What Is a Sub-Device Configuration File?

Last Updated on : 2023-09-15 06:29:56download

This topic describes the sub-device configuration file that is used to connect sub-devices to Tuya-enabled gateways. The configuration file allows for the conversion between IoT protocols and Tuya-defined data point (DP) protocol. By setting parameters in the JSON configuration file, you can connect sub-devices to Tuya-enabled gateways.

File format

The configuration file is in JSON format, as shown below.

    "VID": 1,
    "MPID": 2,
    "TPID": "xx",
    "FVer": "xx",
    "EVer": "xx",
    "MTDes": [{ "key": "value" }],
    "SList": [{ "key": "value" }],
    "proData": [{ "key": "value" }],
    "ClusterDP": [{ "key": "value" }]

It contains the following content:

What Is a Sub-Device Configuration File?


  • All the sub-device configuration files must have a conversion rule defined. Otherwise, they cannot work.

  • The following table provides a list of the required and optional fields in the configuration file for different protocols.

    File type Required Optional
    Matter configuration file SList MTRT
    Zigbee configuration file None proData and MTDes
    Matter bridge configuration file MTDes None

First-level parameters

The following table lists the parameters in the first level of the JSON configuration file.

Parameter Description Data type
VID The vendor ID, a unique number assigned by the Connectivity Standards Alliance (CSA), identifies the manufacturer that owns the configuration file. Number (16-bit)
MPID The product ID (PID) of a Matter device. The PID, a unique number assigned by the manufacturer, identifies the product type. Multiple products can share the same PID. Number (16-bit)
TPID The PID, a unique identifier assigned by Tuya, identifies the product. String (16-byte)
FVer The version of the configuration file, identifying the version of the conversion rule defined by the configuration file. For example, 1.0.1. String (16-byte)
EVer The version of the DP Engine. It can only be specified in the solution parameters and cannot be modified in the product definition. String (16-byte)
ClusterDP An array of cluster-DP conversions, including the rules for conversion between all DPs of a product and Matter or Zigbee commands. For more information, see ClusterDP. Array
MTDes The device information displayed when a Zigbee device is bridged to a Matter network. For more information, see MTDes. Array
SList The sub-device subscription table. This field is intended for the Matter configuration file. The controller sends the subscribe command to the sub-device based on the elements in the table. For more information, see SList. Array
ProData The protocol data. For more information, see ProData. String (JSON)

Second-level parameter: ClusterDP

ClusterDP represents an array of cluster-DP conversions. It includes the rules for conversion between all DPs of a product and Matter commands.


  "ClusterDP": [
      "Direct": 1,
      "Cluster": [
          "EPID": 1,
          "CID": 6,
          "SType": 2,
          "SID": 255,
          "Act": 1,
          "MFmt": "xxxx",
          "MType": 1,
          "MName": 1
      "DP": [
          "DPID": 1,
          "DPType": 0,
          "MType": 1,
          "MName": 1
      "Exp": [
          "EType": 1,
          "Data": "xxxx"


dir indicates the direction of protocol conversion, either upstream or downstream.

Take the on/off feature as an example. In the upstream direction, convert the Matter OnOff attribute reported by a device into DP data. In the downstream direction, convert the DP data received from the cloud into the Matter OnOff command.

dir Protocol Direction Description
1 Thread Downstream DP to Matter
2 Thread Upstream Matter to DP
1 WoM (Wi-Fi over Matter) Downstream DP to Matter
2 WoM (Wi-Fi over Matter) Upstream Matter to DP
1 Zigbee Downstream DP to Zigbee
2 Zigbee Upstream Zigbee to DP
1 Zigbee bridge Downstream Matter to DP
2 Zigbee bridge Upstream DP to Matter

For the Zigbee to Matter bridge configuration file, in the downstream direction, convert Matter protocol into DP protocol. In the upstream direction, convert DP protocol into Matter protocol.


The cluster command that corresponds to a DP.

Parameter Description
EPID The endpoint ID of a device, a 2-byte unsigned number. For example, 0x0001.
CID The cluster ID, a 4-byte unsigned number. For example, 0x00000006 for the On/Off cluster.
SType The subtype:
  • 1: Command
  • 2: Attribute
  • 3: Event
SID The subtype_id, a 4-byte unsigned number, indicating the ID of a cluster’s subtype.
  • If Sub_type is attribute, SID is the attribute ID.
  • If Sub_type is command, SID is the command ID.
  • If Sub_type is event, SID is the event number.
Note: When SType is command, to send the value of a DP as the command ID, set SID to 0xFF(255). Currently, only 1-byte commands are supported. For example, if the valid values of SID are the commands for the On/Off cluster, and the value of dp_payload is either 0 or 1 (0 for Off and 1 for On), set SID to 255. Then, the DP’s payload will be used as the command to send to the device. When SID is 0xFF, the MFmt is fixed as {\"T\":4,\"L\":1,\"F\":1}.
Act action, an enum type, indicates the operation of a Sub_type.
  • When Sub_type is attribute, the attribute can be read, write, report, or subscribe.
  • When Sub_type is event, the event can be subscribe or report.
  • When Sub_type is command, the command can be client to server (C2S) or server to client (S2C).
Currently, the configuration file does not support:
  • Conversion between the DP and the read attribute.
  • Conversion between the DP and the subscribe event.
1 (command)xx (command ID)1 (C2S)
2 (S2C)
2 (attribute)xx (attribute ID)3 (read)
4 (write)
5 (report)
3 (event)xx (event ID)6 (subscribe)
7 (report)
MType The method_type, indicating the algorithm of conversion between Matter command values and DP command values.
  • 1: C library
MName The method_name, the name of the function that processes the conversion. The functions are listed in enum values in the JSON configuration file. See the dp_engine conversion function mapping table for details. The conversion functions are used to translate the payload of the DP protocol into the payload of the local protocol.
MFmt The message_format, indicating the format of the Msg parameter in the Matter command packet. Unsigned Integers are represented in bitmap format.
  • T: The type of the character.
    • When the type of the payload is Boolean, set T to 8 or 9.
    • When the type of the payload is bitmap, set T to 4.
    • When the type of the payload is string, set T to 0x0c and L to 0.
    • When the type of the payload is raw, set T to 16 and L to -1.
  • L: The length of the parameter T.
  • F: The flag, populated with Matter data converted from the DP value.
    • When this field is set to 1, it is populated with the converted value.
    • When this field is null, it is populated with the default value.

The valid values for the T field:

Value Description
-1 Unspecified
0x00 Int8
0x01 Int16
0x02 Int32
0x03 Int64
0x04 UInt8
0x05 UInt16
0x06 UInt32
0x07 UInt64
0x08 Boolean False
0x09 Boolean True
0x0a Floating Point Number 32
0x0b Floating Point Number 65
0x0c UTF-8 String_1ByteLength
0x0d UTF-8 String_2ByteLength
0x0e UTF-8 String_4ByteLength
0x0f UTF-8 String_8ByteLength
0x10 Byte String_1ByteLength
0x11 Byte String_2ByteLength
0x12 Byte String_4ByteLength
0x13 Byte String_8ByteLength
0x14 NULL

Take the brightness adjustment command as an example.

  • The payload:

    Description 1st parameter 2nd parameter 3rd parameter 4th parameter
    Bytes 1 2 0 or 1 0 or 1
    Data type uint8 uint16 map8 map8
    Parameter Level Transition time OptionsMark OptionsOverride
  • JSON example

            "T": 4,//uint8
            "L": 1, //1byte
            "F": 1// Populated with the value converted from the DP value.
        {//transition time
            "T": 5,// uint6
            "L": 2// 2byte
            "T": 4,// map8 == uint8
            "L": 1// 1byte
            "T": 4,// map8 == uint8
            "L": 1// 1byte

    The F field is populated with the converted DP value, and all other fields are set to the default value of 0.

Data point (DP)

An array of Tuya-defined DP commands. An attribute might correspond to more than one DPs.

Parameter Description
DPID The ID of a DP, two bytes.
DPType The data type of a DP.
  • Bool: 0
  • Value: 1
  • String: 2
  • Enum: 3
  • Bitmap: 4
  • Raw: 5
MType The method_type, indicating the algorithm of conversion between Matter command values and DP command values.
  • 1: C library
MName The method_name, the name of the function that processes the conversion. The functions are listed in enum values in the JSON configuration file. See the dp_engine conversion function mapping table for details. The conversion functions are used to translate the payload of the local protocol into the payload of the DP protocol.


Exp indicates an optional extension field. To use this field, set the MName field in the respective array to 0.

  • EType: expand_typde

    EType Description
    1 EnumMap enum mapping table
    2 BitMap bit table
    3 DefaultValue table
    4 Math formula conversion, for example, *(num/360.0)254 + 0.5. Only unary operators are supported currently.
  • Data: JSON string.

    • When EType is 1, the format is "{"map":[{"dpV":0,"mtV":2},{"dpV":1,"mtV":0}]}". mtV of -1 indicates that NULL is sent.
    • When EType is 2, the format is "{"byte":1,"bit":1}", indicating that the value of DP is derived from the first bit of the first byte, which is used for parsing the data reported by intruder alarm system (IAS) zone devices.
    • When EType is 3, the format is "{\"dp\":[{\"i\":1,\"t\":1,\"v\":2}]}", indicating that data is converted into the default value for reporting, without parsing the payload but directly using the specified DP content. i is for DpID, t for DPType, and v for dpValue.
    • When EType is 4, the format is "{\"1\":\"num+1\",\"2\":\"num-1\"}", indicating that a specified function is used for numeric conversions. When jsonKey is set to 1, the content of jsonValue is the function used to convert the local protocol into the DP protocol. When jsonKey is set to 2, the content of jsonValue is the function used to convert the DP protocol into the local protocol. The name of the unknown number must be num.

Second-level parameter: MTDes

MTDes describes the device information displayed when a non-Matter device is bridged to a Matter network.


  "MTDes": {
    "Basic": "[{\"57\":\"{\\\"1\\\":\\\"tuya\\\"}\"},{\"47\":\"{\\\"2\\\":\\\"Bat\\\"}\"},{\\\"ManuN\\\":\\\"aaa\\\"},{\\\"ModelID\\\":\\\"aaa\\\"}]",
    "EPs": [
        "EPID": 1,
        "MTDevID": 2,
        "CIDs": [
            "CType": 1,
            "CID": 6,
            "FMap": 1,
            "AIDs": [
                "AID": 0
            "ICmds": [
                "CmdID": 0,
                "MFmt": "[{\"L\":0,\"T\":20}]"
            "OCmds": [
                "CmdID": 0,
                "MFmt": "[{\"L\":0,\"T\":20}]"
        "EPID": 2,
        "MTDevID": 2,
        "CIDs": [
            "CType": 1,
            "CID": 8,
            "FMap": 1,
            "AIDs": [
                "AID": 0,
                "AID": 1
            "ICmds": [
                "CmdID": 0,
                "CmdID": 1
            "OCmds": [
                "CmdID": 0,
                "MFmt": "[{\"L\":0,\"T\":20}]"
            "CType": 1,
            "CID": 768,
            "FMap": 1,
            "AIDs": [
                "AID": 0,
                "AID": 1
            "ICmds": [
                "CmdID": 0,
                "MFmt": "[{\"L\":0,\"T\":20}]"
            "OCmds": [
                "CmdID": 0,
                "MFmt": "[{\"L\":0,\"T\":20}]"


The Basic field, containing the default values of attributes, describes the basic attributes of a product to the Matter network. Its content follows the cluster definition in the Matter specification. This field is in JSON format, as shown below.

           { "attributeid2_dec_str":"attribute_value"}

Example of the Basic field:

        "57":[ //clusterid=57, indicating basic informaton cluster
                "1":"tuya"//attributeid=1, indiating VendorName is tuya
                "2":4821 //attributeid=4821(0x125D), indicating VendorId is tuya
                "3":"KA Extended Color Light"


EPs indicates additional information, with the following sub-parameters.

  • CType: The cluster type, with valid values as shown below.

    Value Description
  • CID: The cluster ID.

  • FMap: The feature map. Its values correspond to the attributes and commands supported by the cluster.

  • ICmds: In cluster. The payload format for each command must be specified.

  • OCmds: Out cluster. The payload format for each command must be specified.

Second-level parameter: SList

SList is the sub-device subscription table, applying to Matter sub-devices. The controller sends the subscribe command to the sub-device based on the elements in the table.

"SList": [
            "Cnt": 1,
            "Min": 0,
            "Max": 360,
            "SType": 2,
            "Member": [
                    "EPID": 1,
                    "CID": 6,
                    "SID": 0
            "Cnt": 1,
            "Min": 0,
            "Max": 360,
            "SType": 2,
            "Member": [
                    "EPID": 1,
                    "CID": 8,
                    "SID": 0
            "Cnt": 2,
            "Min": 0,
            "Max": 360,
            "SType": 2,
            "Member": [
                    "EPID": 1,
                    "CID": 768,
                    "SID": 3
                    "EPID": 1,
                    "CID": 768,
                    "SID": 4
            "Cnt": 1,
            "Min": 0,
            "Max": 360,
            "SType": 2,
            "Member": [
                    "EPID": 1,
                    "CID": 768,
                    "SID": 7
            "Cnt": 1,
            "Min": 0,
            "Max": 360,
            "SType": 2,
            "Member": [
                    "EPID": 1,
                    "CID": 768,
                    "SID": 8

Second-level parameter: ProData

ProData specifies protocol information in string format, applying to the Zigbee configuration file. After Zigbee sub-devices join the network and are bound with the Tuya service, the controller will send Zigbee standard commands to the sub-devices based on RTbale, WTable, and CTable.

    "RTable": [{
        "EPID": 1,
        "CID": 6,
        "AIDs": [0, 1],
        "Num": 2
    "WTable": [{
        "EPID": 1,
        "CID": 6,
        "AID": 0,
        "AType": 1,
        "Val": "hex_string"
    "CTable": [{
        "EPID": 1,
        "CID": 6,
        "AID": 0,
        "Min": 0,
        "Max": 12,
        "Type": 0,
        "Val": "hex_string"
    "EPs": [{
        "EPID": 1,
        "GIndx": 0,
        "DPIDs    ": [{
            "ID": 1

Example of complete configuration

Bridged Zigbee switch

Sample sub-device configuration file for a bridged Zigbee switch:

        "Basic":"[{"57":[{"1":"tuya"},{"2":4821},{"3":"1 Gang Switch"},{"4":49},{"7":100},{"8":"1.0"},{"9":100},{"10":"1.0"},{"11":"20230301"}]},{"47":[{"17":true}]},{"6":[{"65533":4}]},{"8":[{"65533":5}]},{"768":[{"65533":5}]}]",

Thread switch

Sample sub-device configuration file for a Thread switch:

    "VID": 4701,
    "MPID": 21324,
    "TPID": "tuya_pid",
    "FVer": "0.0.1",
    "EVer": "0.0.4",
    "SList": [
            "Cnt": 2,
            "Min": 0,
            "Max": 65535,
            "SType": 2,
            "Member": [
                    "EPID": 1,
                    "CID": 6,
                    "SID": 0
                    "EPID": 1,
                    "CID": 6,
                    "SID": 16387
            "Cnt": 1,
            "Min": 0,
            "Max": 65535,
            "SType": 3,
            "Member": [
                    "EPID": 0,
                    "CID": 40,
                    "SID": 2
    "ClusterDP": [
            "Direct": 1,
            "Cluster": {
                "EPID": 1,
                "CID": 6,
                "SType": 1,
                "SID": 255,
                "Act": 1,
                "MFmt": "[{\"L\":1,\"F\":1,\"T\":4}]",
                "MType": 1,
                "MName": 1
            "DP": {
                "DpID": 1,
                "DPType": 0,
                "MType": 1,
                "MName": 1
            "Direct": 2,
            "Cluster": {
                "EPID": 1,
                "CID": 6,
                "SType": 2,
                "SID": 0,
                "Act": 5,
                "MFmt": "[{\"L\":1,\"F\":1,\"T\":4}]",
                "MType": 1,
                "MName": 1
            "DP": {
                "DpID": 1,
                "DPType": 0,
                "MType": 1,
                "MName": 1
            "Direct": 1,
            "Cluster": {
                "EPID": 1,
                "CID": 6,
                "SType": 2,
                "SID": 16387,
                "Act": 4,
                "MFmt": "[{\"L\":1,\"F\":1,\"T\":4}]",
                "MType": 1,
                "MName": 0
            "DP": {
                "DpID": 29,
                "DPType": 3,
                "MType": 1,
                "MName": 0
            "Exp": {
                "EType": 1,
                "Data": "{\"map\":[{\"dpV\":0,\"mtV\":0},{\"dpV\":1,\"mtV\":1},{\"dpV\":2,\"mtV\":-1}]}"
            "Direct": 2,
            "Cluster": {
                "EPID": 1,
                "CID": 6,
                "SType": 2,
                "SID": 16387,
                "Act": 5,
                "MFmt": "[{\"L\":1,\"F\":1,\"T\":4}]",
                "MType": 1,
                "MName": 0
            "DP": {
                "DpID": 29,
                "DPType": 3,
                "MType": 1,
                "MName": 0
            "Exp": {
                "EType": 1,
                "Data": "{\"map\":[{\"dpV\":0,\"mtV\":0},{\"dpV\":1,\"mtV\":1},{\"dpV\":2,\"mtV\":-1}]}"