Bluetooth Smart Lock

Last Updated on : 2023-06-28 02:13:47download

Functional description

Class name Description
ThingOptimusSdk Provides access to the Smart Lock SDK initialization feature and returns the lock management class.
IThingLockManager The lock management class that is used to get different types of lock classes.
IThingBleLockV2 The Bluetooth lock class that includes all methods of Bluetooth locks.


The following code block shows how to create a Bluetooth lock class based on a device ID.

// Initialize the SDK for only once.
// Get the `IThingLockManager` class.
IThingLockManager thingLockManager = ThingOptimusSdk.getManager(IThingLockManager.class);
// Create the `IThingBleLockV2` class.
IThingBleLockV2 thingLockDevice = thingLockManager.getBleLockV2(your_device_id);


Term Description
Duress alarms The duress alert feature allows users to enroll a password or fingerprint as a duress code. If they are coerced by hostile persons, unlocking with the duress code can trigger alerts to be sent to a list of contacts. The duress alarm feature allows users to enroll a password or fingerprint as a duress code. If they are coerced by hostile persons, unlocking with the duress code can trigger alerts to be sent to a list of contacts.
Lock members Lock members are home members, the same as that defined in the Smart Life App SDK. The Smart Lock SDK can be used to bind a lock password ID with a home member account. For more information, see Home Management.
lockUserId A lockUserId is a member ID that the cloud assigns to a lock when you create a lock member. Each lockUserId indicates the member ID that is recorded in the firmware.
userId A userId is the ID that the cloud assigns to a lock member when you create the member. Each userId is a unique ID of each user and is recorded in a database.
dpCode An identifier of a data point (DP) for a device. Each DP is assigned a name and an identifier indicated by dpCode. For more information, see List of Lock DPs.
unlockId An unlockId is the unlocking method ID that consists of an unlocking DP ID plus a lock ID. Example: 12-02.

After the Smart Lock SDK is integrated, you must execute the unlocking methods mentioned in Sync data before the SDK can be used.

Lock members

This section describes the operations regarding home members.

Get a list of lock members

API description

* Get a list of home members
* @param callback The callback.
void getProLockMemberList(IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<MemberInfoBean>> callback);

Data model of MemberInfoBean

Field Type Description
userId String The user ID.
avatarUrl String The avatar URL of the user.
lockUserId Integer The user ID that is associated with the lock.
nickName String The nickname.
userType Integer The type of user. Valid values:
  • 10: administrator.
  • 20: common user.
  • 50: home owner.
backHomeNotifyAttr Integer Indicates whether to enable notifications of home member arrival. Valid values:
  • 0: no.
  • 1: yes.
userContact String The contact information of the member.
offlineUnlock Boolean Indicates whether to support offline unlocking. Valid values:
  • true: yes
  • false: no
unlockDetail List The list of unlocking methods that the user can use. For more information, see Data model of UnlockDetail.
timeScheduleInfo TimeScheduleInfo The validity period of the user.

Data model of TimeScheduleInfo

Field Type Description
permanent Boolean Indicates whether the user is a permanent user.
timeSetShifted Boolean Indicates whether the validity period of the non-permanent administrator has an offset.
userTimeSet String The hexadecimal validity period of the user.
effectiveTime Integer The 10-digit time when the validity period starts.
expiredTime Integer The 10-digit time when the validity period ends.
scheduleDetails List Indicates whether the validity period recurs weekly and the recurring interval. For more information, see Data model of ScheduleBean.

Data model of ScheduleBean

Field Type Description
workingDay Integer The working days. For more information, see Things to note.
allDay Boolean Indicates whether the setting is valid all the day.
effectiveTime Integer The start time in minutes.
Example: To make the setting take effect at 8 o’clock in the morning on the current day, the value is 480= 8 × 60.
invalidTime Integer The end time in minutes.
Example: To make the setting expire at 20 o’clock in the afternoon on the current day, the value is 1200= 20 × 60.
timeZoneId String The time zone information.

Data model of UnlockDetail

Field Type Description
dpId Integer The DP ID of the feature.
count Integer The number of unlocking methods.
unlockList List The list of unlocking methods. For more information, see Data model of UnlockInfoBean.

Data model of UnlockInfoBean

Field Type Description
unlockId String The ID of an unlocking method.
opModeId Long The ID of an unlocking method in the cloud.
unlockName String The name of an unlocking method.
unlockAttr Integer The attribute of an unlocking method. Valid values:
  • 1: with duress alarm
  • 0: no duress alarm
adminFlag Boolean Indicates whether the administrator’s fingerprint is used.
photoUnlock Boolean Indicates whether to capture when unlocking. This field is supported by camera locks only.


thingLockDevice.getProLockMemberList(new IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<MemberInfoBean>>() {
    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<MemberInfoBean> result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getProLockMemberList success: lockUserBean = " + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getProLockMemberList failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Create a lock member

Creates a home member as a lock member. An account of the app must be created for the home member.

API description

* Adds a home member.
* @param memberWrapperBean The request parameter.
* @param callback          The callback.
void createProLockMember(MemberWrapperBean memberWrapperBean,IThingDataCallback<MemberBean> callback);

Data model of MemberWrapperBean

For more information, see Member Information Management.


MemberWrapperBean.Builder memberWrapperBean = new MemberWrapperBean.Builder();
memberWrapperBean.setNickName();// The nickname of the member.
memberWrapperBean.setCountryCode();// The country code.
memberWrapperBean.setAccount();// The app account.
memberWrapperBean.setRole();// The role of the member. For more information about the definitions, see MemberRole in Member Information Management.
memberWrapperBean.setHomeId();// The ID of the home to which the current device belongs.
memberWrapperBean.setAutoAccept(false);// true: The invitee automatically accepts the invitation to join the home.
thingLockDevice.createProLockMember(, new IThingDataCallback<MemberBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(MemberBean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "add lock user success");

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "add lock user failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Delete a lock member

Delete a home member and all unlocking methods that are associated with this member from the device.

LockAppCloudThe device stays online.The user confirms to delete the member.Send a command to delete the information about the member.Return the deletion result.Make an API request to delete the member.Return the deletion result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppCloud

API description

* Deletes a member.
* @param memberInfoBean The information about the member.
* @param callback       The callback.
void removeProLockMember(MemberInfoBean memberInfoBean, IResultCallback callback);


The request parameter memberInfoBean is the data model returned by getProLockMemberList that is used to get a member list.

thingLockDevice.removeProLockMember(memberInfoBean, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "removeProLockMember failed: code = " + code + " message = " + error);

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "removeProLockMember success");

Modify information about a member

Modifies only the nickname and role of a member.

API description

* Edits the information about a member.
* @param memberWrapperBean The request parameter.
* @param callback          The callback.
void updateProLockMemberInfo(MemberWrapperBean memberWrapperBean, IResultCallback callback);

Data model of MemberWrapperBean

For more information, see Member Information Management.


MemberWrapperBean.Builder memberWrapperBean = new MemberWrapperBean.Builder();
memberWrapperBean.setNickName();// The nickname of the member.
memberWrapperBean.setRole();// The role of the member. For more information about the definitions, see MemberRole in Member Information Management.
memberWrapperBean.setMemberId();// The userId returned in the member list.
thingLockDevice.updateProLockMemberInfo(, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "updateProLockMemberInfo failed: code = " + code + " message = " + error);

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "updateProLockMemberInfo success");

Modify validity period of a member (unavailable to legacy versions)

Modifies the validity period of a lock member. This feature requires communication between your app and a Bluetooth lock. Your app must be connected to the lock over Bluetooth during the operation.

LockAppCloudThe device stays online.The user modifies the validity period.Send a command to update the information about the validity period.Return the update result.Update the validity period in the cloud.Return the result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppCloud

API description

The request parameter memberInfoBean is the data model returned by getProLockMemberList that is used to get a member list.

* Modifies the validity period of a member.
* @param memberInfoBean The information about the member.
* @param callback       The callback.
void updateProLockMemberTime(MemberInfoBean memberInfoBean, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);


thingLockDevice.updateProLockMemberTime(memberInfoBean, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "updateProLockMemberTime success");

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "updateProLockMemberTime failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Things to note

The weekly recurring field workingDay consists of seven bits, and each bit is 1 or 0. A value of 1 represents ON and a value of 0 represents OFF. The following examples show the conversion from binary to decimal for different settings in the field.

Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday Binary Calculation result (decimal)
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1111111 127
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0000000 0
0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0111100 60

The SDK provides a simple calculation method. For more information about ScheduleBean, see its data model.

// Adds a day.
// Removes a day.
// Parses and displays data.
scheduleBean.dayOfWeeks = LockUtil.parseWorkingDay(scheduleBean.workingDay);
// Encapsulates the list of selected days.
scheduleBean.workingDay = Integer.parseInt(LockUtil.convertWorkingDay(scheduleBean.dayOfWeeks);

Get current user information

API description

* Returns information about the current user.
* @param callback The callback.
void getCurrentMemberDetail(IThingResultCallback<BLELockUser> callback);
* Returns information about the pro edition of smart locks used by the current user.
* @param callback The callback.
void getProCurrentMemberDetail(IThingResultCallback<BLELockUserV3> callback);


thingLockDevice.getCurrentMemberDetail(new IThingResultCallback<BLELockUser>() {
    public void onSuccess(BLELockUser result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getCurrentMemberDetail:" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getCurrentMemberDetail onError code:" + code + ", error:" + error);
// The pro edition.
thingLockDevice.getProCurrentMemberDetail(new IThingResultCallback<BLELockUserV3>() {
    public void onSuccess(BLELockUserV3 result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getProCurrentMemberDetail:" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getCurrentMemberDetail onError code:" + code + ", error:" + error);

Bluetooth connection

To use certain features of a Bluetooth lock, users must enable the Bluetooth feature on your app.

Query Bluetooth connection status

The SDK can be used to enable an automatic connection with the lock over Bluetooth. The following API methods can be called to create a connection and query the connection status.

API description

* @return Returns the Bluetooth connection status.
boolean isBLEConnected();
* @return Indicates whether the device is online.
boolean isOnline();


boolean isBLEConnected = thingLockDevice.isBLEConnected();
boolean isOnline = thingLockDevice.isOnline();
if (!isBLEConnected && isOnline) {
    device_state_view.setText("Connected to the gateway");
} else if (isBLEConnected && isOnline) {
    device_state_view.setText("Connected over Bluetooth");
} else {

Bluetooth connection to lock

If the system returns that a Bluetooth lock is not connected to your app, call this API method to connect to the Bluetooth lock.

API description

The timeout period of each Bluetooth connection is 30 seconds. If a connection request timed out, a callback is invoked by onError. The callback is invoked only once for ConnectV2Listener that is encapsulated on top of connectBleDevice.

* Triggers a Bluetooth connection.
* @param connectListener The callback.
void autoConnect(ConnectV2Listener connectListener);


thingLockDevice.autoConnect(new ConnectV2Listener() {
    public void onStatusChanged(boolean online) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "device online:" + online);

    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "autoConnect onError code:" + code + ", error:" + error);

Unlock and lock over Bluetooth

Short-range unlocking

LockAppUserThe device stays online over Bluetooth.Tap Unlock on the app.Send a command to unlock over Bluetooth.Receive the command and unlock the door.Return the unlocking result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppUser

API description

The timeout period of each unlocking request is 30 seconds. If an unlocking request timed out, a callback is invoked by onError. The callback is invoked only once for IResultCallback.

* Unlocks the door over Bluetooth.
* @param lockUserId The member ID that the cloud assigns to a lock when you create a lock member.
* @param callback   The callback.
void bleUnlock(String lockUserId, IResultCallback callback);


// Returns the member ID that the cloud assigns to a lock when you create a lock member.
thingLockDevice.getCurrentMemberDetail(new IThingResultCallback<BLELockUser>() {
    public void onSuccess(BLELockUser result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getCurrentMemberDetail:" +result);
        // Runs the unlocking task.
        thingLockDevice.bleUnlock(result.lockUserId, new IResultCallback() {
            public void onError(String code, String error) {
                Log.e(Constant.TAG, "bleUnlock onError code:" + code + ", error:" + error);

            public void onSuccess() {
                Log.i(Constant.TAG, "bleUnlock onSuccess");

    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getCurrentMemberDetail onError code:" + code + ", error:" + error);

Short-range locking over Bluetooth

LockAppUserThe device stays online over Bluetooth.Tap Lock on the app.Send a command to lock over Bluetooth.Receive the command and lock the door.Return the result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppUser

API description

You can call this method to lock a door over Bluetooth after your app is connected to the Bluetooth lock.

The timeout period of each locking request is 30 seconds. If an unlocking request timed out, a callback is invoked by onError. The callback is invoked only once for IResultCallback.

* Locks the door over Bluetooth.
* @param callback The callback.
void bleManualLock(IResultCallback callback);


thingLockDevice.bleManualLock(new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "bleManualLock onError code:" + code + ", error:" + error);

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "bleManualLock onSuccess");

Remote locking and unlocking over Bluetooth

For more information about the query and settings of locking and unlocking, see Lock settings.

LockGatewayCloudAppUserConnect to the gateway.Tap Lock or Unlock on the app.Send a request of locking or unlocking.Send a command of locking or unlocking.Send a command of locking or unlocking.Receive the command and lock or unlock the door.Return the result.Return the result.Return the result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockGatewayCloudAppUser

API description

The timeout period of each request is 30 seconds. If an unlocking request timed out, a callback is invoked by onError. The callback is invoked only once for IResultCallback.

* Remotely locks or unlocks the door.
* @param open     Locks or unlocks the door.
* @param callback The callback.
void remoteSwitchLock(boolean open, IResultCallback callback);


thingLockDevice.remoteSwitchLock(true/false, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "remoteSwitchLock onError code:" + code + ", error:" + error);

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "remoteSwitchLock onSuccess");

Lock usage records

Get alert records

This method is available to legacy versions only. For the pro edition of smart locks, we recommend that you call the method in Filterable records (log component).

API description

* get alarm records in old version
* @param offset   page number
* @param limit    item count
* @param callback callback
void getAlarmRecordList(int offset, int limit, IThingResultCallback<Record> callback);


Parameter Description
offset The page number starting from which records are returned.
limit The maximum number of records to be returned in each call.

Data model of Record

Field Type Description
totalCount Integer The total number of records to be returned in each call.
hasNext Boolean Specifies whether to return the next page.
datas List The record content. For more information, see DataBean.

Data model of DataBean

Field Type Description
userId String The user ID.
userName String The nickname of a specified user.
unlockType String The type of unlocking.
devId String The device ID.
createTime Long The timestamp when the record was created.
tags Integer The flag of the record. Valid values:
  • 0: other types of alarms
  • 1: duress alarm
unlockRelation UnlockRelation The instance that specifies the relationship between an unlocking type and an unlocking password number. Ignore this parameter for non-unlocking records.


thingLockDevice.getAlarmRecordList(0, 10, new IThingResultCallback<Record>() {
    public void onSuccess(Record result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "get alarm records success: recordBean = " + result);

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "get alarm records failed: code = " + errorCode + " message = " + errorMessage);

Get unlocking records

This method is available to legacy versions only. For the pro edition of smart locks, we recommend that you call the method in Filterable records (log component).

API description

For more information, see the alert records.

* get unlock records in old version
* @param offset   page number
* @param limit    item count
* @param callback callback
void getUnlockRecordList(int offset, int limit, IThingResultCallback<Record> callback);


thingLockDevice.getUnlockRecordList(0, 10, new IThingResultCallback<Record>() {
    public void onSuccess(Record result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getUnlockRecordList success: recordBean = " + result);

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getUnlockRecordList failed: code = " + errorCode + " message = " + errorMessage);

Get alert records

This method is available to legacy versions only. For the pro edition of smart locks, we recommend that you call the method in Filterable records (log component).

API description

For more information, see the alert records.

* Returns the duress flag for legacy versions.
* @param offset page number
* @param limit item count
* @param callback callback
void getHijackRecords(int offset, int limit, IThingResultCallback<Record> callback);


thingLockDevice.getHijackRecords(0, 10, new IThingResultCallback<Record>() {
    public void onSuccess(Record result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getHijackRecords success: recordBean = " + result);

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getHijackRecords failed: code = " + errorCode + " message = " + errorMessage);

Filterable records (log component)

Returns the usage records that can be filtered by users. This method is available to the pro edition of smart locks.

API description

* Returns the usage records respecting the pro edition.
* @param request The request parameter.
* @param callback The listener.
void getProUnlockRecordList(RecordRequest request, IThingResultCallback<ProRecord> callback);

Data model of RecordRequest

Field Type Description
logCategories String The type of log. Valid values:
  • operation: operation log
  • unlock_record: unlocking log
  • close_record: locking log
  • alarm_record: alarm log
The values are separated with commas (,) and encapsulated as a list of enum values in the Smart Lock SDK.
userIds String The list of user IDs to be returned, separated with commas (,). Example: 12,13.
onlyShowMediaRecord Boolean Indicates whether only log entries with images or video files are returned. Default value: false, used to return all log entries.
startTime Long The start time of the period to be queried. Unit: milliseconds.
endTime Long The end time of the period to be queried. Unit: milliseconds.
lastRowKey String The row key of the last entry on each page. The value is empty for the first page.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries to be returned per page.

Data model of ProRecord

Field Type Description
hasNext Boolean Indicates whether the entries are returned on pages.
lastRowKey String The row key of the last entry on each page.
records List The list of records. For more information about a single record, see DataBean.

Data model of DataBean

Field Type Required Description
logId Long Yes The log ID.
logCategory String Yes The type of log. Valid values:
  • operation: operation log
  • unlock_record: unlocking log
  • close_record: locking log
  • alarm_record: alarm log
logType String Yes The type of log. For more information, see Appendix.
recordType Integer No Only unlocking records are returned. Valid values:
  1. Unlocking
  2. Alarm
unlockNameRosettaKey String No The type of locking record. For more information, see Appendix.
currentUser Boolean No Indicates whether the record is generated by the current user. If so, the value is true. This parameter is required by non-combined unlocking methods.
userId String No The user ID, required only by unlocking records, duress alarms, and operation records.
userName String No The username.
memberBindableFlag Boolean Yes Indicates whether a record can be bound with a member.
unlockName String No The name of an unlocking method. The value can be empty.
time Long Yes The time when an event occurs.
relateDevName String No The name of the associated device.
relateOpMode String No The details of the associated unlocking method.
data String Yes The operation record. For more information, see Appendix.
unionUnlockInfo UnionUnlockInfo No The information about a combined unlocking method.
mediaInfoList List No The information about video files and images. This parameter applies to smart video locks, Wi-Fi low-power locks, and keepalive locks when these locks can generate video files and images. For more information, see MediaInfoBean.

Data model of UnionUnlockInfo

Field Type Required Description
userName String No The username triggered by the combined unlocking method. The value can be empty.
opMode String No The type of unlocking method that is used for combined unlocking.
unlockName String No The name of the unlocking method that is used for combined unlocking. The value can be empty.
currentUser Boolean No Indicates whether the combined unlocking method is used by the current user.
sn Integer No The hardware SN of the device that is bound with the combined unlocking method.

Data model of MediaInfoBean

Field Type Required Description
fileUrl String No The URL of a cover image.
fileKey String No The secret key that is used to decrypt a cover image.
mediaPath String No The relative address of a video file.
mediaBucket String No The bucket where a video file is located.
mediaKey String No The secret key that is used to decrypt a video file.


ArrayList<RecordRequest.LogRecord> logRecords = new ArrayList<>();
RecordRequest request = new RecordRequest();
thingLockDevice.getProUnlockRecordList(request, new IThingResultCallback<ProRecord>() {
    public void onSuccess(ProRecord result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "get ProUnlock RecordList success: recordBean = " + result);

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "get ProUnlock RecordList failed: code = " + errorCode + " message = " + errorMessage);

Unlocking methods

Get a list of linked unlocking methods

API description

* Returns a list of linked unlocking methods.
* @param userId   The user ID.
* @param callback The callback.
void getProBoundUnlockOpModeList(String userId, IThingResultCallback<MemberInfoBean> callback);


Returns the member data model MemberInfoBean, as mentioned in the method for getting the member list.

thingLockDevice.getProBoundUnlockOpModeList(userId, new IThingResultCallback<MemberInfoBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(MemberInfoBean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getProBoundUnlockOpModeList:" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getProBoundUnlockOpModeList failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Determine unassigned unlocking methods

API description

* Determines whether there are unlocking methods to be assigned.
* @param callback The callback.
void isProNeedAllocUnlockOpMode(IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);


thingLockDevice.isProNeedAllocUnlockOpMode(new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "isProNeedAllocUnlockOpMode:" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "isProNeedAllocUnlockOpMode failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Get a list of unlinked unlocking methods

API description

* Returns a list of unlinked unlocking methods.
* @param callback The callback.
void getProUnboundUnlockOpModeList(IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<AllocOpModeBean>> callback);


thingLockDevice.getProUnboundUnlockOpModeList(new IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<AllocOpModeBean>>() {
    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<AllocOpModeBean> result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getProUnboundUnlockOpModeList:" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getProUnboundUnlockOpModeList failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Data model of AllocOpModeBean

Field Type Description
opMode String The unlocking method. Valid values:
  • 1: fingerprint
  • 2: password
  • 3: card
unlockList List The details of the unassigned unlocking method. For more information, see the settings of UnlockInfoBean.

Assign unlocking method to user

API description

* Assigns an unlocking method to a user.
* @param userId   The user ID.
* @param unlockIds The DP of the unlocking method.
* @param callback The callback.
void allocProUnlockOpMode(String userId, List<String> unlockIds, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);

Request parameters

Field Type Description
userId String The user ID.
unlockIds List A list of unlocking methods.


thingLockDevice.allocProUnlockOpMode(userId, unlockIds, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "allocProUnlockOpMode onSuccess: " + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "allocProUnlockOpMode failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Add unlocking method on the app

LockAppCloudThe device stays online.Send a command to add an unlocking method.Return the result.Make an API request and sync data to the cloud.Return the result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppCloud

API description

* Legacy all-in-one lock: add an unlocking method.
* @param opModeAddRequest The request parameter.
* @param callback         The callback.
void addUnlockOpModeForMember(OpModeRequest opModeAddRequest, IThingResultCallback<AddOpmodeResult> callback);
* Pro edition: add an unlocking method.
* @param opModeAddRequest The request parameter.
* @param callback         The callback.
void addProUnlockOpModeForMember(OpModeRequest opModeAddRequest, IThingResultCallback<AddOpmodeResult> callback);

Data model of OpModeRequest

Field Type Description
userId String The user ID.
unlockId String The unlocking method ID. Set the value in the format of <DP>-<Lock ID>, such as 1-01.
unlockName String The name of an unlocking method. The value can be empty for the pro edition, but it is required for legacy versions.
opModeId Long The ID of an unlocking method in the cloud. The value is used for updates.
unlockAttr Integer Specifies whether to enable the unlocking notifications in emergency conditions like duress. Valid values:
  • 0: no.
  • 1: yes.
password String The unlocking password.
notifyInfo NotifyInfoBean The information about the notification, dedicated for the pro edition.
times Integer The number of times the notification is sent. Value range: 0 to 255.
lockUserId Integer The user ID on the lock.
unlockType String The DP code of the unlocking method.
userType Integer The type of user. Valid values:
  • 10: administrator.
  • 20: common user.
  • 50: home owner.

Data model of NotifyInfoBean

Field Type Description
appSend Boolean Specifies whether to send a notification to the app, dedicated for the pro edition.


Different from legacy versions, the pro edition has new features and API versions are updated.

OpModeRequest request = new OpModeRequest()
request.setUserType();// The type of user.
request.setUserId();// The user ID.
request.setLockUserId();// The lock ID of the user.
request.setUnlockName();// The name of the unlocking method.
request.setUnlockAttr(0);// Determines the emergency condition that is called duress for legacy versions.
request.setPassword();// The password must be entered for the unlocking method with password.
// Example for legacy versions
thingLockDevice.addUnlockOpModeForMember(request, new IThingResultCallback<AddOpmodeResult>() {
    public void onSuccess(AddOpmodeResult result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "addUnlockOpModeForMember onSuccess");

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "addUnlockOpModeForMember onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);
// Example for the pro edition
thingLockDevice.addProUnlockOpModeForMember(request, new IThingResultCallback<AddOpmodeResult>() {
    public void onSuccess(AddOpmodeResult result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "addProUnlockOpModeForMember onSuccess");

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "addProUnlockOpModeForMember onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);

Data model of AddOpmodeResult

Field Type Description
opModeId Long The ID of an unlocking method in the cloud. The value is used for updates.
unlockName String The name of an unlocking method. The value can be empty.

Delete unlocking method on the app

LockAppCloudThe device stays online.Send a command to delete an unlocking method.Return the result.Make an API request and sync data to the cloud.Return the result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppCloud

API description

* Legacy versions: delete an unlocking method.
* @param unlockMode The request parameter.
* @param callback   The callback.
void removeUnlockOpModeForMember(OpModeRemoveRequest unlockMode, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);
* Pro edition: delete an unlocking method.
* @param unlockMode The request parameter.
* @param callback   The callback.
void removeProUnlockOpModeForMember(OpModeRemoveRequest unlockMode, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);

Data model of OpModeRemoveRequest

Field Type Description
userId String The user ID.
lockUserId String The member ID that the cloud assigns to a lock when you create a lock member.
userType Integer The type of user.
unlockId String The ID of an unlocking method.
opModeId String The number of a specified unlocking method in the cloud.


OpModeRemoveRequest removeRequest = new OpModeRemoveRequest();
// Legacy versions.
thingLockDevice.removeUnlockOpModeForMember(removeRequest, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "removeUnlockOpModeForMember onSuccess");

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "removeUnlockOpModeForMember onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);
// The pro edition.
thingLockDevice.removeProUnlockOpModeForMember(removeRequest, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "removeProUnlockOpModeForMember onSuccess");

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "removeProUnlockOpModeForMember onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);

Update unlocking method on the app

LockAppCloudThe device stays online.Determine whether to update a password.If not, send the request to the cloud.Send a command to update the unlocking method.(update a password)Return the result.Make an API request and sync data to the cloud.Return the result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppCloud

API description

For more information about the data model of OpModeRequest as the request parameter, see Add unlocking method on the app.

* Updates an unlocking method.
* @param opModeUpdateRequest The request parameter.
* @param callback            The callback.
void modifyUnlockOpModeForMember(OpModeRequest opModeUpdateRequest, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);
* Pro edition: update an unlocking method.
* @param opModeUpdateRequest The request parameter.
* @param callback            The callback.
void modifyProUnlockOpModeForMember(OpModeRequest opModeUpdateRequest, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);


NotifyInfoBean notifyInfoBean = new NotifyInfoBean();
OpModeRequest request = new OpModeRequest();
request.setUserType();// The type of user.
request.setUserId();  // The user ID.
request.setLockUserId();// The lock ID of the user.
request.setUnlockName();// The name of the unlocking method.
request.setUnlockAttr(0);// Determines the emergency condition.
request.setPassword();  // The password must be entered for the unlocking method with password.
request.setOpModeId();  // The lock ID stored in the cloud.
request.setUnlockId();  // The unlocking method ID.
// Legacy versions.
thingLockDevice.modifyUnlockOpModeForMember(request, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "modifyUnlockOpModeForMember onSuccess");

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "modifyUnlockOpModeForMember onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);
// Pro edition: update an unlocking method.
request.setNotifyInfo(notifyInfoBean);// Sets the switch of the notification method.
thingLockDevice.modifyProUnlockOpModeForMember(request, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "modifyProUnlockOpModeForMember onSuccess");

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "modifyProUnlockOpModeForMember onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);

Cancel enrollment of fingerprint unlocking method on the app

This method applies to the unlocking method with fingerprint.

API description

* Cancels enrollment of an unlocking method with fingerprint.
* @param lockUserId The lock ID of the member.
* @param userType   The type of member.
* @param callback   The callback.
void cancelUnlockOpModeForFinger(int lockUserId, int userType, IResultCallback callback);


After enrollment is canceled, the error message addUnlockOpModeForMember.onError that is returned for the request of adding an unlocking method includes the code parameter. For more information about the values of code, see Appendix.

thingLockDevice.cancelUnlockOpModeForFinger(request.getLockUserId(), request.getUserType(), new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String message) {
         Log.e(Constant.TAG, "cancelUnlockOpModeForFinger onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);

    public void onSuccess() {

Query details of an unlocking method

This method is suitable for users to view or edit the details of an unlocking method.

API description

* Returns the details of an unlocking method.
* @param opModeId The lock ID that is stored in the cloud.
* @param callback The callback.
void getProUnlockOpModeDetail(long opModeId, IThingResultCallback<OpModeDetailBean> callback);

Request parameters

Field Type Description
opModeId Long The lock ID that is stored in the cloud.

Data model of OpModeDetailBean

Field Type Description
phase Integer The status of the user. Valid values:
  • 0: frozen
  • 1: normal
  • 5: expired
  • 6: ineffective
  • 7: deleted
unlockAttr Integer The attribute of an unlocking method. Valid values:
  • 1: emergency
  • 0: not emergency
unlockName String The name of an unlocking method.
userId String The user ID.
opModeValue String The hexadecimal value of the unlocking method.
opMode String The type of unlocking method. This parameter matches dpId.
unlockId String The ID of an unlocking method.
lockUserId Integer The user ID on the lock.
opModeId Long The ID of an unlocking method in the cloud.
userTimeSet String The validity period of the user.
userType Integer The type of user.
sourceAttribute Integer The source of the unlocking method. Valid values:
  • 1: enroll on the app
  • 2: enroll on an offline lock
  • 3: enroll by the lock super administrator
notifyInfo NotifyInfoBean The information about the notification. The value is returned only when the unlocking method attribute is set to 1 for the pro edition.


thingLockDevice.getProUnlockOpModeDetail(opModeId, new IThingResultCallback<OpModeDetailBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(OpModeDetailBean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getUnlockOpModeDetail: " + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getUnlockOpModeDetail onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);

Set or cancel unlocking method under duress

By default, this feature is built into the methods of adding and updating an unlocking method. This section describes how to use this feature in detail.

API description

* Adds a duress alarm flag.
* @param dpId      The DP ID.
* @param unlockId The unlocking method ID in the format of dpId + Lock ID.
* @param callback The callback.
void addHijackingConfig(String dpId, String unlockId, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);

* Removes a duress alarm flag.
* @param dpId      The DP ID.
* @param unlockId The unlocking method ID in the format of dpId + Lock ID.
* @param callback The callback.
void removeHijackingConfig(String dpId, String unlockId, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);

Sync unlocking methods on the app

LockAppCloudThe device stays online.Run the task of syncing unlocking methods.Make an API request to get data from the cloud.Return the result.Send the DP command to the device.LockAppCloud

API description

* Syncs unlocking methods.
* @param dpIds    The unlocking method DP to be synced.
* @param callback The callback.
void syncData(List<String> dpIds, IResultCallback callback);


ArrayList<String> dpIds = new ArrayList<>();
thingLockDevice.syncData(dpIds, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "syncData onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "syncData onSuccess");

Enable or disable unlocking method notification

For more information, see Update unlocking method on the app.

Password management

Create offline password (one-time, multi-time, clearing code)

API description

* Returns an offline password.
* @param pwdType    The type of password.
* @param gmtStart   The start time.
* @param gmtExpired The end time.
* @param pwdName    The password name.
* @param callback   The callback.
void getOfflinePassword(OfflineTempPasswordType pwdType, long gmtStart, long gmtExpired,
                    String pwdName,
                    IThingResultCallback<OfflineTempPassword> callback);

* Pro edition: get an offline password.
* @param pwdType    The type of password.
* @param gmtStart   The start time.
* @param gmtExpired The end time.
* @param pwdName    The password name.
* @param callback   The callback.
void getProOfflinePassword(OfflineTempPasswordType pwdType, long gmtStart, long gmtExpired,
                        String pwdName,
                        IThingResultCallback<OfflineTempPassword> callback);

Request parameters

Field Type Description
pwdType OfflineTempPasswordType The type of password. Valid values:
  • 0: a password that can be used as many times as needed before it expires
  • 1: a one-time password
  • 9: a clearing code
gmtStart Long The time when the password becomes effective. The value is 0 except for a password that can be used as many times as needed before it expires.
gmtExpired Long The time when the password expires. The value is 0 except for a password that can be used as many times as needed before it expires.
pwdName String The name of the password.


// Legacy versions.
thingLockDevice.getOfflinePassword(pwdType, gmtStart, gmtExpired, name, new IThingResultCallback<OfflineTempPassword>() {
    public void onSuccess(OfflineTempPassword result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getOfflinePassword success :" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getOfflinePassword failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);
// The pro edition.
thingLockDevice.getProOfflinePassword(pwdType, gmtStart, gmtExpired, name, new IThingResultCallback<OfflineTempPassword>() {
    public void onSuccess(OfflineTempPassword result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getProOfflinePassword success :" + result);

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getProOfflinePassword failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Data model of OfflineTempPassword

Field Type Description
unlockBindingId String The authorization ID of the unlocking method, dedicated for the pro edition.
pwd String The temporary password.
pwdId String The password ID.
pwdName String The name of the password, dedicated for the pro edition.
gmtStart Long The 10-digit time when the temporary password takes effect. Unit: seconds.
gmtExpired Long The 10-digit time when the temporary password expires. Unit: seconds.

Get clearing code of an offline password

API description

* Returns the clearing code of an offline password.
* @param revokeRequest The request parameter.
* @param callback      The callback.
void getSingleRevokeOfflinePassword(OfflinePasswordRevokeRequest revokeRequest, IThingResultCallback<String> callback);

Data model of OfflinePasswordRevokeRequest

Field Type Description
passwordId String The ID of the offline password. Valid values:
  • unlockBindingId used by the pro edition
  • pwdId used by legacy versions
name String The name of the password to be cleared, dedicated for the pro edition.

Get effective offline password (unlimited use, clearable)

API description

* @param callback callback
void getSingleRevokePasswordList(IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<OfflineTempPassword>> callback);


thingLockDevice.getSingleRevokePasswordList(new IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<OfflineTempPassword>>() {
    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<OfflineTempPassword> result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getSingleRevokePasswordList success: " + result);

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getSingleRevokePasswordList failed: code = " + errorCode + " message = " + errorMessage);


OfflinePasswordRevokeRequest revokeRequest = new OfflinePasswordRevokeRequest();
revokeRequest.setName();// Dedicated for the pro edition.
thingLockDevice.getSingleRevokeOfflinePassword(revokeRequest, new IThingResultCallback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getSingleRevokeOfflinePassword success :" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getSingleRevokeOfflinePassword failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Repeatedly validate temporary online password

By default, this feature is built into the methods of adding and updating a temporary online password. This section describes how to use this feature in detail.

API description

* Repeatedly validates the content of an online password.
* @param request The request parameter.
* @param callback The callback.
void validateCustomPassword(PasswordRequest request, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);

Data model of PasswordRequest

Field Type Description
id String The password ID. For the pro edition, unlockBindingId is used as the request parameter.
password String The temporary password.
sn Integer The serial number of the password. The value is reported by the device when the password is created.
effectiveTime Long The time when the password takes effect.
invalidTime Long The time when the password expires.
availTime Integer The number of times the password can be used. Valid values:
  • 0: permanently valid
  • 1: one-time, unavailable to the pro edition
name String The name of the password.
schedule ScheduleBean For more information, see Data model of ScheduleBean.


thingLockDevice.validateCustomPassword(PasswordRequest, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "validateCustomPassword success :" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "validateCustomPassword failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Create a temporary online password

The types of temporary online passwords include one-time and recurring. For the pro edition, the one-time temporary online password is unavailable.

LockAppCloudThe device stays online.Create a temporary online password.Send a DP command.Return the result.Make an API request and sync data.Return the result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppCloud

API description

For more information, see Data model of PasswordRequest.

* Creates an online password. A one-time or periodic password is supported.
* Pro edition: create a custom password, not one-time.
* @param request The request parameter.
* @param callback The callback.
void getCustomOnlinePassword(PasswordRequest request, IThingResultCallback<String> callback);


thingLockDevice.getCustomOnlinePassword(PasswordRequest, new IThingResultCallback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getCustomOnlinePassword success :" + result);

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getCustomOnlinePassword failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Modify details or validity period of temporary online password

LockAppCloudThe device stays online.Change validity period of a temporary online password.Send a DP command.Return the result.Make an API request and sync data.Return the result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppCloud

API description

* Modifies the details or validity period of a temporary online password.
* @param request The request parameter.
* @param callback The listener.
void updateOnlinePassword(PasswordRequest request, IThingResultCallback<String> callback);


thingLockDevice.updateOnlinePassword(passwordRequest, new IThingResultCallback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "updateOnlinePassword success :" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "updateOnlinePassword failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Delete temporary online password

LockAppCloudThe device stays online.Delete a temporary online password.Send a DP command.Return the result.Make an API request and delete data.Return the result.Process the response and display the processing result.LockAppCloud

API description

* Deletes a temporary online password. The password record is deleted and no longer displayed to users.
* @param deleteRequest      The input parameter.
* @param callback           The callback.
void deleteOnlinePassword(OnlinePasswordDeleteRequest deleteRequest, IThingResultCallback<String> callback);

Data model of OnlinePasswordDeleteRequest

Field Type Description
passwordId String The ID of the offline password. Valid values:
  • unlockBindingId used as the request parameter by the pro edition
  • pwdId or ID used as the request parameter by legacy versions
sn Integer The serial number of the password.


OnlinePasswordDeleteRequest deleteRequest = new OnlinePasswordDeleteRequest();
thingLockDevice.deleteOnlinePassword(deleteRequest, new IThingResultCallback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "deleteProOnlineTempPassword success: " + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "deleteProOnlineTempPassword failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Get a list of offline passwords (legacy versions)

For the pro edition, use the new method for getting a password list.

API description

* Legacy all-in-one lock: get a list of offline passwords.
* @param offlineType           The type of password: a one-time password, a periodic password, and a clearing code used to delete all offline passwords.
* @param offset                The number of the entry starting from which entries are returned.
* @param limit                 The maximum number of entries returned on each page.
* @param offlinePasswordStatus The password status: valid, invalid, and used.
* @param callback              The listener.
void getOfflinePasswordList(OfflineTempPasswordType offlineType, int offset, int limit,
                        OfflineTempPasswordStatus offlinePasswordStatus,
                        IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<OfflineTempPasswordItem>> callback);

Request parameters

Field Type Description
offlineType OfflineTempPasswordType The type of password. Valid values:
  • MULTIPLE: a password that can be used as many times as needed before it expires
  • SINGLE: a one-time password
  • CLEAR_ALL: a clearing code used to delete all offline passwords
offset Integer The number of the entry starting from which entries are returned.
limit Integer The maximum number of entries returned on each page.
offlinePasswordStatus OfflineTempPasswordStatus The status of a specified temporary password. Valid values:
  • TO_BE_USED: valid
  • USED: used
  • EXPIRED: expired


thingLockDevice.getOfflinePasswordList(OfflineTempPasswordType.MULTIPLE, 0, 10, OfflineTempPasswordStatus.TO_BE_USED, new IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<OfflineTempPasswordItem>>() {
    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<OfflineTempPasswordItem> result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getOfflineTempPasswordList success: " + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getOfflineTempPasswordList failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Data model of OfflineTempPasswordItem

Field Type Description
pwdId Integer The password ID.
pwdType String The type of password.
pwdName String The name of the password.
gmtStart Long The time when the password takes effect.
gmtExpired Long The time when a password expires.
hasClearPwd Boolean Indicates whether a clearing code has been set. The value is returned only when pwdType is 0. This type of password can be used as many times as needed before it expires.
revokedPwdName String The name of the clearing code. The value is returned only when pwdType is 8. This type of password is used to clear a single password.
status Integer The status. The following states are supported:
  1. Sent, effective
  2. Sent successfully
  3. Expired

Get a list of temporary online passwords (legacy versions)

For the pro edition, use the new method for getting a password list.

API description

* Legacy all-in-one lock: get a list of online passwords.
* @param availTimes Indicates a one-time password or a periodic password. Valid values: `0` to represent a periodic password and `1` to represent a one-time password.
* @param callback   The callback.
void getOnlinePasswordList(int availTimes, IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<TempPasswordBeanV3>> callback);

Request parameters

Field Type Description
availTimes Integer
  • 0: a periodic password
  • 1: a one-time password


thingLockDevice.getOnlinePasswordList(availTimes, new IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<TempPasswordBeanV3>>() {
    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<TempPasswordBeanV3> result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getOnlinePasswordList success: " + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getOnlinePasswordList failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Data model of TempPasswordBeanV3

Field Type Description
id Integer The password ID.
effective Integer The status. The following states are supported:
  1. To be effective
  2. To be sent
  3. In use
  4. To be deleted
  5. Expired
effectiveTime Long The time when the password takes effect.
invalidTime Long The time when the password expires.
availTime Integer The number of times the password can be used. Valid values:
  • 0: valid permanently
  • 1: a one-time password
name String The name of the password.
sn Integer The serial number of the temporary password recorded in the device.
scheduleDetails ScheduleBean Indicates whether the weekly schedule expires. For more information, see Data model of ScheduleBean.

Get a password list

API description

* The list of passwords for the pro edition.
* The authorization type. Valid values:
* LOCK_BLUE_PASSWORD: unlock with the app
* LOCK_OFFLINE_TEMP_PWD: offline password
* LOCK_TEMP_PWD: online password
* @param authTypes The type of authorization.
* @param callback The callback.
void getProPasswordList(List<ProPasswordListTypeEnum> authTypes, IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<ProTempPasswordItem>> callback);

Request parameters

Field Type Description
authTypes List Enum values of ProPasswordListTypeEnum:
  • LOCK_BLUE_PASSWORD: unlock with the app
  • LOCK_OFFLINE_TEMP_PWD: offline password
  • LOCK_TEMP_PWD: online password


List<ProPasswordListTypeEnum> authTypes = new ArrayList<>();
thingLockDevice.getProPasswordList(authTypes, new IThingResultCallback<ArrayList<ProTempPasswordItem>>() {
    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<ProTempPasswordItem> result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getProPasswordList success: " + result);

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getProPasswordList failed: code = " + errorCode + " message = " + errorMessage);

Data model of ProTempPasswordItem

Field Type Description
unlockBindingId Long The serial number of the password.
effectiveTime Long The time when the password takes effect.
invalidTime Long The time when the password expires.
name String The name of the password.
userName String The associated username. The value is required when a Bluetooth unlocking password is shared, and optional in other cases.
scheduleDetails List The details of the weekly schedule. For more information, see Data model of ScheduleBean.
opModeType Integer The type of unlocking method. Valid values:
  1. A temporary password with a validity period
  2. A common permanent password
  3. An offline temporary password
  4. A virtual key
  5. A fingerprint
  6. A card
  7. An authorized Bluetooth unlocking method with the app
opModeSubType Integer For more information, see opModeSubType.
sn Integer The serial number recorded in the device.
lockUserId Integer The member ID that the cloud assigns to a lock when you create a lock member.
account String The contact information of the member.
countryCode String The country code.
timeSetType Integer The type of validity period. Valid values:
  • 10: valid permanently
  • 20: valid within a period
  • 30: valid cyclically
opModeInfo OPModeInfo The information about the unlocking method.

Types of unlocking methods indicated by opModeSubType

Type Description
An offline temporary password
  • 0: a password that can be used as many times as needed before it expires
  • 1: a one-time password
  • 8: a code for clearing a single password
  • 9: a code for clearing all passwords
An online temporary password
  • 0: a password with a validity period
  • 1: a password that can be used only once
An authorized Bluetooth unlocking method with the app
  • 0: can be used as many times as needed before the authorization expires
  • 1: can be used only once

Data model of OPModeInfo

Field Type Description
hasClearPwd Boolean Indicates whether a clearing code is set. The value is required for an offline password.
revokedPwdName String The name of the clearing code.
revokedPwdEffectiveTime String The start time of the validity period of the clearing code.
revokedPwdInvalidTime String The time when the clearing code expires.

Create a dynamic password

API description

* Returns a dynamic password.
* @param callback The callback.
void getLockDynamicPassword(IThingResultCallback<DynamicPasswordBean> callback);

Data model of DynamicPasswordBean

Field Type Description
dynamicPassword String The dynamic clear-text password.


thingLockDevice.getLockDynamicPassword(new IThingResultCallback<DynamicPasswordBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(DynamicPasswordBean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getLockDynamicPassword onSuccess");

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getLockDynamicPassword onError:" + code + ", message: " + message);

Get number system type of password

Returns the configurations of the number system with the help of the panel cloud capability API. The password returned from the cloud must be converted between number systems.

Field name Description Default value
digitalBase The number system supported by the password. 10
isHideZero Indicates whether the least-significant bit (LSB) is 0 or 1. Valid values:
  • true: 1
  • false: 0

API description

* Returns the type of number system used by the password.
* @param callback The callback.
void getLockDeviceConfig(IThingResultCallback<String> callback);


thingLockDevice.getLockDeviceConfig(new IThingResultCallback<String>() {
    public void onSuccess(String result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "getLockDeviceConfig success :" + result);

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getLockDeviceConfig failed: code = " + errorCode + " message = " + errorMessage);

Lock settings

Get status of remote unlocking switch

API description

* Determines whether remote unlocking is enabled.
* @param callback The callback.
void fetchRemoteUnlockType(IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);


thingLockDevice.fetchRemoteUnlockType(new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "get remote unlock available success:" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "get remote unlock available failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Set status of remote unlocking switch

API description

* Sets the status of the remote unlocking switch.
* @param isOpen   The setting of the switch.
* @param callback The callback.
void setRemoteUnlockType(boolean isOpen, IResultCallback callback);


thingLockDevice.setRemoteUnlockType(isOpen, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "setRemoteUnlockType failed: code = " + code + " message = " + error);

    public void onSuccess() {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "setRemoteUnlockType success");

Get status of Google Voice password switch

API description

* Determines whether Google Voice password is enabled.
* @param callback The callback.
void fetchRemoteVoiceUnlock(IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);


thingLockDevice.fetchRemoteVoiceUnlock(new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "fetchRemoteVoiceUnlock success:" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "fetchRemoteVoiceUnlock failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Set Google Voice password

API description

* Sets or cancels a Google Voice password.
* @param isOpen   Sets or cancels a Google Voice password.
* @param password The password.
* @param callback The callback.
void setRemoteVoiceUnlock(boolean isOpen, String password, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);


thingLockDevice.setRemoteVoiceUnlock(isOpen, password, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
        Log.i(Constant.TAG, "setRemoteVoiceUnlock success:" + result);

    public void onError(String code, String error) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "setRemoteVoiceUnlock failed: code = " + code + " message = " + error);

Send locking setting DPs

Use the methods mentioned in Device Control.


The following example shows how to enable the delayed locking feature with a delay of 10 seconds.

String automaticLock_dpId = LockUtil.convertCode2Id(deviceId, "automatic_lock");
String autoLockTime_dpId = LockUtil.convertCode2Id(deviceId, "auto_lock_time");
Map<String, Object> data = new HashMap<>();
dpMap.put(automaticLock_dpId, true);
dpMap.put(autoLockTime_dpId, 10);
IThingDevice iThingDevice = ThingHomeSdk.newDeviceInstance(mDevId);
iThingDevice.publishDps(dpMap, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {


    public void onSuccess() {


Sync data

Sync random numbers, accessories, and records

After the app is started and the device goes online, the data such as offline password time, unlocking random numbers, and lock operation records is synced once. If data is not synced, unlocking is not allowed.

API description

void publishSyncBatchData();



Get synced data content

Returns the content of the data stored in the cloud by publishSyncBatchData. This data retrieval process does not require interaction with the device.

API description

void getSyncBatchData(IThingResultCallback<SyncBatchBean> callback);


thingLockDevice.getSyncBatchData(new IThingResultCallback<SyncBatchBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(SyncBatchBean result) {


    public void onError(String code, String message) {
        Log.e(Constant.TAG, "getSyncBatchData failed: code = " + code + " message = " + message);

Sync unlocking methods

By default, this logic is built into the method of adding an unlocking method. This section describes how to use this feature in detail.

API description

* Syncs unlocking methods.
* @param dpIds    The unlocking method DP to be synced.
* @param callback The callback.
void syncData(List<String> dpIds, IResultCallback callback);


ArrayList<String> dpIds = new ArrayList<>();
thingLockDevice.syncData(dpIds, new IResultCallback() {
    public void onError(String code, String error) {


    public void onSuccess() {



Types of locking records

The operation records returned by DataBean.unlockNameRosettaKey can be parsed into the following types.

Type Description
HISTORY_LOCK_UNDEFINED Undefined locking type
HISTORY_LOCK_VOICE_REMOTE Remote unlocking by voice
HISTORY_LOCK_APP_REMOTE Remote unlocking on the app
HISTORY_LOCK_AUTO Automatic locking
HISTORY_LOCK_LOCAL_MANUAL Manual locking on the device
HISTORY_LOCK_FITTINGS Accessory-triggered locking
HISTORY_LOCK_App Tap and hold the app to unlock
HISTORY_LOCK_GEO_FENCE Geofence-triggered unlocking

Data formats of operation records

The operation records returned by can be parsed into the following features and definitions.

Feature Data definition
Device binding [<Operator name>, <Lock name>]
Temporary password [<Temporary password name>, <Time of taking effect>, <Time of expiration>, <Schedules (only one schedule for the one-in-one lock) [<Whether effective all day>, <Time of taking effect in minutes>, <Time of expiration in minutes>, <Working days>, <Time zone>]]
Validity period of user
(multiple validity periods supported)
[<"User whose validity period is modified",Permanent or not>, <Time of taking effect>, <Time of expiration>, <Schedules (only one schedule for the one-in-one lock) [Whether effective all day>, <Time of taking effect in minutes>, <Time of expiration in minutes>, <Time zone]>]
Add or delete an unlocking method [<User ID>, <Username>, <Unlocking name on the device>, <Type—unlock with card (standard DP)>]
Insert a module or take it out of the lock [<Module type>]: 1 represents a Bluetooth LE and NB-IoT combo module.
Get an offline password [<Offline password name,Time of taking effect,Time of expiration,Offline password type]>]. The offline password types include:
  • 0: a password that can be used as many times as needed before it expires
  • 1: a one-time password
  • 8: a code for clearing a single password
  • 9: a code for clearing all used passwords
Rename an offline password [<Old name>, <New name>, <Password type>]
Unlocking record "1": unlocking method ID

Definitions of log types for pro edition

Type Description
dev_bind Device binding
member_schedule_update Modify the validity period of a member
unlock_add Add an unlocking method
unlock_del Delete an unlocking method
temp_pwd_create Add a temporary password
temp_pwd_del Delete a temporary password
temp_pwd_meta_update Modify the validity period of a temporary password
temp_pwd_name_update Rename a temporary password
offline_pwd_achieve Get an offline password that can be used as many times as needed before it expires
offline_pwd_clear_achieve Get a code for clearing of all offline passwords
offline_pwd_clear_single_achieve Get a code for clearing of a single offline password
offline_pwd_name_update Update the name of an offline temporary password
unlock_ble Unlock over Bluetooth by pressing a key
unlock_password Unlock with a normal password
unlock_temporary Unlock with a temporary password
unlock_dynamic Unlock with a dynamic password
unlock_offline_pd Unlock with an offline password
unlock_offline_clear Report the clearing of all offline passwords
unlock_offline_clear_single Report the clearing of a single offline password
unlock_fingerprint Unlock with a fingerprint
unlock_card Unlock with a card
unlock_key Unlock with a mechanical key
unlock_face Unlock with face recognition
unlock_eye Unlock with iris
unlock_hand Unlock with a palm print
unlock_finger_vein Unlock with a finger vein
unlock_double Combined unlocking (without the user who unlocks the door)
unlock_double_kit Combined unlocking (with the user who unlocks the door)
alarm_lock Alert
hijack Duress alarm
lock_record Locking record
unlock_record_check Accessory record
unlock_phone_remote Record of remote unlocking on the app
unlock_app Record of unlocking on the app for legacy versions
unlock_voice_remote Record of unlocking by talking to a speaker
door_opened Door opened
open_inside Unlock from the inside of the door
timer_opened The timer ON command already executed
timer_closed The timer OFF command already executed
dev_communication_module_add Insert a module or take it out of the lock

Standard DPs on lock

Type Description
arming_switch Arm away
unlock_switch Switch between single unlocking and combined unlocking
automatic_lock Automatic locking
auto_lock_time Delay for auto-locking
verify_lock_switch Turn on/off locking check
do_not_disturb Do not disturb (DND) mode
special_control Special control
special_function Special features
beep_volume Local voice guidance volume

Error codes

The following list of error codes is subject to the basic error codes for Smart Lock SDK.

Error code Description
10203 The device is offline.
10204 The operation timed out.
13001 The password verification is not passed.
13002 Incorrect data check.
13003 The data does not exist.
13004 The DP does not exist.
13005 The unlocking fingerprint is incomplete.
13006 The device reports the failure of the unlocking method enrollment.
13007 The device reports the userId of the unlocking method enrollment does not exist.
13008 Add, modify, and delete an unlocking method: The lock fails to return a response.
13009 The device reports the failure of updating a temporary online password.
13010 The device reports the failure of deleting a temporary online password.
13011 The device reports the failure of creating a temporary online password.
13012 The device reports all hardware IDs are assigned in the operation of creating a temporary online password.
130013 The user cancels fingerprint enrollment.