Message Types

Last Updated on : 2024-09-11 08:39:30

Data format

Message Types

Business data

Protocol number

Each protocol number stands for different features.

Protocol number Description
4 Report device status data
20 Make a device go online
20 Make a device go offline
20 Rename a device
20 Rename a data point
20 Bind a device with a user account
20 Remove a device
20 Update the device status
25 Run a scene

Report device status data

  • Description of data

    code Data type Description
    dataId String The unique ID of the reported data, which has no business meaning.
    devId String The device ID.
    productKey String The product ID of the device.
    status List<StatusItem> The list of the device status data reported this time.
  • Description of StatusItem

    code Data type Description
    code String The code of the specified device status.
    value Object The value of the status code reported by the specified device.
    t Long The 13-digit timestamp when the device status is reported.
    “{dpId}”:“{dpValue}” String:String “Data point ID (the data point ID in product definition)”: “Value of data point”, You can refer to the product definition.
  • Example


Make a device go online

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    time Long The timestamp.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya IoT Development Platform",
      "bizCode": "online",
      "bizData": {
        "time": 146052438362

Make a device go offline

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    time Long The timestamp.
  • Example

        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
        "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya IoT Development Platform",
        "bizCode": "offline",
        "bizData": {
          "time": 146052438362

Rename a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    name String The device name.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya IoT Development Platform",
      "bizCode": "nameUpdate",
      "bizData": {
        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
        "name": "new name"

Rename a data point

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    name String The name of the specified data point.
    dpId String The ID of the specified data point.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya IoT Development Platform",
      "bizCode": "dpNameUpdate",
      "bizData": {
        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
        "name": "new name",
        "dpId": "dpId"

Bind a device with a user account

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    uuid String The universally unique identifier (UUID) of the specified device.
    uid String The ID of the user that is bound with a device.
    token String The device pairing token.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya IoT Development Platform",
      "bizCode": "bindUser",
      "bizData": {
        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
        "uuid": "06200043b4e618c1****",
        "token": "IIpQ****"

Remove a device

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    uid String The ID of the user that is bound with a device.
  • Example

      "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",
      "productKey": "The product key defined on the Tuya IoT Development Platform",
      "bizCode": "delete",
      "bizData": {
        "devId": "002dj00118fe34d9****",

Update the device status

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    devId String The device ID.
    moduleType Integer The type of the module. Valid values:
    • 0: Wi-Fi
    • 1: Bluetooth Low Energy
    • 2: GPRS
    upgradeStatus Integer The update status. Valid values:
    • 1: Prepare to update.
    • 2: Updating.
    • 3: Update is completed.
    • 4: An exception occurs during an update process.
    • 7: Timeout.
    description String The description of an update.
    oldVersion String The legacy version of the firmware.
    newVersion String The new version to which the firmware is updated.
  • Example

        "bizData": {
            "description":"Update test",
            "oldVersion": "1.0.1",
            "newVersion": "1.0.2"

Run a scene

  • Description of bizData

    code Data type Description
    name String The name of the specified scene.
    id String The ID of the specified scene.
    gid Long The ID of the specified home.
    uid String The user ID (UID) who adds a scene.
    ts Long The timestamp when a message was delivered.
    actions.entityId String The entity ID.
    actions.execStatus Integer The status of the action. Valid values:
    • -1: default
    • 0: failure
    • 1: success
    • 2: to be executed
    • 3: no execution is required
    actions.executeTime Long The timestamp when an action was executed. String The action ID.
    actions.errorMsg String The error message.
  • Example
