Discover Scenes

Last Updated on : 2021-07-16 07:39:18download

Query the information about all scenes of a specified user.

API address

GET: /v1.0/iot-01/voice/users/scenes

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result Object The returned result.
success Boolean Indicates whether the operation is successful. true: succeeded. false: failed.
t Long The returned 13-bit timestamp.
code Integer The response code. It is empty on success.
msg String The error message that is returned if the request fails. It is empty on success.

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
scenes List The object collection of multiple scenes.
version String The version number.
message_id String The request identifier.

Description of scenes

Parameter name Type Description
capabilities List The collection of standard capabilities.
category String The standard category.
scene_id String The primary key of a specified scene.
scene_name String The scene name.

Description of capabilities

Parameter name Type Description
attributes List The collection of standard attributes.
commands List The collection of standard capabilities.
interface_name String The interface type.
support_query Boolean Indicates whether the information can be queried.
support_report Boolean Indicates whether the information can be reported.

Description of attributes

Parameter name Type Description
code String The standard attribute.
rang_type String The value type.
range_value Object The value range.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/iot-01/voice/users/scenes

Return example

{ "result": { "message_id": "f6e97d36-42a8-43e6-b5d6-1ba26aa5824b", "version": "V1.0", "scenes": [ { "capabilities": [ { "support_report": false, "interface_name": "Tuya.SmartHome.PowerstateController", "support_query": false, "attributes": [ { "code": "powerstate", "rang_type": "onOff" } ], "commands": [ "TurnOn" ] } ], "category": "Scene" }, { "capabilities": [ { "support_report": false, "interface_name": "Tuya.SmartHome.PowerstateController", "support_query": false, "attributes": [ { "code": "powerstate", "rang_type": "onOff" } ], "commands": [ "TurnOn" ] } ], "category": "Scene" }, { "capabilities": [ { "support_report": false, "interface_name": "Tuya.SmartHome.PowerstateController", "support_query": false, "attributes": [ { "code": "powerstate", "rang_type": "onOff" } ], "commands": [ "TurnOn" ] } ], "scene_id": "vgr6jYlO*****", "category": "Scene", "scene_name": "\"five light\" Switch: on" }, { "capabilities": [ { "support_report": false, "interface_name": "Tuya.SmartHome.PowerstateController", "support_query": false, "attributes": [ { "code": "powerstate", "rang_type": "onOff" } ], "commands": [ "TurnOn" ] } ], "scene_id": "a3A4Go4g****", "category": "Scene", "scene_name": "Turn on the light in the morning" } ] }, "t": 1620986480544, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.