Last Updated on : 2024-11-18 11:32:44
Server APIs are supported by the TuyaSmartRequest
API description
- (void)requestWithApiName:(NSString *)apiName
postData:(nullable NSDictionary *)postData
getData:(nullable NSDictionary *)getData
version:(NSString *)version
success:(nullable TYSuccessID)success
failure:(nullable TYFailureError)failure;
Parameter | Description |
apiName | The name of an API. |
postData | The request parameters. |
getData | The common parameters. |
version | The version number of an API. |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)getCountryList {
// self.request = [TuyaSmartRequest alloc] init];
[self.request requestWithApiName:@"" postData:nil version:@"1.0" success:^(id result) {
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
API description
Two API methods can be combined in the same API request.
- (void)addMergeRequestWithApiName:(NSString *)apiName
postData:(nullable NSDictionary *)postData
version:(NSString *)version
success:(nullable TYSuccessID)success
failure:(nullable TYFailureError)failure;
- (void)sendMergeRequestWithGetData:(nullable NSDictionary *)getData
success:(nullable TYSuccessList)success
failure:(nullable TYFailureError)failure;
Parameter | Description |
apiName | The name of an API. |
postData | The request parameters. |
version | The version number of an API. |
getData | The common parameters. |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)loadHomeDataWithHomeId:(long long)homeId {
// self.request = [TuyaSmartRequest alloc] init];
[self.request addMergeRequestWithApiName:@"" postData:@{} version:@"1.0" success:nil failure:nil];
[self.request addApiRequest:@"tuya.m.location.get" postData:@{@"gid": @(homeId)} version:@"2.0" success:nil failure:nil];
[self.request sendMergeRequestWithGetData:@{@"gid": @(homeId)} success:success failure:failure];
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