Gyroscope Map Component

Last Updated on : 2021-09-10 08:43:53download

This topic introduces the interface for using the gyroscope map component in the sweeper panel SDK.


Component properties

Parameter Data type Description Default value
width Number Map component width Screen width
height Number Map component height Screen height
radius Number The radius of the circle, or the radius of the rectangle (if it is square, it means half of the side length) 1
space Number Interval between each point
maxZoomScale Number Maximum magnification of the map 4
clearData Boolean Clear current map data. true or false false
pointType String Data point Image type circle or square ‘square’
scale Object Center point zoom ratio {x: number; y: number; scale: number} {}
data Array Incremental data point array [{ x:number, y:number, color:#ffffff }] []
currentPos Object Current point position (i.e. where the sweeper is located)
{x: number, y: number}
markerIcon String The picture url of the sweeper ‘’
pilePosition Object The coordinates of the charging pile
{x: number, y: number}
pileIcon String Charging pile icon url ‘’
barrierColor String Obstacle point color, type is #ARGB and #RGB ‘#FFFFFF’
strokeWidth Number Stroke width 1
strokeColor Number Stroke color ‘#D9F6B4’
limitPointNum Number Threshold 3
pointColor String The color of the cleaning point, used to fill the point ‘#D9F6B4’

JavaScript request example

import { RCTGyroMap } from '@tuya/tuya-panel-robot-sdk' class GyroMap extends Component { render() { return <RCTGyroMap {...this.props} />; } }