Global Error Codes

Last Updated on : 2024-09-10 08:41:31

If errors occur in API requests, custom error messages will be returned. This topic describes different error codes and their error messages. You can contact Tuya to seek further technical support.

System error codes

System error codes start with 500, 10xx, and 11xx. System errors might be caused by signature issues, wrong parameters, and system timeout.

Error code Error message Description
500 system error, please contact the admin The business application network is unavailable or the interface times out.
1000 data not exist The data does not exist.
1001 secret invalid The secret is invalid.
1002 access_token is null The token is null.
1003 grant type invalid The authorization type is invalid.
1004 sign invalid The signature is invalid.
1005 clientId invalid The value of clientid is invalid.
1006 not support content type The content type is not supported.
1007 not support key The key is not supported.
1008 invalid access The value of accessid is invalid.
1010 token is expired The token has expired.
1011 token invalid The token is invalid.
1012 token status is invalid The token status is invalid.
1013 request time is invalid The request timestamp has expired.
1100 param is empty The specified parameters are empty.
1101 params range invalid The parameter range is invalid.
1102 param is null The parameter is null.
1103 commands issue error The specified command is invalid.
1104 type is incorrect The type is incorrect.
1105 missing the header The header is missing.
1106 permission deny The permission request is denied.
1107 code invalid The authorization code is invalid.
1108 uri path invalid The value of uri is invalid.
1109 param is illegal, please check it The parameters are invalid.
1110 concurrent request over limit The request timed out.
1111 system is busy, please retry later The system is busy.
1112 the user is syncing in the background, please try again later The user is synchronizing data in the background.
1113 do not repeat the operation in a short time Do not repeat the operation in a short time.
1199 your requests are too frequent Your requests are too frequent.
1400 token invalid The token is invalid.

Service error codes

Service error codes start with 20x and 21x. Service errors might be caused by device offline issues, users’ data issues, and task operation issues.

Error code Error message Description
2001 device is offline The device gets offline.
2002 this user doesn’t have any devices The user does not have any devices.
2003 function not support The specified feature is not supported.
2004 not support the lock type The lock type is not supported.
2005 product not exist The specified product does not exist.
2006 user not exist The specified user does not exist.
2007 device token expired The device token has expired.
2008 command or value not support The command or value is not supported.
2009 not support this device This type of device is not supported.
2010 device not exist The specified device does not exist.
2012 application not support The application is not supported.
2013 add timer failed Failed to add a scheduled task.
2014 this device doesn’t have any timers The device does not have a scheduled task.
2015 this category is not supported The category is not supported.
2016 remote control is removed or does not exist The remote control is removed or does not exist.
2017 schema does not exist The app schema does not exist.
2018 data decrypt failed Failed to decrypt the data.
2019 time over two hours The period is more than two hours.
2020 Only third-party clouds are supported Only third-party clouds are supported.
2021 Illegal email The email address is incorrect.
2022 Illegal phone The mobile phone number is incorrect.
2023 user exist The user already exists.
2024 device file path is not standardized The file path on the device is invalid.
2025 device and file path mismatch The device and file path do not match.
2026 ip failed to get Failed to get the IP address.
2027 size too large The size is too large.
2028 encryption token expires The token has expired.
2029 session status is invalid The session status is invalid.
2030 virtual scan only supports ay region Virtual scanning is currently only available in China Data Center.
2031 third-party platform authorization failed Third-party authorization failed.
2032 app pushed request unique ID is duplicate The request_id already exists. Idempotency is required.
2033 more than 1000 app message push users The number of users who receive the app push notifications exceeds the upper limit.
2037 the username has been bound by another username type The username has already been bound with another username type.
2041 operator name is exist The operator’s username already exists.
2042 operator not exist The operator does not exist.
2043 operator uuid not exist The operator’s UUID does not exist.
2044 operator ip not exist The operator’s IP address does not exist.
2045 operator ip has bind The operator’s IP address has already been bound.
2046 operator uuid has bind The operator’s UUID has already been bound.
2047 this device is frozen by user, cannot command The device is frozen.
2050 the infrared code corresponding to the key does not exist The specified infrared code does not exist.
2051 send infrared command failed Failed to send infrared commands.
2052 not support the command to set specific temperature The command to set the specified temperature is not supported.
2053 the matching infrared code is invalid The specified infrared code is invalid.
2054 the sub device does not exist The sub-device does not exist.
2055 not support the device This device is not supported.
2056 device has bind or not active The device has already been bound or it is inactive.
2060 failed to add user, please try it later Failed to add the user.
2061 message push config is not set The push notification configuration is not completed.
2062 data already exists The data already exists.
2063 other Zigbee device is upgrading Another Zigbee device is being updated.
2064 device version is the latest The device version is up-to-date.
2101 duplicate naming under the device The device name already exists.