Query Operational Path

Last Updated on : 2022-03-02 03:46:44download


Name Version Description
v2.0/pms/production/craftline/get/{orderCode} 2.0 Get craft line of the work order


  • HTTP type
  • Parameters
Name Type Description Optional
orderCode String the code of the work order No
  • Other parameters

Request example



Name Type Description
result Map result for result
result.code String code of the craft line
result.name String name of the craft line
result.type String type of the craft line, e.g. “pcba”/“production”
result.nodeList List node details of the craft line
result.nodeList[i].sort Integer sequence of the node
result.nodeList[i].code String code of the node
result.nodeList[i].programs String programs of the node, more than one split by “,”
result.nodeList[i].desc String description of the node
success Boolean succeed or not

Response example

Successful response

{ "result": { "code": "cxezqbmydwtmczwg", "name": "Finished products—3", "type": "pcba", "node_list": [ { "code": "firstTest", "desc": "Authorize", "programs": "auth", "sort": 1 }, { "code": "secondTest", "desc": "Double check", "programs": "test", "sort": 2 }, { "code": "thirdly_test", "desc": "Packing", "programs": "winding_package", "sort": 3 } ] }, "success": true, "t": 1606201088936 }

Error response

{ "success" : false, "code" : "THE_BLANK_PARAM", "msg" : "username cannot be null" }

Error code

Name Description
THE_BLANK_PARAM parameter can not be empty