Query Hardware Information by Product ID

Last Updated on : 2023-06-20 12:39:05

Query the hardware information of a specified product based on the product ID. For example, the electronic components used in the product, and the firmware information to be flashed on the components, such as the key, version number, over-the-air (OTA) channel number, and unique identifier of the firmware.

API address

GET: /v1.0/iot-03/product/hardwares

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
product_idStringquerytrueThe product ID.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultListThe returned result.

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
product_hardware_struct_listListThe list of product hardware structures.
component_codeStringThe code of a specified component.

Description of product_hardware_struct_list

Parameter nameTypeDescription
firmware_keyStringThe firmware key.
firmware_versionStringThe firmware version.
ota_channelIntegerThe OTA channel number.
firmware_idLongThe firmware ID.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/iot-03/product/hardwares
  "product_id": "***pid"

Return example

    "result": {
        "product_hardware_struct_list": [
                "firmware_key": "key***",
                "firmware_id": 999,
                "firmware_version": "1.0.0",
                "ota_channel": 0
        "component_code": "WB3S"
    "t": 1545278901275,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.