Get Infrared Scheduled Task

Last Updated on : 2023-06-15 05:18:40

Get the information about a scheduled task if the scheduled task ID is entered. If the scheduled task ID is not entered, all the scheduled tasks under this remote control will be obtained.

API address

GET: /v2.0/infrareds/{infrared_id}/remotes/{remote_id}/timers

Request parameter

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
infrared_id String uri true The device ID.
remote_id String uri true The ID of a specified remote control.
timer_id Long query false The ID of a scheduled task.

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result List The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
id Long The ID of a specified scheduled task.
timezone_id String The time zone.
time String The specified execution time.
loops String The cycle configuration.
date String The date.
alias_name String The remarks.
status Integer The status of a specified task.
dp_action DpActionVO Specific actions.

Description of dp_action

Parameter name Type Description
time String The specified execution time.
power Integer Power supply
mode Integer The mode.
temp Integer The temperature.
swing Integer The swing.
wind Integer The wind speed.
key Integer The key ID.

Request example

GET: /v2.0/infrareds/vdevo15345926009****/remotes/d5s65ca55/timers?timer_id=1111

Return example

{ "result": [ { "date": "20210910", "loops": "0000000", "dp_action": { "time": "19:09", "key": 1 }, "timezone_id": "Asia/Shanghai", "id": 12086516, "time": "19:09", "status": 1 } ], "t": 1631239148728, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.