Pass a Specified Node in Batches

Last Updated on : 2022-03-02 03:46:43download

This topic describes the API that enables multiple products to pass a specified node in batches.

API description

Name Version Description
1.0 Enable multiple products to pass a specified node in batches.

Request parameter

  • Request type

  • Service parameters

    Name Type Description Required
    requestId String The request ID that is returned when the node is reset. Yes
    orderCode String The number of a specified ticket. Yes
    sns String The list of serial numbers. Multiple serial numbers are separated with commas (,). Yes
    stationCode String The code of a specified node. It is obtained from the route API. Yes
    status Integer Indicates the status of a specified node. 1: success. 0: failure. Yes
  • Other parameters

Sample request


Response parameter

Name Type Description
result Long The number of packages that have passed a specified node.
success Boolean Indicates whether the operation is successful.

Sample response

  • Sample success response
  • Sample error response
    "mes": "User does not exist"

Error code

Name Description
THE_BLANK_PARAM The input parameter is empty.
THE_USER_NOT_EXISTED The user does not exist.
NO_DATA_PERMISSION You are not authorized to perform this operation.