Configure Push Notifications

Last Updated on : 2023-05-25 06:23:47

Query status of push notifications

Returns the status of the push notifications feature. If this feature is disabled, device alerts, home messages, and notifications cannot be received.

API description

void getPushStatus(IThingResultCallback<PushStatusBean> callback);


Parameter Description
callback The success or failure callback.


 ThingHomeSdk.getPushInstance().getPushStatus(new IThingResultCallback<PushStatusBean>() {
       public void onSuccess(PushStatusBean result) {}
       public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Enable or disable push notifications

Enables or disables the push notifications feature. If this feature is disabled, device alerts, home messages, and notifications cannot be received.

API description

void setPushStatus(boolean isOpen, IThingDataCallback<Boolean> callback);


Parameter Description
isOpen Specifies whether to enable this feature.
callback The success or failure callback.


ThingHomeSdk.getPushInstance().setPushStatus(open, new IThingDataCallback<Boolean>() {
      public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Query push notification status by message type

API description

void getPushStatusByType(PushType type, IThingDataCallback<Boolean> callback);


Parameter Description
type The type of message. Valid values:
  • 0: alert
  • 1: home message
  • 2: notification
  • 4: marketing message
callback The success or failure callback.


ThingHomeSdk.getPushInstance().getPushStatusByType(type, new IThingDataCallback<Boolean>() {
      public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Set push notification status by message type

API description

void setPushStatusByType(PushType type, isOpen, IThingDataCallback<Boolean> callback);


Parameter Description
type The type of message. Valid values:
  • 0: alert
  • 1: home message
  • 2: notification
  • 4: marketing message
isOpen Specifies whether to enable this feature.
callback The success or failure callback.


ThingHomeSdk.getPushInstance().setPushStatusByType(pushType, checked, new IThingDataCallback<Boolean>() {
      public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Query a list of DND periods

API description

void getDNDList(IThingDataCallback<ArrayList<DeviceAlarmNotDisturbVO>> listener);


Parameter Description
listener The success or failure callback.


ThingHomeSdk.getMessageInstance().getDNDList(new IThingDataCallback<DeviceAlarmNotDisturbVO>() {
      public void onSuccess(DeviceAlarmNotDisturbVO result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Query DND settings for home devices

API description

void getDNDDeviceList(IThingDataCallback<ArrayList<NodisturbDevicesBean>> listener);


Parameter Description
listener The success or failure callback.


ThingHomeSdk.getMessageInstance().getDNDDeviceList(new IThingDataCallback<NodisturbDevicesBean>() {
      public void onSuccess(NodisturbDevicesBean result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Query DND status for push notifications

API description

void getDeviceDNDSetting(IThingDataCallback<Boolean> listener);


Parameter Description
listener The success callback. The current Do Not Disturb (DND) status is returned. Valid values:
  • true: DND is enabled.
  • false: DND is disabled.


ThingHomeSdk.getMessageInstance().getDeviceDNDSetting(new IThingDataCallback<Boolean>() {
      public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Enable or disable DND for push notifications

API description

void setDeviceDNDSetting(boolean open, IThingDataCallback<Boolean> listener);


Parameter Description
open Specifies whether to enable this feature.
listener The success or failure callback.


ThingHomeSdk.getMessageInstance().setDeviceDNDSetting(open, new IThingDataCallback<Boolean>() {
      public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Add a DND period

API description

void addDNDWithStartTime(String startTime, String endTime, String devIds, String loops, IThingDataCallback<Long> listener);


Parameter Description
startTime The start time of the DND period.
endTime The end time of the DND period.
devIds The list of device IDs.
loops The weekly schedule.
listener The success or failure callback.


ThingHomeSdk.getMessageInstance().addDNDWithStartTime(startTime, endTime, devIds, loops, new IThingDataCallback<Long>() {
      public void onSuccess(Long result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Remove a DND period

API description

void removeDNDWithTimerId(long id, IThingDataCallback<Boolean> listener);


Parameter Description
id The ID of the DND period to be removed.
listener The success or failure callback.


ThingHomeSdk.getMessageInstance().removeDNDWithTimerId(id, new IThingDataCallback<Boolean>() {
      public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}

Modify a DND period

API description

void modifyDNDWithTimerId(long nodisturbAlarmId, String mStartTime, String mEndTime, String devIds, String loops, IThingDataCallback<Boolean> listener);


Parameter Description
nodisturbAlarmId The ID of the DND period to be modified.
mStartTime The start time of the DND period.
mEndTime The end time of the DND period.
loops The weekly schedule.
listener The success or failure callback.


ThingHomeSdk.getMessageInstance().modifyDNDWithTimerId(nodisturbAlarmId, mStartTime, mEndTime, devIds, loops, new IThingDataCallback<Boolean>() {
      public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {}
      public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {}