Get History of Writing to Card

Last Updated on : 2023-06-15 05:21:22

Get the history of writing to a card.

API address

GET: /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/door-lock/card-issuers/cards

Request parameter

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
device_id String uri true The device ID.
target_status Integer query true Query the status of an entry.
page_no Integer query true The page number, starting from 1.
page_size Integer query true The number of entries returned on each page.

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result OpenApiPagination

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
has_more Boolean Indicates whether additional pages are available.
total_pages Integer The total number of pages.
unread_count Integer The number of unread results (unavailable currently).
total Integer The total number of entries.
records List The list of history.

Description of records

Parameter name Type Description
dev_id String The device ID of the card issuer.
id String The card number.
type Integer The card type.
  • 1: Offline password with a limited validity period.
  • 2: Tenant.
  • 3: Elevator.
  • 4: Clear all offline passwords.
  • 5: Identity card.
name String The password name.
bind_id String The ID of the device to be bound, such as a door lock, a room, or an elevator.
bind_dev_name String The name of the device to be bound. The field has a value only when the type is the offline password and clearing code.
bind_value String The bound value that is the specified password ID. The field has a value only when the type is offline password and clearing code.
effective_time Long The effective time. The value is a 13-bit timestamp.
invalid_time Long The expiration time. The value is a 13-bit timestamp.
schedule_flag Integer Specifies whether to enable a schedule. Valid values:
0: no
1: yes
working_day Integer The selected weekly schedule. This field applies only when scheduleFlag is set to 1. The format description of workingDay: The time of the week is marked. bit0 to bit6 respectively represent Sunday to Saturday. 1 means valid, 0 means invalid, and the last digit is represented by 0. For example, Monday/Tuesday/Friday is represented as 01100100, which equals to 100, so the value of workingDay is 100.
schedule_start String This field applies only when scheduleFlag is set to 1. The start time of repetition, such as 08:30.
schedule_end String This field applies only when scheduleFlag is 1. The end time of repetition, such as 18:30.
time_zone_id String The time zone. You can get the value from the context for Atop interfaces, and you need to pass in this field for Dubbo interfaces.
lang String The language, used to generate the default name. You can get the value from the context for Atop interfaces, and you need to pass in this field for Dubbo interfaces.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/devices/6cdb36b2e489885fa57lzm/door-lock/card-issuers/cards?target_status=1&page_no=0&page_size=10

Return example

{ "result": { "records": [ { "effective_time": 1623466800000, "bind_dev_name": "", "bind_value": "2337001", "type": 1, "dev_id": "6c8bcd1020b712c2c4ibrq", "schedule_flag": 0, "bind_id": "6c31e331ebee5563bejcl0", "name": "Password 11", "invalid_time": 1624680000000, "id": "4a5be5ef", "time_zone_id": "" } ], "total_pages": 1, "total": 1, "has_more": false }, "t": 1623747274094, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.