Universal Infrared Open APIs(deprecated)

Last Updated on : 2024-06-26 09:30:37download

The universal infrared (IR) remote control, also known as the universal IR control hub, provides various and powerful functions and supports DIY learning. It allows you to quickly connect the non-smart home appliances to the internet, control devices with mobile apps, and create scenario linkages. For more information about product description and specification, see Universal IR remote control.


Term Description
infrared_id The ID of the universal IR control hub (device ID) is equivalent to device_id. It will be returned by Network Pairing Management or got from the Device List.
remote_id The remote control ID bound to the universal IR control hub is used to virtually map a remote control.
remote_index The remote control index is associated with a set of IR codes, representing a collection of remote control functions.
Common remote control Remote control for TVs and fans.
Set-top box remote control Remote control for set-top boxes.
Air conditioner remote control Remote control for air conditioners.
DIY learning If IR devices and functions are not available in the Tuya IR code library, you can achieve desired functions through DIY learning.
Smart matching The learned IR code helps to quickly match the remote control index.

Common remote control

Currently, the common remote control applies to TVs, set-top boxes, air conditioners, and fans.

Quick start

The following scenario is for your reference only. You can develop different service scenarios based on open APIs.

Universal Infrared Open APIs(deprecated)

Operation process

  • Get the list of supported IR device categories. Currently, support remote control for TVs, set-top boxes, air conditioners, and fans. API(1): API documentation—Get IR device categories

  • Get the list of supported brands in terms of device categories you wish to control. API(2): API documentation—Get supported brand list

  • Select a brand and get the IR code library index of remote controls. API(3): API documentation—Get remote control index by supported brands

  • A brand may have multiple IR code library indexes. You need to test and find indexes suitable for the IR devices. It is recommended to test at least three valid keys before adding a remote control. API(4): API documentation—Remote control command: test scenario keys by standard keys

  • After confirming the available IR code library index, use this index to bind the common remote control to the IR devices. API(7): API documentation—Add common remote control

  • Use the common remote control to control devices by standard IR commands. See Standard IR commands. API(8): API documentation—Remote control command: added remote control by standard keys

Non-standard IR commands

Generally, standard IR commands cover most application scenarios. If remote control capabilities for certain categories are not included, you can query the set of full capabilities of the remote control by remote control ID.

Note: The standard IR commands are Tuya’s highly abstract command sets for the same category. You can develop unified control methods by categories, without integrating IR command sets for different brands and models, namely the non-standard IR command sets.

  • Get pairing rules by the IR code library index.

    API(5): API documentation—Get pairing rules

  • Send commands by the keyID in the returned pairing rules.

    API(6): API documentation—Remote control command: test scenario key by pairing rules

    API(9): API documentation—Remote control command: added remote control by pairing rules

API list

Request method API Description
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories Get IR device categories.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories/{category_id}/brands Get supported brand list.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories/{category_id}/brands/{brand_id} Get remote control index by supported brands.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/normal/add-remote Add common remote control.

Get IR device categories

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories

API description

Get IR device categories. Currently, TVs, set-top boxes, air conditioners, and fans are supported.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
category_id String Device category ID
category_name String Device name

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/categories

Success example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1539776581583,
  "result": [
      "category_id": "1",
      "category_name": "Set-top box"
      "category_id": "2",
      "category_name": "TV"
      "category_id": "5",
      "category_name": "Air conditioner"
      "category_id": "8",
      "category_name": "Fan"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get supported brand list

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories/{category_id}/brands

API description

Get supported brand list by remote control categories, covering TV and air conditioner.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String URI Device category ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
brand_id String Brand ID
brand_name String Brand name

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/categories/2/brands

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "brand_id": "907",
      "brand_name": "Denon"
      "brand_id": "3080",
      "brand_name": "ENVISION"
      "brand_id": "472",
      "brand_name": "Feilu"
      "brand_id": "352",
      "brand_name": "Optoma"
      "brand_id": "2427",
      "brand_name": "RICHINFO"
      "brand_id": "232",
      "brand_name": "SANYO"
      "brand_id": "1216",
      "brand_name": "Kaisui"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get remote control index by supported brands

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories/{category_id}/brands/{brand_id}

API description

Get the indexes of all remote control models of a specified brand by its brand ID.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String URI Device category ID Yes
brand_id String URI Brand ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
remote_index String Remote control index

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/categories/2/brands/907

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "remote_index": "1092"
      "remote_index": "1102"
      "remote_index": "1107"
      "remote_index": "1112"
      "remote_index": "1117"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Add common remote control

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/normal/add-remote

API description

Add a remote control of a specified model to form an instantiated virtual remote control.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String BODY Device category ID Yes
brand_id String BODY Brand ID No
brand_name String BODY Brand name No
remote_index String BODY Remote control index Yes
remote_name String BODY Remote control name Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
remote_id String Device ID of the remote control

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/normal/add-remote
  "category_id": "2",
  "category_name": "TV",
  "brand_id": "27",
  "brand_name": "TCL",
  "remote_index": "10982",
  "remote_name": "Remote control name"

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": {
    "remote_id": "6cb9e4eaf1e462b3d4ihh7"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Set-top box remote control

The set-top box supports IPTV and non-IPTV.

Note: Since carriers and brands vary from place to place, you need to determine carriers and brands in terms of users’ locations. This service is currently only available in mainland China.

Quick start

The following scenario is for your reference only. You can develop different service scenarios based on open APIs.

Universal Infrared Open APIs(deprecated)

Operation process

  • Get the list of supported IR device categories. API(1): API documentation—Get IR device categories

  • Select a location.

    API(2): API documentation—Get province list

    API(3): API documentation—Get city list

    API(4): API documentation—Get area list

  • Get the list of supported carriers by specified area. API(5): API documentation—Get carrier list by area

  • Get the list of supported brands by selected carriers. API(6): API documentation—Get brand list by carrier

  • Select a brand and get the IR code library index of remote controls.

    API(7): API documentation—Get remote control index by brand

    API(8): API documentation—Get remote control index by area

  • A brand may have multiple IR code library indexes. You need to test and find indexes suitable for the IR devices. It is recommended to test at least three valid keys before adding a remote control. API(9): API documentation—Remote control command: test scenario keys by standard keys

  • After confirming the available IR code library index, use this index to bind the set-top box remote control to the IR devices. API(12): API documentation—Add set-top box remote control

  • Use the added remote control to control devices by standard IR commands. See Standard IR commands. API(13): API documentation—Remote control command: added remote control by standard keys

See Non-standard IR commands

API list

Request method API Description
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/provinces Get province list.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/provinces/{province_id}/cities Get city list.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/provinces/{province_id}/cities/{city_id}/areas Get area list.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/areas/{area_id}/iptvs Get carrier list by area.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/operators/{operator_id}/brands? country_code= Get brand list by carrier.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/operators/{operator_id}/brands/{brand_id}/iptvs Get remote control index by brand.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/operators/{operator_id}/areas/{area_id} Get remote control index by area.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/box/add-remote Add set-top box remote control.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/{remote_id}/channel Query the list of TV channels
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/channel/switch Switch TV channels.

Get province list

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/provinces

API description

Get province list.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
province_id Integer Province ID
province_name String Province name

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/provinces

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      province_id: 120000,
      province_name: "Tianjin"
      province_id: 320000,
      province_name: "Jiangsu Province"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get city list

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/provinces/{province_id}/cities

API description

Get city list by province ID.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
province_id Integer URI Province ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
province_id Integer Province ID
city_id Integer City ID
city_name String City name

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/provinces/330000/cities

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "province_id": 330000,
      "city_id": 330700,
      "city_name": "Jinhua"
      "province_id": 330000,
      "city_id": 330800,
      "city_name": "Wenzhou"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get area list

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/provinces/{province_id}/cities/{city_id}/areas

API description

Get area list by province ID and city ID.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
province_id Integer URI Province ID Yes
city_id Integer URI City ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
province_id Integer Province ID
city_id Integer City ID
area_id Integer Area ID
area_name String Area name

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/provinces/330000/cities/30500/areas

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "province_id": 330000,
      "city_id": 30500,
      "area_id": 330523,
      "area_name": "Anji County"
      "province_id": 330000,
      "city_id": 30500,
      "area_id": 330522,
      "area_name": "Changxing County "

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get carrier list by area

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/areas/{area_id}/iptvs

API description

Regarding set-top box devices, get the IPTV list supported by specified areas.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
area_id String URI Area ID, accurate to the county level. Use administrative division code. Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
operator_id String Carrier ID
operator_name String Carrier name
country_code String Country code
iptv_type Integer IPTV flag. 1: IPTV. 0: non-IPTV.

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/areas/510114/iptvs

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "operator_id": "1062",
      "operator_name": "Chengdu Telecom IPTV",
      "country_code": "CN",
      "iptv_type": 1

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get brand list by carrier

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/operators/{operator_id}/brands?country_code=

API description

Regarding set-top box devices, get the brand list supported by carriers.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
operator_id String URI Carrier ID Yes
country_code String URI Country code, such as CN for China Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
brand_id String Brand ID
brand_name String Brand name

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/operators/3040/brands?country_code=CN

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "brand_id": "907",
      "brand_name": "Denon"
      "brand_id": "3080",
      "brand_name": "ENVISION"
      "brand_id": "472",
      "brand_name": "Feilu"
      "brand_id": "352",
      "brand_name": "Optoma"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get remote control index by brand

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/operators/{operator_id}/brands/{brand_id}/iptvs

API description

Get the remote control index supporting IPTV carriers by brand ID.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
operator_id String URI Carrier ID Yes
brand_id String URI Brand ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
remote_index String Remote control index

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/operators/3040/brands/2/iptvs

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "remote_index": "1092"
      "remote_index": "1102"
      "remote_index": "1107"
      "remote_index": "1112"
      "remote_index": "1117"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get remote control index by area

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/operators/{operator_id}/areas/{area_id}

API description

Get the remote control index supporting non-IPTV carriers by area ID.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
operator_id String URI Carrier ID Yes
area_id String URI Area ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
remote_index String Remote control index

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/operators/1062/areas/510116

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "remote_index": "5129"
      "remote_index": "5262"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Add set-top box remote control

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/box/add-remote

API description

Add set-top box remote control.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String BODY Device category ID Yes
brand_id String BODY Brand ID Yes
brand_name String BODY Brand name No
remote_index String BODY Remote control index Yes
remote_name String BODY Remote control name Yes
iptv_type Integer BODY Whether it is IPTV.
1: yes
0: no
operator_id String BODY Carrier ID Yes
operator_name String BODY Carrier name No
area_id String BODY Area ID No
area_name String BODY Area name No

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds.
true: succeeded.
false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
remote_id String Device ID of the remote control

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/box/add-remote
  "category_id": "1",
  "category_name": "Set-top box",
  "brand_id": "97",
  "brand_name": "Set-top box",
  "remote_index": "592",
  "remote_name": "Zhejiang Telecom IPTV ",
  "operator_id": "0",
  "operator_name": "Zhejiang Telecom IPTV ",
  "area_id": "110107",
  "area_name": "Beijing"

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": {
    "remote_id": "6cb9e4eaf1e462b3d4ihh7"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Query the list of TV channels

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/{remote_id}/channel

API description

Query the channel list by remote control ID.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control device ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
channel_name String Channel name
channel_alias String Alias
channel_num String Channel number
hd Integer Whether it is high definition. 0: standard definition. 1: high definition.

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/6cbedcyyyyyyy/channel

Success example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1543927305251,
  "result": [
      "channel_name": "Hunan Satellite TV",
      "channel_alias": "Mango TV",
      "channel_num": "15",
      "hd": 1
      "channel_name": "CCTV-1",
      "channel_alias": "CCTV-1",
      "channel_num": "1",
      "hd": 1

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Switch TV channels

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/channel/switch

API description

Switch TV channels.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String BODY Remote control device ID Yes
channel_num String BODY Channel number Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Returned result.

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/channel/switch 
  "remote_id": "6cbe9acyyyyyyyy",
  "channel_num": "1"

Success example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": false

Air conditioner remote control

Quick start

The following scenario is for your reference only. You can develop different service scenarios based on open APIs.

Universal Infrared Open APIs(deprecated)

Operation process

  • Get the supported brand list of IR air conditioners. API(1): API documentation—Get brand list of specified categories

  • Get the IR code library index by specified brands. API(2): API documentation—Get remote control index by supported brands

  • A brand may have multiple IR code library indexes. You need to test and find indexes suitable for the IR devices. It is recommended to test at least three valid keys before adding a remote control. API(3): API documentation—Test air conditioner remote control

  • After confirming the available IR code library index, use this index to bind the air conditioner remote control to the IR devices. API(4): API documentation—Add common remote control

  • Use the common remote control to control devices by standard IR commands. See Standard IR commands. API documentation—Remote control command: added remote control by standard keys

    Or use air conditioner-specified commands to control devices. API(5): API documentation—Air conditioner remote control

  • Under certain scenarios, you directly control the parameters of air conditioners by calling commands with multiple conditions. Note that not all commands with multiple conditions can be sent through the IR code. API(6): API documentation—Control air conditioner by multiple conditions

The air conditioner remote control only supports standard IR commands stated in the API documentation and does not support non-standard IR commands.
Universal infrared open capability api document multi-condition control air conditioner currently does not support brands: Hisense, Daikin, Jumbo, Godrej, remote control IDs that are not supported: 7421, 1553000083, 1001779

API list

Request method API Description
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/air-conditioners/testing/command Test air conditioner remote control.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/air-conditioners/{remote_id}/command Control air conditioner remote control.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/air-conditioners/{remote_id}/scenes/command Control air conditioner by multiple conditions.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/ac/status Query air conditioner status.

Test air conditioner remote control

Function description

When testing whether the air conditioner remote control matches the air conditioner, a single key command is sent according to the remote control index.

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/air-conditioners/testing/command

API description

The following are the specified IR command sets for the air conditioner.

Parameter Type Description Required
power Integer Power. 1: on. 0: off.
mode Integer Mode. 0: cool. 1: heat. 2: auto. 3: fan. 4: dry. Some air conditioners do not support all of these modes.
temp Integer Temperature. Support temperature value from 16 to 30 °C.
wind Integer Speed. 0: auto. 1: low. 2: medium. 3: high. Some air conditioners do not support all of these speed levels.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID. Yes
remote_index String BODY Remote control index. Yes
category_id Integer BODY Device category ID. Yes
code String BODY Command code. For more information, see API description. Yes
value Integer BODY Send command value. For more information, see API description. Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxx/air-conditioners/testing/command
  "remote_index": "7273",
  "category_id": 5,
  "code": "temp",
  "value": 26

Response example

  "result": true,
  "success": true,
  "t": 1586501573398

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error.
1109 Invalid parameter.
2050 Key code library does not exist.

Control air conditioner remote control

Function description

Send a single key command of the air conditioner remote control.

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/air-conditioners/{remote_id}/command

API description

Parameter Type Description Required
power Integer Power. 1: on. 0: off.
mode Integer Mode. 0: cool. 1: heat. 2: auto. 3: fan. 4: dry. Some air conditioners do not support all of these modes.
temp Integer Temperature. Support temperature value from 16 to 30 °C.
wind Integer Speed. 0: auto. 1: low. 2: medium. 3: high. Some air conditioners do not support all of these speed levels.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID. Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control ID. Yes
code String BODY Command code. For more information, see API description. Yes
value Integer BODY Send command value. For more information, see API description. Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxx/air-conditioners/6c014f07yyyyyy/command
  "code": "temp",
  "value": 26

Success example

  "result": true,
  "success": true,
  "t": 1586501573398

Failure example

  "code": 2050,
  "msg": "Key code library does not exist.",
  "success": false,
  "t": 1586763590514

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter
2050 Key code library does not exist.

Control air conditioner by multiple conditions

Function description

Send air conditioner commands with multiple conditions, used to control air conditioner in scenario linkage.

Note: If no corresponding code library matches the combined conditions, “code library does not exist” will be prompted.

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/air-conditioners/{remote_id}/scenes/command

API description

Parameter Type Description Required
power Integer Power. 1: on. 0: off.
mode Integer Mode. 0: cool. 1: heat. 2: auto. 3: fan. 4: dry. Some air conditioners do not support all of these modes.
temp Integer Temperature. Support temperature value from 16 to 30 °C.
wind Integer Speed. 0: auto. 1: low. 2: medium. 3: high. Some air conditioners do not support all of these speed levels.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control ID Yes
power Integer BODY Power. 1: on. 0: off. Yes
mode Integer BODY Mode. 0: cool. 1: heat. 2: auto. 3: fan. 4: dry. No
temp Integer BODY Temperature: 16 to 30°C. No
wind Integer BODY Speed. 0: auto. 1: low. 2: medium. 3: high. No

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/123456789/air-conditioner/6c014f07yyyyyy/scenes/command
  "power": 1,
  "mode": 2,
  "temp": 20,
  "wind": 1

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "code": 2050,
  "msg": "Key code library does not exist.",
  "success": false,
  "t": 1586763590514

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter
2050 Key code library does not exist.

Query air conditioner status

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/ac/status

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
mode String Mode
temp String Temperature
wind String Speed
power String Power
remote_id String Air conditioner remote control ID

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/123456789/remotes/6cb2fbyyyyyyy/ac/status

Success example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1543927305251,
  "result": {
    "mode": "0",
    "temp": "20",
    "remote_id": "6cb2fbyyyyyyy",
    "wind": "3"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter
2050 Key code library does not exist.

General APIs

API list

Request method API Description
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes Get the list of remote controls bound to IR devices.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/add-remote Add remote control.
DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id} Delete remote control.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id} Set alias for remote control.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories/{category_id}/brands/{brand_id}/remotes/{remote_index}/rules Get pairing rules of remote control.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/testing/command Remote control command: test scenario keys by standard keys.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/testing/raw/command Remote control command: test scenario key by pairing rules.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/command Remote control command: added remote control by standard keys.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/raw/command Remote control command: added remote control by pairing rules.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/keys Get the list of keys supported by the remote control.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/air-conditioners/{remote_id}/keys Get the list of key rules supported by the air conditioner remote control.

Get the list of remote controls bound to IR devices

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes

API description

Get the list of remote controls bound to IR devices by IR device ID.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Description Required
infrared_id String IR device ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
category_id String Device category ID
brand_id String Brand ID
brand_name String Brand name
remote_id String Device ID of the remote control
remote_name String Remote control name
remote_index String Remote control index
operator_id String Carrier ID. A value is returned when the device category is the set-top box.
operator_name String Carrier name. A value is returned when the device category is the set-top box.
area_id String Area ID. A value is returned when the device category is the set-top box.
area_name String Area name. A value is returned when the device category is the set-top box.
iptv_type Integer IPTV types. 1: IPTV. 0: non-IPTV. A value is returned when the device category is the set-top box.
t Long Add time. 13-digit timestamp.

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/remotes

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "category_id": "5",
      "brand_id": "97",
      "remote_id": "6cf1fd8b5fb7e090c97mqf",
      "remote_name": "Gree air conditioner",
      "remote_index": "10727",
      "t": 1539776581583
      "category_id": "1",
      "brand_id": "1017",
      "brand_name": "ZTE",
      "remote_id": "6c9a93cdaf677cfd151q3t",
      "operator_id": "42",
      "operator_name": "Zhejiang Telecom IPTV ",
      "area_id": "330106",
      "area_name": "Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province",
      "remote_name": "Set-top box 11",
      "remote_index": "5129",
      "iptv_type": 1,
      "t": 1539776581583
  "t": 1539776581583

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Add remote control

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/add-remote

API description

This API is compatible with remote controls of the set-top boxes, TVs, and air conditioners.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String BODY Device category ID Yes
brand_id String BODY Brand ID Yes
brand_name String BODY Brand name Yes
remote_index String BODY Remote control index Yes
remote_name String BODY Remote control name Yes
operator_id String BODY Carrier ID Yes
operator_name String BODY Carrier name No
area_id String BODY Area ID Yes
area_name String BODY Area name No
iptv_type String BODY Whether it is IPTV. 1: yes. 0: no. Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
remote_id String Device ID of the remote control

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/add-remote
  "category_id": "5",
  "brand_id": "37",
  "brand_name": "Haier",
  "remote_index": "657",
  "remote_name": "Haier air conditioner remote control",
  "operator_id": "",
  "operator_name": "",
  "area_id": "",
  "area_name": "",
  "iptv_type": ""

Success example

  "result": {
    "remote_id": "6ca8ff6dcaf9bf7f40x45x"
  "success": true,
  "t": 1580962693233

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Delete remote control

API address

DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control device ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/remotes/6cbedcyyyyyyy

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Set alias for remote control

API address

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String BODY Remote control device ID Yes
remote_name String BODY Remote control alias Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx
  "remote_id": "6cbedcyyyyyyy",
  "remote_name": "Air conditioner 1"

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get pairing rules of remote control

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories/{category_id}/brands/{brand_id}/remotes/{remote_index}/rules

API description

Get pairing rules by remote control ID. Send the IR code by the obtained key.

Note: It applies to scenarios that standard IR commands cannot cover.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String URI Device category ID Yes
brand_id String URI Brand ID. If a brand ID does not exist, the value is 0. Yes
remote_index String URI Remote control index Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
key_name String Key name
key String Pairing ID
desc String Key description
code String IR code

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/categories/2/brands/27/remotes/3054/rules

Success example (common remote control)

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "key": "1",
      "desc": "Power",
      "key_name": "power",
      "code": "5jCCYZ55TmdmWoKreGWbE2HGP9BFG9QuaLUVy6jVNsU="
      "key": "42",
      "desc": "Confirm",
      "key_name": "ok",
      "code": "54CYZ55TmdmWoKreGWbE2HGP9BFG9QuaLUVy6jVNsU="
      "key": "43",
      "desc": "Channel+",
      "key_name": "channel_up",
      "code": "09CCYZ55TmdmWoKreGWbE2HGP9BFG9QuaLUVy6jVNsU="

Success example (air conditioner remote control)

  "success": true,
  "result": [
      "key": "0",
      "desc": null,
      "key_name": "M0_T16_S0",
      "code": "5jCCYZ55TmdmWoKreGWbE2HGP9BFG9QuaLUVy6jVNsU="
      "key": "0",
      "desc": null,
      "key_name": "M0_T16_S1",
      "code": "11CCYZ55TmdmWoKreGWbE2HGP9BFG9QuaLUVy6jVNsU="
      "key": "0",
      "desc": null,
      "key_name": "M0_T16_S2",
      "code": "90sCCYZ55TmdmWoKreGWbE2HGP9BFG9QuaLUVy6jVNsU="
      "key": "0",
      "desc": null,
      "key_name": "M0_T16_S3",
      "code": "7dCCYZ55TmdmWoKreGWbE2HGP9BFG9QuaLUVy6jVNsU="
      "key": "0",
      "desc": null,
      "key_name": "M0_T17_S0",
      "code": "6vbCCYZ55TmdmWoKreGWbE2HGP9BFG9QuaLUVy6jVNsU="

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Remote control command: test scenario keys by standard keys

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/testing/command

API description

Test whether the remote control matches the device. Control by standard keys. See the Appendix for standard keys. Support sending standard IR commands to air conditioners.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_index Integer BODY Index of remote control code library Yes
category_id Integer BODY Device category ID Yes
key String BODY Standard key Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxxxx/testing/command 
  "remote_index": "5129",
  "category_id": 1,
  "key": "power"

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "code": 2050,
  "msg": "Key code library does not exist.",
  "success": false,
  "t": 1586763590514

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter
2050 Key code library does not exist.

Remote control command: test scenario key by pairing rules

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/testing/raw/command

API description

Test whether the remote control matches the device. Send the IR code by the key. The key in the request parameter is from the obtained pairing rules. Non-standard IR commands do not support air conditioners. Send air conditioner-specified commands.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_index Integer BODY Index of remote control code library Yes
category_id Integer BODY Device category ID Yes
raw_key Integer BODY The IR code key that is got from the obtained pairing rules Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxxxx/testing/special/command
  "remote_index": "5129",
  "category_id": 1,
  "raw_key": 1

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "code": 2050,
  "msg": "Key code library does not exist.",
  "success": false,
  "t": 1586763590514

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter
2050 Key code library does not exist.

Remote control command: added remote control by standard keys

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/command

API description

For added remote controls, send the IR code by the standard key. See the Appendix for standard keys. Support sending standard IR commands to air conditioners. Support channel control for TV and set-top box.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control ID Yes
key String BODY Standard key Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxxx/remotes/6c014f07yyyyyy/command
  "key": "power"

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "code": 2008,
  "msg": "command or value not support",
  "success": false,
  "t": 1586764643762

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter
2050 Key code library does not exist.

Remote control command: added remote control by pairing rules

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/raw/command

API description

Control the bound remote control to send commands. Send the IR code by raw_key. The raw_key in the request parameter is got from pairing rules. Currently, this API only supports TV and set-top box. For air conditioner, send its specified command.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control ID Yes
raw_key Integer BODY The IR code key that is got from the obtained pairing rules Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxxxx/remotes/6c014f07yyyyyy/raw/command
  "raw_key": 43

Success example

  "success": true,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "code": 2050,
  "msg": "Key code library does not exist.",
  "success": false,
  "t": 1586763590514

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter
2050 Key code library does not exist.

Get the list of keys supported by the remote control

Function description

Query the list of keys supported by specified remote control, and return the supported standard keys and non-standard keys.

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/keys

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter type Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control ID Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result

Parameter Type Description
brand_id Integer Brand ID
category_id Integer Device category ID
remote_index Integer Index of remote control code library
single_air Boolean Whether it is a single split air conditioner.
duplicate_power Boolean Whether the same key is used to power on and off.
key_list List Lists of supported standard keys and non-standard keys.

Description of key_list

Parameter Type Description
key String Command identifier
key_id Integer Command ID
key_name String Command name
standard_key Boolean Whether it is the standard IR command.

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxx/remotes/yyyyyyyy/keys

Response example

  "result": {
    "brand_id": 182,
    "category_id": 8,
    "duplicate_power": true,
    "key_list": [
        "key": "power",
        "key_id": 1,
        "key_name": "Power",
        "standard_key": false
        "key": "mute",
        "key_id": 106,
        "key_name": "Mute",
        "standard_key": false
        "key": "swing_mode",
        "key_id": 9372,
        "key_name": "SWING_MODE",
        "standard_key": false
        "key": "Timing",
        "key_id": 23,
        "key_name": "Timing",
        "standard_key": true
        "key": "PowerOn",
        "key_id": 5907,
        "key_name": "Power on",
        "standard_key": true
        "key": "PowerOff",
        "key_id": 5912,
        "key_name": "Power off",
        "standard_key": true
        "key": "Swing",
        "key_id": 9362,
        "key_name": "Swing",
        "standard_key": true
        "key": "Speed",
        "key_id": 9367,
        "key_name": "Speed",
        "standard_key": true
    "remote_index": 11342,
    "single_air": false
  "success": true,
  "t": 1600248228037

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Invalid permission

Get the list of key rules supported by the air conditioner remote control

Function description

Only query the list of keys supported by remote control by specified air conditioner categories, and return the supported standard keys and non-standard as well as supported key ranges.

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/air-conditioners/{remote_id}/keys

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter type Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control ID of air conditioner Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result

Parameter Type Description
brand_id Integer Brand ID
category_id Integer Device category ID
remote_index Integer Index of remote control code library
single_air Boolean Whether it is a single split air conditioner.
duplicate_power Boolean Whether the same key is used to power on and off.
key_list List Lists of supported standard keys and non-standard keys.
key_range List Value range of air conditioning command

Description of key_list

Parameter Type Description
key String Command identifier
key_id Integer Command ID
key_name String Command name
standard_key Boolean Whether it is the standard IR command.

Description of key_range

Parameter Type Description
m Integer The supported mode ranges. 0: cool. 1: heat. 2: auto. 3: fan. 4: dry.
t Object The supported temperature ranges. min: the minimum value. max: the maximum value.
f Object The supported speed ranges. min: the minimum value. max: the maximum value.

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxx/air-conditioners/yyyyyyyy/keys

Response example

  "result": {
    "brand_id": 97,
    "category_id": 5,
    "duplicate_power": false,
    "key_list": [
        "key": "F",
        "key_id": 0,
        "key_name": "Speed",
        "standard_key": true
        "key": "M",
        "key_id": 0,
        "key_name": "Mode",
        "standard_key": true
        "key": "PowerOff",
        "key_id": 0,
        "key_name": "Power off",
        "standard_key": true
        "key": "PowerOn",
        "key_id": 0,
        "key_name": "Power on",
        "standard_key": true
        "key": "T",
        "key_id": 0,
        "key_name": "Temperature",
        "standard_key": true
    "key_range": [
        "f": {
          "max": 3,
          "min": 0
        "m": 0,
        "t": {
          "max": 30,
          "min": 16
        "f": {
          "max": 3,
          "min": 0
        "m": 1,
        "t": {
          "max": 30,
          "min": 16
        "f": {
          "max": 3,
          "min": 0
        "m": 2
        "f": {
          "max": 3,
          "min": 0
        "m": 3,
        "t": {
          "max": 30,
          "min": 16
        "f": {
          "max": 1,
          "min": 1
        "m": 4,
        "t": {
          "max": 30,
          "min": 16
    "remote_index": 10727,
    "single_air": false
  "success": true,
  "t": 1600248161188

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Invalid permission

IR code learning

Quick start

Universal Infrared Open APIs(deprecated)

After the learning mode is enabled, align the actual remote control with the universal IR remote control and press the button to be learned. Then, use the APIs of learning code to get the learned code.

API list

Request method API Description
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-state? state=true Update learning status.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-codes? learning_time=xxxx Query the learned IR code.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/learning-codes Send the learned IR code.
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-codes Save the learned IR code.
PUT /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-remotes/{remote_index} Update the learned IR code.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/learning-codes Get the saved learning IR code.
DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-codes/{learn_id} Delete the learned IR code.

Update learning status

API address

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-state?state=true

API description

Enter learning mode.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
state String URI Learning mode. true: learning mode. false: non-learning mode. Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/learning-state?state=true

Success example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": false

Query the learned IR code

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-codes?learning_time=xxxx

API description

Get the learned IR code It is recommended to use the timestamp (t) returned by updating learning status for the parameters passed in.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
learning_time Long URI Learning time Yes

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
success Boolean Whether the IR code is learned.
code String Learned IR code. Null is returned if false is returned in success parameter.

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/learning-codes?learning_time=1545135036437

Success example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": {
    "success": true,
    "code": "xxxxx"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Send the learned IR code

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/learning-codes

API description

Send the learned IR code.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Device ID Yes
code String BODY Learned IR code Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Result

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/remotes/6c014f07yyyyyy/learning-codes
  "code": "c4226211f401260258"

Success example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": false

Save the learned IR code

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-codes

API description

Save the learned IR code and generate a remote control ID.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String BODY Remote control ID. A value is returned in copy mode. No
remote_index String BODY Remote control index. A value is returned in copy mode. No
brand_id String BODY Brand ID. A value is returned in copy mode. No
brand_name String BODY Brand name. A value is returned in copy mode. No
codes List BODY Saved IR information Yes

Codes parameter

Parameter Type Description
name String Name of the learned IR code
key_name String Key name of the learned IR code
code String Learned IR code

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
remote_id String Remote control ID

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/learning-codes
  "codes": [
      "code": "xxxxxxxx",
      "name": "wer123"
      "code": "xxxxxxxx",
      "name": "123"

Success example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": {
    "remote_id": "xxxx"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Update the learned IR code

API address

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-remotes/{remote_id}

API description

Update the learned remote control.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control ID Yes
codes Array BODY Saved IR information Yes

Codes description

Parameter Type Description
name String Name of the learned IR code
key_name String Key name of the IR code
code String Learned IR code

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
remote_id String Remote control ID

Request example

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/learning-remotes/6c014f07yyyyyy
  "codes": [
      "code": "xxxxxxxx",
      "name": "wer123"
      "code": "xxxxxxxx",
      "name": "123"

Success example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": {
    "remote_id": "xxxx"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get the saved learning IR code

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/learning-codes

API description

Get the saved learning IR code.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
remote_id String URI Remote control ID Yes

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
code String Learned IR code
name String IR code name
key_name String Key name of the learned IR code
id Long ID of the learned IR code
remote_id String Remote control ID

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/remotes/6c014f07yyyyyy/learning-codes

Return example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545375286851,
  "result": [
      "name": "123",
      "key_name": "1",
      "code": "xxxxxxxx",
      "id": 253006,
      "remote_id": "6c2949716ca8f52c01aquk"
      "name": "456",
      "key_name": "2",
      "code": "xxxxxxx",
      "id": 253007,
      "remote_id": "6c2949716ca8f52c01aquk"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Delete the learned IR code

API address

DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/learning-codes/{learn_id}

API description

Delete the learned IR code.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
learn_id Long URI ID of the learned IR code Yes

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Request example

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/learning-codes/1234567

Return example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": false

Smart IR code matching

Quick start

If a brand has many preset indexes of IR code library, it usually takes a lot of time to match a remote control.

The smart IR code matching helps to quickly match the index of IR code library in line with the learned IR code.

The actual remote control must learn to match.

Universal Infrared Open APIs(deprecated)

Operation process

  1. Enable IR learning mode. API documentation—Update learning status

  2. Align the actual remote control with the universal IR remote control and send the IR code.

  3. Get the learned IR code. API documentation—Query the learned IR code

  4. Request smart matching by the learned IR code to return a matching token. API documentation—Generate smart matching token

  5. Request matching list by a smart matching token. API documentation—Get the smart matching list of remote control

  6. View the remote control index information from the returned matching list. API documentation—Get brand information supported by remote control index

  7. Test the keys in the remote control index from the matching list.

    API documentation—Remote control command: test scenario keys by standard keys

    API documentation—Test air conditioner remote control

  8. If a remote control is matched, you confirm and stop matching. Otherwise, you need to go to the next steps. API documentation—Add remote control

  9. If matching results are on more than one page, in case of not finding a matched remote control on the first page, you repeat Step 5 to request matching lists for the rest pages.

  10. If no value is returned, matching list ends.

  11. To further narrow the matching range, you enable IR learning mode again, send a new learning code, and then get a new smart matching token. See Step 1 to 4.

  12. Request matching list with the new smart matching token and the old token in Step 5. Based on matching results with the learned IR code in Step 3, the system narrows the matching range with the IR code in Step 11.

  13. Repeat Steps 6 to 11 until the applicable remote control index is matched or no matching index is found.

API list

Request method API Description
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/matching-remotes/token Generate a smart matching token.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/matching-remotes? token=xxxxxx Get the smart matching list of remote control.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories/{category_id}/remotes/{remote_index}/brands? region= Get brand information supported by remote control index.

Generate a smart matching token

Function description

Generate a smart matching token with the learned IR code, used to query smart matching results by pagination.

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/matching-remotes/token

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String BODY Device category ID Yes
pre_token String BODY Filter out previous smart matching token No
code String BODY Learned IR code Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Result parameter

Parameter Type Description
token String Smart pairing token
expire_time Integer Expiration time in second

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxx/matching-remotes/token
  "category_id": 5,
  "code": "xxxxxxxxxxxxx"

Response example

  "result": {
    "token": "xxxxxxxx",
    "expire_time": 600
  "success": true,
  "t": 1586501573398

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter

Get the smart matching list of remote control

Function description

With the generated smart matching token, query smart matching results by pagination.

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/matching-remotes?token=xxxxxx

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
token String URI Smart pairing token Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Result parameter

Parameter Type Description
has_next Boolean Whether there is next page.
progress String The current progress of the smart matching result is only for display purpose, without other specified intention or relation.
remote_indexs List The remote control index on current page after smart matching.

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxx/matching-remotes?token=xxxxxx

Response example

  "result": {
    "has_next": true,
    "progress": "100%",
    "remote_indexs": [
  "success": true,
  "t": 1586501573398

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter

Get brand information supported by remote control index

Function description

Query brand information supported by the specified remote control index.

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/categories/{category_id}/remotes/{remote_index}/brands?region=

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String URI Device category ID Yes
remote_index String URI Remote control index Yes
region String URI Two-letter country codes defined in ISO 3166-1 or regional abbreviation supported by the brand. Yes
lang String Header Language. zh is the default in China, and en in other regions. No

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result List Returned result.

Result parameter

Parameter Type Description
brand_id String Brand ID
brand_name String Brand name

Request example

GET /v1.0/infrareds/xxxxxx/categories/5/remotes/9735/brands?region=US

Response example

  "result": [
      "brand_id": 27,
      "brand_name": "TCL"
      "brand_id": 17,
      "brand_name": "ChangHong"
  "success": true,
  "t": 1586501573398

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this API. For more exception errors, see global error codes.

Error code Description
500 System error
1109 Invalid parameter

IR timer tasks

API list

Request method API Description
POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers Add IR timer tasks.
GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers/categories/{category_id}/remotes/{remote_index} Get IR timer tasks.
PUT /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers/groups/{group_id} Update IR timer tasks.
DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers/groups/{group_id} Delete IR timer tasks.
DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers/ Delete all timer tasks.
PUT /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers/groups/{group_id}/status Update IR timer group status.

Add IR timer tasks

API address

POST /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers

API description

Add a IR timer task.It doesn’t support air conditioner.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String BODY Device category Yes
remote_index String BODY Remote control index Yes
loops String BODY A seven-digit number consisting of 0 and 1. 0 means disable and 1 means enable. For example, 0000010 means the timer task is disabled on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and enabled on Saturday. Yes
time_zone String BODY Time zone. +08:00 is pass for China. Yes
timezone_id String BODY Time zone ID, such as Asia/Shanghai. Yes
instruct Array BODY The specific time and device command set for the timer task. Multiple timer tasks can be set simultaneously. Yes

instruct parameter description

Parameter Type Description Required
time String Execution time of the timer task Yes
date String Execution date of the timer task No. Loops is 0000000 when the date is passed. The date format is 20181212.
key String The key got from pairing rules Yes

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
group_id String Timer task ID

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/timers
  "instruct": [
      "key": "43",
      "time": "17:42",
      "date": "20181218"
      "key": "43",
      "time": "17:43",
      "date": "20181218"
  "loops": "0000000",
  "category_id": "1",
  "remote_index": "5129",
  "timezone_id": "Asiz/Shanghai",
  "time_zone": "+8:00"

Return example

  "success": true,
  "result": {
    "group_id": "0000002ftg"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Get IR timer tasks

API address

GET /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers/categories/{category_id}/remotes/{remote_index}

API description

Query IR timer tasks.It doesn’t support air conditioner.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
category_id String URI Device category Yes
remote_index String URI Remote control index Yes

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Description of result parameters

Parameter Type Description
groups Array Timer task information
category Object Timer task category

groups parameter description

Parameter Type Description
timers Array Timer task information
id String Timer task No.

category parameter description

Parameter Type Description
category String Timer task category
status Integer Category status of timer task

timers parameter description

Parameter Type Description
date String Set data for timer
timezone_id String Time zone ID
loops String Cycle timer information
time String Time set
status Integer Timer task status. 0: disable. 1: enable. 2: delete.
key String Timer command

Request example

POST /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/timers/categories/2/remotes/1103

Return example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": {
    "category": {
      "category": "1",
      "status": "1"
    "groups": [
        "id": "1",
        "timers": [
            "date": "20181218",
            "timezone_id": "Asiz/Shanghai",
            "loops": "0000000",
            "time": "17:42",
            "status": 1,
            "key": "43"

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Update IR timer tasks

API address

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers/groups/{group_id}

API description

Update a IR timer task.It doesn’t support air conditioner.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
group_id String URI Timer task ID Yes
category_id String BODY Device category Yes
remote_index String BODY Remote control index
loops String BODY A seven-digit number consisting of 0 and 1. 0 means disable and 1 means enable. For example, 0000010 means the timer task is disabled on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, and enabled on Saturday. Yes
time_zone String BODY Time zone. +08:00 is pass for China. Yes
timezone_id String BODY Time zone ID, such as Asia/Shanghai. Yes
instruct Array BODY The specific time and device command set for the timer task. Multiple timer tasks can be set simultaneously. Yes

instruct parameter description

Parameter Type Description Required
time String Execution time of the timer task Yes
date String Execution date of the timer task No. Loops is 0000000 when the date is passed. The date format is 20181212.
key String The key got from pairing rules Yes

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Returned result.

Request example

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/timers/groups/x0000001
  "instruct": [
      "key": "43",
      "time": "17:42",
      "date": "20181218"
      "key": "43",
      "time": "17:43",
      "date": "20181218"
  "loops": "0000000",
  "category_id": "1",
  "remote_index": "5129",
  "timezone_id": "Asiz/Shanghai",
  "time_zone": "+8:00"

Return example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": false

Delete IR timer tasks

API address

DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers/groups/{group_id}

API description

Delete a IR timer task.It doesn’t support air conditioner.

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
group_id String URI Timer task group ID Yes

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Returned result.

Request example

DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/timers/groups/x0000001

Return example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": false

Delete all timer tasks

API address

DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes

Return parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Boolean Returned result.

Request example

DELETE /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/timers

Return example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": false

Update IR timer group status

Function description

Update IR timer group status

API address

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/timers/groups/{group_id}/status

Request parameter

Parameter Type Parameter position Description Required
infrared_id String URI IR device ID Yes
group_id String URI Timer task group ID Yes
value String BODY 0: invalid. 1: valid. Yes

Response parameter

Parameter Type Description
code Integer Response code. For more information, see the error code section.
success Boolean Whether the operation succeeds. true: succeeded. false: failed.
msg String The message returned on a failed request. The value is null on success.
result Object Returned result.

Request example

PUT /v1.0/infrareds/6scdsexxxxxxxx/timers/groups/x0000001/status
  "value": "1"

Response example

  "success": true,
  "t": 1545135036437,
  "result": true

Failure example

  "success": false,
  "code": 500,
  "msg": "system error,please contact the admin"

Standard IR command

  • TV
Key value Description
Power Power
OK Confirm
Channel+ Channel+
Channel- Channel-
Menu Menu
Up Up
Down Down
Left Left
Right Right
Volume+ Volume+
Volume- Volume-
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
-/– -/–
  • Set-top box
Key value Description
Power Power
OK Confirm
Channel+ Channel+
Channel- Channel-
Menu Menu
Up Up
Down Down
Left Left
Right Right
Volume+ Volume+
Volume- Volume-
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
* *
# #
  • Air conditioner
key Description
PowerOn Power on
PowerOff Power off
M0–M4 Mode 1 to 5 (cool, heat, auto, fan, dry)
T16–T30 Temperature: 16 to 30°C
F0–F3 Speed 1 to 4 (auto, low, medium, high)
  • Fan
key Description
PowerOn Power on
PowerOff Power off
Swing Swing
Speed Speed
Timing Timer
NegativeIon Anion
  • Projector
key Description
PowerOn Power on
PowerOff Power off
OK Confirm
Menu Menu
Up Up
Down Down
Left Left
Right Right
Volume+ Volume+
Volume- Volume-
Mute Mute
Back Back
Home Homepage
  • Network set-top box
key Description
Power Power
OK Confirm
Menu Menu
Up Up
Down Down
Left Left
Right Right
Volume+ Volume+
Volume- Volume-
Home Homepage
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 8
9 9
* *
# #
  • Light
key Description
PowerOn Power on
PowerOff Power off
ColdLight Cool colors
WarmLight Warm colors
Brightness+ Brightness+
Brightness- Brightness-
RedLight Red light
GreenLight Green light
BlueLight Blue light
  • Speaker
key Description
PowerOn Power on
PowerOff Power off
Volume+ Volume+
Volume- Volume-
Play Play
Pause Pause
Previous Previous
Next Next
  • DVD
key Description
PowerOn Power on
PowerOff Power off
OK Confirm
Menu Menu
Up Up
Down Down
Left Left
Right Right
Volume+ Volume+
Volume- Volume-
Mute Mute
Back Back
Display Display
Home Homepage
Rewind Playback
Play Play
Forward Fast forward
Stop Stop
Pause Pause
Open/Close Eject
Previous Previous
Next Next
Info Info
  • Camera
key Description
OK Confirm
Up Up
Down Down
Left Left
Right Right
Delay Delay
Shutter Shutter
  • Air purifier
key Description
Power Power
Mode Mode
Sleep Sleep
Timing Timer
ChildLock Child lock
Auto Auto
Speed Speed
  • Water heater
key Description
Power Power
Mode Mode
Temperature+ Temperature+
Temperature- Temperature-
Sleep Sleep
Timing Timer
Reservation Reservation


Q: How can I connect the device to the cloud?

A: Go to Cloud Development > API List > Network Pairing Management

Q: How can I get the device ID?

A: Go to Cloud Development > API List > Device Management

In the obtained result, ID is the device ID you need.