Multi-Control Linkage

Last Updated on : 2023-05-25 06:23:48

Multi-control linkage is a device control feature. In this feature, a device data point (DP) is linked with a DP of another device to create a multi-control group. When a device of the multi-control group is controlled, the linked status of other devices in the group is synchronously changed.

For example, 3 two-gang Zigbee sub-device switches, the first DP of each switch is linked with the first DP of the other two switches to create a multi-control group. When the first DP for one of these switches is set to off, the first DP of the other two switches is synchronously set to off.

Multi-Control Linkage


  • Only DPs in the following format are supported: switch_number and sub_switch_number.
  • Switches of Zigbee sub-devices and Bluetooth mesh sub-devices are supported.
  • Devices for multiple product IDs (PIDs) can be added to the same multi-control group.

Access the feature

IThingDeviceMultiControl iThingDeviceMultiControl = ThingHomeSdk.getDeviceMultiControlInstance();

You can query the multi-control and automation scene data linked with a specified DP of the current device. This device is regarded as the main device and the associated devices are regarded as auxiliary devices.


Multi-Control Linkage

Query a list of DPs for a device

API description

void getDeviceDpInfoList(String devId, IThingDataCallback<ArrayList<DeviceDpInfoBean>> callback);


Parameter Description
devId The device ID.
callback The callback.


IThingDeviceMultiControl iThingDeviceMultiControl =ThingHomeSdk.getDeviceMultiControlInstance();
iThingDeviceMultiControl.getDeviceDpInfoList(mDevId, new IThingDataCallback<ArrayList<DeviceDpInfoBean>>() {
    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<DeviceDpInfoBean> result) {


    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {

Query linkage details of a DP

API description

void queryLinkInfoByDp(String devId, String dpId, IThingDataCallback<MultiControlLinkBean> callback);


Parameter Description
devId The device ID.
dpId The DP ID of the device.
callback The callback.


iThingDeviceMultiControl.queryLinkInfoByDp(mDevId, dpId, new IThingDataCallback<MultiControlLinkBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(MultiControlLinkBean result) {


    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {

Fields of MultiControlLinkBean

Field Type Description
multiGroup MultiControlLinkBean.MultiGroupBean The data structure of the associated multi-control group.
parentRules List<MultiControlLinkBean.ParentRulesBean> The data structure of the associated automation scene.

Fields of MultiControlLinkBean.MultiGroupBean

Field Type Description
uid String The user ID.
groupName String The name of the multi-control group.
groupType int The type of multi-control group.
multiRuleId String The rule ID.
id int The multi-control group ID.
ownerId String The home ID.
enabled Boolean Specifies whether to enable this multi-control group.
status int The status of the multi-control group.
groupDetail List The details of the multi-control group.

Fields of GroupDetailBean

Field Type Description
devId String The auxiliary device ID.
dpName String The linked DP name of the auxiliary device.
multiControlId int The multi-control group ID.
dpId int The linked DP ID of the auxiliary device.
devName String The name of the auxiliary device.
enabled Boolean Indicates whether the associated auxiliary device can be controlled with a multi-control linkage.
status int The status of the multi-control group.
datapoints List The DP data.

Fields of MultiControlDataPointsBean

Field Type Description
code String The DP identifier denoted by dpCode of the device.
dpId int The DP ID.
name String The name of the DP.

Fields of ParentRulesBean

Field Type Description
id String The automation scene ID.
name String The name of the automation scene.

Query multi-control devices

API description

void getMultiControlDeviceList(long mHomeId, IThingDataCallback<ArrayList<MultiControlDevInfoBean>> callback);


Parameter Description
mHomeId The home ID.
callback The callback.


iThingDeviceMultiControl.getMultiControlDeviceList(Constant.HOME_ID, new IThingDataCallback<ArrayList<MultiControlDevInfoBean>>() {
    public void onSuccess(ArrayList<MultiControlDevInfoBean> result) {

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {

Fields of MultiControlDevInfoBean

Field Type Description
productId String The product ID.
devId String The device ID.
iconUrl String The URL of a device icon.
name String The name of the device.
roomName String The name of a room.
inRule Boolean Indicates whether the device is linked with the main device.
datapoints List The DP data.

Add, update, or delete a multi-control group

API description

  • In the API method to add a multi-control group, the multi-control group ID is not required. In this process, the data points (DPs) of auxiliary devices are linked with those of the main device. Therefore, GroupDetail must include information about the main device.
  • To update a multi-control group, you can either update it in the JSON format, or use MultiControlBean. You implement the following features with MultiControlBean:
    • Add devices to a multi-control group that includes the target main device
    • Rename the multi-control group
    • Update devices in the multi-control group
    • Remove devices from the multi-control group
  • To delete a multi-control group, set GroupDetail to an empty value.
void saveDeviceMultiControl(long mHomeId, MultiControlBean multiControlBean, IThingResultCallback<MultiControlBean> callback);

void saveDeviceMultiControl(long mHomeId, String json, IThingResultCallback<MultiControlBean> callback);


Parameter Description
mHomeId The home ID.
MultiControlBean The data structure of the multi-control group.
json The data structure of the multi-control group.
callback The callback.

The following code block shows the full data structure in the JSON format:

    "groupName":"Multi-control group 1",
    "groupDetail":[{"devId":"adadwfw3e234ferf41","dpId":2, "id":22, "enable":true}],
    "id":22         // The multi-control group ID.

groupType must be 1.


iThingDeviceMultiControl.saveDeviceMultiControl(Constant.HOME_ID, multiControlBean, new IThingResultCallback<MultiControlBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(MultiControlBean result) {

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {

Fields of MultiControlBean

Field Type Optional Description
groupName String Yes The name of the multi-control group.
groupType int No The type of multi-control group. The value is 1.
groupDetail List Yes The device details of the multi-control group.
id int Yes The multi-control group ID.

Enable or disable a multi-control group

API description

void enableMultiControl(long multiControlId, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);

void disableMultiControl(long multiControlId, IThingResultCallback<Boolean> callback);


Parameter Description
multiControlId The multi-control group ID.
callback The callback.


iThingDeviceMultiControl.enableMultiControl(id, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {

iThingDeviceMultiControl.disableMultiControl( id, new IThingResultCallback<Boolean>() {
    public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {

Query details of multi-control linkage for an auxiliary device

API description

void getDeviceDpLinkRelation(String devId, IThingDataCallback<DeviceMultiControlRelationBean> callback);


Parameter Description
devId The device ID.
callback The callback.


iThingDeviceMultiControl.getDeviceDpLinkRelation(devId, new IThingDataCallback<DeviceMultiControlRelationBean>() {
    public void onSuccess(DeviceMultiControlRelationBean result) {

    public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {

Fields of DeviceMultiControlRelationBean

Field Type Description
datapoints List The DP data.
mcGroups List The details of the associated multi-control group.
parentRules List The details of the associated automation scene.