Read Card Data from the Cloud

Last Updated on : 2023-06-15 05:21:19

Read the data of a specified card from the cloud.

API address

GET: /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/door-lock/card-issuers/cards/{card_id}/sectors

Request parameter

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
device_id String uri true The device ID.
card_id String uri true The card ID.

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result CardEntityVO The object of card information.

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
dev_id String The device ID of the card issuer.
id String The card number.
type Integer The card type.
  • 1: Offline password with a limited validity period.
  • 2: Tenant.
  • 3: Elevator.
  • 4: Clear all offline passwords.
  • 5: Identity card.
name String The card name.
bind_id String The ID of the device to be bound, including door lock, room, or elevator.
bind_dev_name String The name of the device to be bound. The field has a value only when the type is the offline password and clearing code.
bind_value String The bound value that is the specified password ID. The field has a value only when the type is offline password and clearing code.
effective_time Long The effective time. The value is a 13-bit timestamp.
invalid_time Long The expiration time. The value is a 13-bit timestamp.
schedule_flag Integer Indicates whether to enable repetition.
  • 0: No.
1: Yes.
working_day Integer The weekly cycle. This field applies only when scheduleFlag is set to 1.
The format of workingDay is described as follows:
  • The specified cycle in a week.
  • bit0 to bit6 represent Sunday to Saturday respectively.
  • 1: valid, 0: invalid, and the last digit is represented by 0.
For example, Monday/Tuesday/Friday is expressed as: 01100100 = 100, and finally workingDay = 100.
schedule_start String This field applies only when scheduleFlag is set to 1. The start time of repetition, such as 08:30.
schedule_end String This field applies only when scheduleFlag is 1. The end time of repetition, such as 18:30.
time_zone_id String The time zone where the device is located.
lang String The language type, used to generate default names.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/devices/6cdb36b2e489885fa57lzm/door-lock/card-issuers/cards/1234567/sectors

Return example

{ "result": { "effective_time": 1623465360000, "type": 2, "dev_id": "6c8bcd1020b712c2c4ibrq", "schedule_flag": 1, "bind_id": "615", "working_day": 60, "name": "Card 0615", "invalid_time": 1623900960000, "schedule_end": "20:00", "id": "4a5be5ef", "time_zone_id": "", "schedule_start": "08:00" }, "t": 1623746033654, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.