Member Information Management

Last Updated on : 2023-05-25 06:23:50

Add a home member

A home owner can add an administrator and other members with lower permissions to the home. But the administrator can only add common members and other members with lower permissions to the home.

API description

The autoAccept field of the MemberWrapperBean object specifies whether an invitation is automatically accepted to add an invitee to the home. If the value is set to false, you must call the processInvitation() method, so the invitee needs to accept the invitation before joining the home.

void addMember(MemberWrapperBean memberWrapperBean, IThingDataCallback<MemberBean> callback)


Parameter Description
memberWrapperBean The member information.

Data model of MemberWrapperBean

Field Type Description
homeId long The ID of the home that the invitee joins.
nickName String The nickname of the invitee.
admin boolean Specifies whether the invitee is an administrator.
memberId long The member ID.
headPic String The avatar of the invitee. If the value is set to nil, the invitee’s personal avatar is used.
account String The account of the invitee.
countryCode String The country code of the invitee’s account.
invitationCode String The invitation code.
role int The member role of the invitee. For more information, see the definition of MemberRole. Valid values:
  • -1: custom role
  • 0: common member
  • 1: administrator
  • 2: owner
  • -999: invalid role
autoAccept boolean Specifies whether the invitation is automatically accepted. Valid values:
  • true: The invitation is automatically accepted.
  • false: The invitee needs to accept the invitation before joining the home.

Data model of MemberBean

Field Type Description
homeId long The ID of the home that the invitee joins.
nickName String The nickname of the invitee.
admin boolean Specifies whether the invitee is an administrator.
memberId long The member ID.
headPic String The avatar of the invitee. If the value is set to null, the invitee’s personal avatar is used.
account String The account of the invitee.
role int The member role of the invitee. For more information, see the definition of MemberRole.
role int The member role of the invitee. For more information, see the definition of MemberRole. Valid values:
  • -1: custom role
  • 0: common member
  • 1: administrator
  • 2: owner
  • -999: invalid role
memberStatus int The status of the invitation. For more information, see the definition of MemberStatus. Valid values:
  • 1: to be accepted
  • 2: accepted
  • 3: rejected
  • 4: invalid


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().addMember(memberWrapperBean, new IThingDataCallback<MemberBean>() {
		public void onSuccess(MemberBean result) {
			// do something
		public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
			// do something

Remove a member

A home owner can remove an administrator and other members with lower permissions. The administrator can only remove common members and other members with lower permissions.

API description

The home will be processed in varied ways, depending on different values of memberId:

  • If memberId is set to an administrator, common member, or custom role, the member to be removed will leave the home. In this case, the home will not be deleted and its devices will not be reset.
  • If memberId is set to the home owner, the home is deleted and all devices of the home will be reset. The result is the same as that of dismissHome.
void removeMember(long memberId, IResultCallback callback)


Parameter Description
memberId The member ID.


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().removeMember(memberId, new IResultCallback() {
		public void onSuccess() {
			// do something
		public void onError(String code, String error) {
			// do something

Query a list of home members

API description

void queryMemberList(long mHomeId, IThingGetMemberListCallback callback)


Parameter Description
mHomeId The home ID.


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().queryMemberList(mHomeId, new IThingGetMemberListCallback() {
		public void onSuccess(List<MemberBean> memberBeans) {
			// do something
		public void onError(String errorCode, String error) {
			// do something

Update member information

API description (recommended)

void updateMember(MemberWrapperBean memberWrapperBean, IResultCallback callback)


Parameter Type Description
memberWrapperBean MemberWrapperBean The member information.


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().updateMember(memberWrapperBean, new IResultCallback() {
		public void onSuccess() {
			// do something
		public void onError(String code, String error) {
			// do something

API description (not recommended)

void updateMember(long memberId, String name, boolean admin, IResultCallback callback)


Parameter Type Description
memberId long The member ID.
name name The name of the member.
admin boolean Specifies whether the member is an administrator.


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().updateMember(memberId, name, admin, new IResultCallback() {
		public void onSuccess() {
			// do something
		public void onError(String code, String error) {
			// do something

Query the invitation code to add a member

API description

void getInvitationMessage(long homeId, IThingDataCallback callback)


Parameter Description
homeId The home ID.


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().getInvitationMessage(homeId, new IThingDataCallback<InviteMessageBean>() {
			public void onSuccess(InviteMessageBean result) {
				// onSuc

			public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMessage) {
				// onErr

Join a home with an invitation code

API description

void joinHomeByInviteCode(String code, IResultCallback callback);


Parameter Description
code The invitation code.


ThingHomeSdk.getHomeManagerInstance().joinHomeByInviteCode("code" , new IResultCallback() {
			public void onError(String code, String error) {


			public void onSuccess() {


Revoke an invitation to join a home

API description

void cancelMemberInvitationCode(long invitationId, IResultCallback callBack)


Parameter Description
invitationId The invitation ID.


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().cancelMemberInvitationCode(invitationId, new IResultCallback() {
		public void onSuccess() {
			// do something
		public void onError(String code, String error) {
			// do something

Accept or decline an invitation to join a home

API description

void processInvitation(long homeId, boolean action, IResultCallback callBack)


Parameter Description
homeId The home ID.
action Accepts or declines the invitation.


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().processInvitation(homeId, action, new IResultCallback() {
		public void onSuccess() {
			// do something
		public void onError(String code, String error) {
			// do something

Query invitation records

API description

void getInvitationList(long homeId, IThingDataCallback callback)


Parameter Description
homeId The home ID.

Data model of InviteListResponseBean

Parameter Type Description
validTime long The validity period of the invitation.
invitationId long The invitation ID.
invitationCode String The invitation code.
gid long The ID of the home that the invitee joins.
name String The nickname of the invitee.
admin boolean Specifies whether the member is an administrator.
dealStatus int
  • 1: to be accepted
  • 2: accepted
  • 3: rejected
  • 4: invalid
role int The member role of the invitee. For more information, see the definition of MemberRole.
role int The member role of the invitee. For more information, see the definition of MemberRole. Valid values:
  • -1: custom role
  • 0: common member
  • 1: administrator
  • 2: owner
  • -999: invalid role


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().getInvitationList(homeId, new IThingDataCallback() {
		public void onSuccess(List<InvitedMemberBean> memberBeans) {
			// do something
		public void onError(String errorCode, String error) {
			// do something

Modify invitee information

API description

void updateInvitedMember(long invitationId, String memberName, int memberRole, IResultCallback callBack)


Parameter Description
invitationId The invitation ID.
memberName The nickname of the invitee.
memberRole The role of the invitee to join the home.


ThingHomeSdk.getMemberInstance().updateInvitedMember(invitationId, memberName, membeRole, new IResultCallback() {
		public void onSuccess() {
			// do something
		public void onError(String code, String error) {
			// do something