Last Updated on : 2023-05-25 06:23:47
Scene recommendation is designed to improve connections between users and smart devices through scene services and enhance smart scene capabilities for the devices.
This topic describes API methods for scene recommendation to implement a range of features. For example, get a list of recommended scenes, get a list of recommended scenes for a specific device, get details of a recommended scene, and add or remove a recommended scene. For more information about scene recommendation, see Scene Recommendation Management.
API description
Returns a list of the latest scenes that match certain conditions before the scenes are recommended to users.
You do not need to call this API method prior to each request that is made to get a list of recommended scenes. You can set an interval to call this API method. For example, call it only once every 12 hours to refresh the matching scenes to recommend.
This API method is only applicable to apps developed based on App SDK v3.33.5 or later.
- (void)updateMatchingRecommendWithHomeId:(long long)homeId
Parameter | Description |
homeId | The home ID. |
successHandler | The success callback. |
failureError | The failure callback. |
/// Returns a list of the latest matching scenes to recommend.
[ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance updateMatchingRecommendWithHomeId:123456 success:^(id result) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
/// Returns a list of the latest matching scenes to recommend.
ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance().updateMatchingRecommend(withHomeId: 123456) { (data) in
} failure: { (error) in
API description
- (void)getRecommendedSceneListWithHomeId:(long long)homeId
success:(void(^)(NSArray<ThingSmartSceneModel *> *list))success
Parameter | Description |
homeId | The home ID. |
success | The success callback. A scene list model is returned. |
failure | The failure callback. An error message is returned. |
/// Returns a list of recommended scenes.
[ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance getRecommendedSceneListWithHomeId:123456 success:^(NSArray<ThingSmartSceneModel *> *list) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
/// Returns a list of recommended scenes.
ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance().getRecommendedSceneList(withHomeId: 123456) { (list) in
} failure: { (error) in
API description
Returns a list of the latest matching scenes that can be recommended to a device at the end of the pairing process. This API method is called before the request that displays the recommended scenes for the device.
This API method is only applicable to apps developed based on App SDK v3.33.5 or later.
- (void)updateMatchingDialogRecommendWithHomeId:(long long)homeId
Parameter | Description |
homeId | The home ID. |
successHandler | The success callback. |
failureError | The failure callback. |
/// Returns the latest matching scenes that can be recommended to a device.
[ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance updateMatchingDialogRecommendWithHomeId:123456 success:^(id result) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
/// Returns the latest matching scenes that can be recommended to a device.
ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance().updateMatchingDialogRecommend(withHomeId: 123456) { data in
} failure: { error in
API description
Returns a list of scenes that are recommended to a device at the end of its pairing process.
- (void)getRecommendedSceneListWithHomeId:(long long)homeId
deviceId:(NSString *)deviceId
success:(void(^)(NSArray<ThingSmartSceneModel *> *list))success
Parameter | Description |
homeId | The home ID. |
deviceId | The device ID. |
count | The number of scenes that are recommended to the device. Maximum value: 4 . |
success | The success callback. A scene model is returned. |
failure | The failure callback. An error message is returned. |
/// Returns a list of scenes that are recommended to the specified device.
[ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance getRecommendedSceneListWithHomeId:123456 deviceId:@"device id" count:4 success:^(NSArray<ThingSmartSceneModel *> *list) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
/// Returns a list of scenes that are recommended to the specified device.
ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance().getRecommendedSceneList(withHomeId: 123456, deviceId: "device id", count: 4) { list in
} failure: { error in
API description
Returns a list of scenes that are recommended to multiple devices for the current home in the same call. Only one recommended scene is returned for each device.
This API method is only applicable to apps developed based on App SDK v3.33.5 or later.
- (void)getRecommendDeviceListWithDevIds:(NSArray<NSString *> *)devIds
homeId:(long long)homeId
success:(void (^)(NSDictionary<NSString *,ThingSmartSceneModel *> *dict))success
Parameter | Description |
devIds | The list of device IDs. Up to 20 device IDs are supported in the same call. |
homeId | The home ID. |
success | The success callback. A scene dictionary model is returned. Only one recommended scene is returned for each device. |
failure | The failure callback. An error message is returned. |
/// Returns a list of scenes that are recommended to the specified devices in the same call.
[ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance getRecommendDeviceListWithDevIds:@[@"11", @"22"] homeId:123456 success:^(NSDictionary<NSString *,ThingSmartSceneModel *> *dict) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
/// Returns a list of scenes that are recommended to the specified devices in the same call.
ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance().getRecommendDeviceList(withDevIds: ["11", "22"], homeId: 123456) { (dictionary) in
} failure: { error in
API description
- (void)getRecommendSceneDetailWithSceneId:(NSString *)sceneId
homeId:(long long)homeId
success:(void (^)(ThingSmartSceneModel *sceneModel))success
Parameter | Description |
sceneId | The ID of the recommended scene. |
homeId | The home ID. |
success | The success callback. A scene model is returned. |
failure | The failure callback. An error message is returned. |
/// Returns details of a recommended scene.
[ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance getRecommendSceneDetailWithSceneId:@"recommend id" homeId:123456 success:^(ThingSmartSceneModel *sceneModel) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
/// Returns details of a recommended scene.
ThingSmartSceneManager.sharedInstance().getRecommendSceneDetail(withSceneId: "recommend id", homeId: 123456) { sceneModel in
} failure: { error in
API description
Adds and saves a desired recommended scene to the list of effective scenes. After the scene is added, users can refresh the list of effective scenes to find it from the list.
- (void)saveRecommendSceneWithHomeId:(long long)homeId
success:(void (^)(ThingSmartSceneModel *sceneModel))success
Parameter | Description |
homeId | The home ID. |
success | The success callback. A scene model is returned. |
failure | The failure callback. An error message is returned. |
/// Adds a recommended scene.
ThingSmartSceneModel *sceneModel = [[ThingSmartSceneModel alloc] init];
sceneModel.sceneId = @"123456";
ThingSmartScene *sceneService = [ThingSmartScene sceneWithSceneModel:sceneModel];
[sceneService saveRecommendSceneWithHomeId:123456 success:^(ThingSmartSceneModel *sceneModel) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
/// Adds a recommended scene.
let sceneModel = ThingSmartSceneModel.init()
sceneModel.sceneId = "123456"
let sceneService = ThingSmartScene.init(sceneModel: sceneModel)
sceneService?.saveRecommendScene(withHomeId: 123456, success: { sceneModel in
}, failure: { error in
API description
Removes an undesired recommended scene from the list of recommended scenes.
To get the list of the latest recommended scenes, after this API method is called, wait five seconds and then pull the list of recommended scenes.
- (void)removeRecommendSceneWithHomeId:(long long)homeId
Parameter | Description |
homeId | The home ID. |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. An error message is returned. |
/// Removes a recommended scene.
ThingSmartSceneModel *sceneModel = [[ThingSmartSceneModel alloc] init];
sceneModel.sceneId = @"123456";
ThingSmartScene *sceneService = [ThingSmartScene sceneWithSceneModel:sceneModel];
[sceneService removeRecommendSceneWithHomeId:123456 success:^{
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
/// Removes a recommended scene.
let sceneModel = ThingSmartSceneModel.init()
sceneModel.sceneId = "123456"
let sceneService = ThingSmartScene.init(sceneModel: sceneModel)
sceneService?.removeRecommendScene(withHomeId: 123456, success: {
}, failure: { error in
```error in
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