": "https://ty-cn-storage60-1254153901.cos.tuyacn.com/"
                "nick_name": "",
                "status": [
                        "code": "alarm_lock",
                        "value": "wrong_password"
                "update_time": 1613979671000
        "total": 1
    "success": true,
    "t": 1614152402757

Sample response on failure

    "success": false,
    "code": 500, // The error code. For more information, see Global Error Codes.
    "msg": "system error, please contact the admin"

Get the alert records and unlocking records.

Applicable lock types

  • Wi-Fi access control devices

API endpoint

GET /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/door-lock/records

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter type Description Required
device_id String URI The device ID. Yes
target_standard_dp_codes String Query The standard DP codes, separated with commas (,). Yes
start_time Long Query The start time. The value is 0 when the time range is not required. Yes
end_time Long Query The end time. The value is 0 when the time range is not required. Yes
page_no Integer Query The current page number, starting from 1. Yes
page_size Integer Query The number of records returned on each page. Yes

Sample request

GET /v1.0/devices/vdevo1623226445*****/door-lock/records?targetStandardDpCodes=unlock_password,unlock_card&startTime=0&endTime=0&pageNo=1&pageSize=10

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
Code Integer The error code that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds. For more information, see Global Error Codes.
success Boolean Indicates whether the operation is successful. Valid values:
  • true: succeeded.
  • false: failed.
t Long The response time.
msg String The error message that is returned if the API call fails. This parameter value is empty if the API call succeeds.
result Object The returned result.


Parameter Type Description
has_more Integer Indicates whether additional data is available.
total_pages Integer The total number of pages.
total Integer The total number of records.
records List The number of records returned on each page.

Description of records

Parameter Type Description
record_id String The ID of a specified record.
media_info_list List The multimedia information, such as a video or image.
union_unlock_info List The information about combination unlocking methods.
unlock_name String The name of a specified unlocking method.
gmt_create Long The time when it was created.
dps List The DP data.
avatar String The avatar of a specified user.
member_bindable_flag Integer Specifies whether the record can be linked with a user. Valid values:
  • 1: Yes.
  • 0: No. Maybe the record is already linked with a user.
user_id String The user ID.
user_name String The username.
record_type String The type of a record. Valid values:
  • alarm: an alert record.
  • normal: a general unlocking record.

Description of media_info_list

Parameter Type Description
file_url String The full URL of a specified cover image.
file_key String The secret key of a specified file.
media_url String The full URL of a video.
media_key String The secret key of a specified video file.

Description of union_unlock_info

Parameter Type Description
user_name String The username.
opmode String The type of unlocking.
unlock_name String The name of a specified unlocking method.

Description of dps

dps is an array where each data is in JSON format. The key refers to dpCode, and the value refers to the value of a specified dpCode.

Sample response on success

  "result": {
    "has_more": false,
    "records": [
        "avatar": "https://images.tuyacn.com/smart/user_avatar/ay1565317415087U6QVp/F062FD1C-CA44-440A-9AE5-E270BE4826DD.png?sign=q-sign-algorithm%3Dsha1%26q-ak%3DAKIDopcCYgw0qRoyV5qfKjvg2pPkqESnb5zI%26q-sign-time%3D1624606578%3B1624610178%26q-key-time%3D1624606578%3B1624610178%26q-header-list%3Dhost%26q-url-param-list%3D%26q-signature%3D467422052c41744943fa1c734ed9a44ad2ad7fe1",
        "dps": [
            "unlock_password": "*"
        "gmt_create": 1624604728299,
        "member_bindable_flag": 0,
        "record_id": "162460b8cfcbb6-d583-11eb-adea-0242878ef26647****",
        "record_type": "alarm",
        "unlock_name": "Password 1",
        "user_id": "3066****",
        "user_name": "James"
    "total": 1,
    "total_pages": 1
  "success": true,
  "t": 1624606578846

Sample response on failure

    "success": false,
    "code": 500, // The error code. For more information, see Global Error Codes.
    "msg": "system error, please contact the admin"

Link a specified record with a user

Applicable lock types

  • Wi-Fi access control devices

API endpoint

POST /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/door-lock/records/{record_id}/actions/allocate

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter type Description Required
device_id String URI The device ID. Yes
record_id String URI The ID of a specified record. Yes
user_id String BODY The user ID. Yes

Sample request

POST /v1.0/devices/vdevo16232264458****/door-lock/records/162315AAXEQDzL*****CRCxYNIADC506****/actions/allocate
  "userId": 1980012

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
result boolean The operation result.

Sample response on success

    "success": true,
    "t": 1571898808491,
    "result": true

Sample response on failure

    "success": false,
    "code": 500, // The error code. For more information, see Global Error Codes.
    "msg": "system error, please contact the admin"