Get Start Time of Video Clip

Last Updated on : 2023-06-15 05:19:25

Get the start time of video clips that are stored in the cloud within the specified time range.

API address

GET: /v1.0/users/{uid}/devices/{device_id}/storage/stream/timeline

Request parameter

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
uid String uri true The user ID.
device_id String uri true The device ID.
time_g_t Long query true The start time.
time_l_t Long query true The end time.

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result List The list of video clips.

Description of result

Parameter name Type Description
prefix Long The prefix of a specified video file.
end_time Long The end time of a specified video clip. The timestamp is in seconds (10-digit).
start_time Long The start time of a specified video clip. The timestamp is in seconds (10-digit).

Request example

GET: /v1.0/users/ay156402688voY5W****/devices/6c08578d89411afye1****/storage/stream/timeline?time_g_t=1637639832&time_l_t=1637675832

Error code

For more information, see error code.