Smart Home

Last Updated on : 2024-06-26 09:25:19download

Based on platform capabilities such as device management, data security communication, and message subscription, smart home cloud service APIs allow you to link smart devices in a home with the cloud. You can quickly develop IoT applications by calling smart home cloud service APIs. These applications can be intended for smart home-specific devices, such as sensors, lights, home appliances, electrical devices, and IP cameras.

Business system

  • You can leverage the general device capabilities offered by the smart home APIs and IoT Core APIs to unlock more possibilities of applications.

  • Tuya provides you with well-proven consumer application solutions specific to smart homes. Thus, you can quickly develop mobile apps and allow end users to easily manage smart devices. Application solutions include but are not limited to:

  • Tuya makes it possible to link cloud development applications, so your consumer applications can be linked with your cloud development projects. In tandem with fully open smart home APIs and message queues, you can build more applications based on consumer application services.

    Smart Home

API list

Tuya offers the following open cloud service APIs that apply to smart home scenarios.

Service name Description
Data Dashboard Service Provide an overview of device data under a smart home app.
Smart Home Data Profile Provide panoramic user profile information of your app. You can make API requests to get the user details of the segments you have created, and connect them to your own system or third-party marketing systems.
Smart Home Content Management Provide APIs related to content management of an OEM app, respecting banners, categories, and multilingual management.
Customer Feedback View and process user feedback from apps developed with Tuya Smart Life App SDK, such as the Smart Life app and OEM apps.
App Push Notification Service App push lets you edit and send push notifications to all apps in the Tuya’s ecosystem and reach global users worldwide anytime.
Voice Message Service You can call APIs from the cloud, make a phone call from the carrier’s network to a specified number, and play the audio files converted from the text. The alert and notification service is also provided.

Quick start

For more information, see Smart Home Quick Start.