Delete Device Permissions

Last Updated on : 2023-06-15 05:22:49

Delete a specified user’s device permissions. After deletion, the user will have no permissions to perform a video talk with a specified access control device.

API address

DELETE: /v1.0/expand/spaces/{device_id}/persons/{person_id}

Request parameter

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
device_id String uri true The device ID.
person_id String uri true The ID of a specified user.

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result DeviceAuthResponse The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
person_id String The ID of a specified user.
device_id String The ID of a Tuya device.

Request example

DELETE: /v1.0/expand/spaces/6ce****/persons/123****

Return example

{ "result": { "device_id": "6ce****", "person_id": "ay1534****" }, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.