Last Updated on : 2024-11-18 11:32:40download
This topic describes the device management operations that are supported by the Smart App SDK for iOS. For example, listen for changes in device status, rename devices, update device firmware, remove devices, and restore default settings.
The following table lists the classes for device management:
Class name | Description |
TuyaSmartDevice | Device management |
TuyaSmartDeviceModel | Device data model |
The following table describes the data model specified by TuyaSmartDeviceModel
Attribute | Data type | Description |
devId | NSString | The unique ID of a device. |
name | NSString | The name of a device. |
iconUrl | NSString | The URL of a device icon. |
isOnline | Boolean | Indicates whether a device is online. The device is online when it is connected to a Wi-Fi network, a local area network (LAN), or a Bluetooth network. |
isCloudOnline | Boolean | Indicates whether a device is connected to a Wi-Fi network. |
isLocalOnline | Boolean | Indicates whether a device is connected to a LAN. |
isShare | Boolean | Indicates whether a device is a shared device. |
dps | NSDictionary | The data points (DPs) of a device. |
dpCodes | NSDictionary | The DPs in the code-value format. |
schemaArray | NSArray | The schema array of DP rules. |
productId | NSString | The product ID (PID) of a device. |
capability | NSUInteger | The product capability of a device. |
deviceType | TuyaSmartDeviceModelType | The type of device. |
supportGroup | Boolean | Indicates whether groups can be created. |
gwType | NSString | A value of v indicates a virtual device, and an empty value indicates a real device for pairing. |
pv | NSString | The protocol version of a device. A Wi-Fi protocol version or a Bluetooth protocol version are supported. |
lpv | NSString | The LAN protocol version of a device. By default, this parameter is empty. The value is specified after the device is connected to a LAN. |
latitude | NSString | The latitude of a device. |
longitude | NSString | The longitude of a device. |
localKey | NSString | The key that a device uses for communication. |
uuid | NSString | The universally unique identifier (UUID) of a device. |
homeId | LongLong | The ID of the home that a device belongs to. |
roomId | LongLong | The ID of the room that a device belongs to. |
upgrading | Boolean | Indicates whether an update is in progress. |
timezoneId | NSString | The time zone of a device. |
nodeId | NSString | The short URL of a device. This parameter is empty for non-sub-devices. Each sub-device of a gateway is assigned a unique short URL. |
parentId | NSString | The ID of a parent device. This parameter is empty for non-sub-devices. Sub-devices search for the gateway ID by this parameter. For Bluetooth mesh sub-devices, this parameter means the mesh ID or gateway ID. |
isMeshBleOnline | Boolean | Indicates whether a Bluetooth mesh device is connected to a LAN. |
devKey | NSString | The Bluetooth communication key for a standard Bluetooth mesh device. |
standard | Boolean | Indicates whether a device is a standard device. Standard DPs are available to standard devices. |
standSchemaModel | TuyaSmartStandSchemaModel | The schema array of standard DP rules. |
activeTime | NSTimeInterval | The time when a device is activated. |
homeDisplayOrder | NSInteger | The serial number of a device. When a list of devices is returned for a home, the devices can be sorted by this parameter. |
sharedTime | LongLong | The time when a device is shared. |
Initializes a device by the device ID.
You must use TuyaSmartHome
to initialize a home
instance and call getHomeDetailWithSuccess:failure:
to get home details. The device is initialized only after home details are synchronized.
An incorrect device ID might cause failed initialization. In this case, the device instance returns nil
API description
* Get a device instance. If the current user does not have the device, `nil` is returned.
* @param devId Device ID
* @return instance
+ (nullable instancetype)deviceWithDeviceId:(NSString *)devId;
Parameter | Description |
devId | The device ID. |
TuyaSmartDevice *device = [TuyaSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:devId];
device.delegate = self;
After you implement the delegate protocol TuyaSmartDeviceDelegate
, you can process the callback of changes in device status and refresh the UI of the control panel on your app.
- (void)initDevice {
self.device = [TuyaSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"your_device_id"];
self.device.delegate = self;
#pragma mark - TuyaSmartDeviceDelegate
- (void)device:(TuyaSmartDevice *)device dpsUpdate:(NSDictionary *)dps {
// The UI is refreshed when device DPs are changed.
- (void)deviceInfoUpdate:(TuyaSmartDevice *)device {
// The current device data such as the device name and online or offline status is updated.
- (void)deviceRemoved:(TuyaSmartDevice *)device {
// The current device is removed.
- (void)device:(TuyaSmartDevice *)device signal:(NSString *)signal {
// The Wi-Fi signal strength.
- (void)device:(TuyaSmartDevice *)device firmwareUpgradeProgress:(NSInteger)type progress:(double)progress {
// The progress of the firmware update.
- (void)device:(TuyaSmartDevice *)device firmwareUpgradeStatusModel:(TuyaSmartFirmwareUpgradeStatusModel *)upgradeStatusModel {
// The callback of the device update status.
func initDevice() {
device = TuyaSmartDevice(deviceId: "your_device_id")
device?.delegate = self
// MARK: - TuyaSmartDeviceDelegate
func device(_ device: TuyaSmartDevice?, dpsUpdate dps: [AnyHashable : Any]?) {
// The UI is refreshed when device DPs are changed.
func deviceInfoUpdate(_ device: TuyaSmartDevice?) {
// The current device data such as the device name and online or offline status is updated.
func deviceRemoved(_ device: TuyaSmartDevice?) {
// The current device is removed.
func device(_ device: TuyaSmartDevice?, signal: String?) {
// The Wi-Fi signal strength.
func device(_ device: TuyaSmartDevice?, firmwareUpgradeProgress type: Int, progress: Double) {
// The progress of the firmware update.
func device(_ device: TuyaSmartDevice?, firmwareUpgradeStatusModel upgradeStatusModel: TuyaSmartFirmwareUpgradeStatusModel?) {
// The callback of the device update status.
Queries the data of a single DP.
This API method does not apply to synchronous requests. The response is returned by the callback of the delegate - (void)device:(TuyaSmartDevice *)device dpsUpdate:(NSDictionary *)dps
This API method applies to DPs that do not initiate data transmission. For example, query countdown information. For regular DP query, we recommend that you call TuyaSmartDeviceModel.dps
- (void)queryDP {
// self.device = [TuyaSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"your_device_id"];
// Query the data of DP `1`.
[self.device publishDps:@{@"1":[NSNull null]} mode:TYDevicePublishModeAuto success:^{
NSLog(@"query dp success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"query dp failure: %@", error);
func queryDP() {
// self.device = [TuyaSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"your_device_id"];
// Query the data of DP `1`.
"1": [NSNull null]
], mode: TYDevicePublishModeAuto, success: {
print("query dp success")
}, failure: { error in
if let error = error {
print("query dp failure: \(error)")
API description
- (void)updateName:(NSString *)name success:(nullable TYSuccessHandler)success failure:(nullable TYFailureError)failure;
Parameter | Description |
name | The device name. |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)modifyDeviceName:(NSString *)mame {
// self.device = [TuyaSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"your_device_id"];
[self.device updateName:name success:^{
NSLog(@"updateName success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"updateName failure: %@", error);
func modifyDeviceName(_ name: String) {
device?.updateName(name, success: {
print("updateName success")
}, failure: { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("updateName failure: \(e)")
After a device is removed, it enters the state ready for pairing. By default, the device enters the Wi-Fi Easy Connect (EZ) mode.
API description
- (void)remove:(nullable TYSuccessHandler)success failure:(nullable TYFailureError)failure;
Parameter | Description |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)removeDevice {
// self.device = [TuyaSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"your_device_id"];
[self.device remove:^{
NSLog(@"remove success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"remove failure: %@", error);
func removeDevice() {
print("remove success")
}, failure: { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("remove failure: \(e)")
After default settings are restored for a device, it enters the state ready for pairing. By default, the device enters the Wi-Fi EZ mode. In this case, device data is cleared.
API description
- (void)resetFactory:(nullable TYSuccessHandler)success failure:(nullable TYFailureError)failure;
Parameter | Description |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)removeDevice {
// self.device = [TuyaSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"your_device_id"];
[self.device resetFactory:^{
NSLog(@"reset success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"reset failure: %@", error);
func removeDevice() {
print("reset success")
}, failure: { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("reset failure: \(e)")
After the Wi-Fi signal of a device is queried, the response is returned by the callback of the method device:signal:
of TuyaSmartDeviceDelegate
API description
- (void)getWifiSignalStrengthWithSuccess:(nullable TYSuccessHandler)success failure:(nullable TYFailureError)failure;
Parameter | Description |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)getWifiSignalStrength {
// self.device = [TuyaSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"your_device_id"];
// self.device.delegate = self;
[self.device getWifiSignalStrengthWithSuccess:^{
NSLog(@"get wifi signal strength success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"get wifi signal strength failure: %@", error);
#pragma mark - TuyaSmartDeviceDelegate
- (void)device:(TuyaSmartDevice *)device signal:(NSString *)signal {
NSLog(@" signal : %@", signal);
func getWifiSignalStrength() {
self.device?.getWifiSignalStrength(success: {
print("get wifi signal strength success")
}, failure: { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("get wifi signal strength failure: \(e)")
// MARK: - TuyaSmartDeviceDelegate
func device(_ device: TuyaSmartDevice!, signal: String!) {
Returns a list of sub-devices for a specific gateway.
API description
- (void)getSubDeviceListFromCloudWithSuccess:(nullable void (^)(NSArray <TuyaSmartDeviceModel *> *subDeviceList))success failure:(nullable TYFailureError)failure;
Parameter | Description |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)getSubDeviceList {
// self.device = [TuyaSmartDevice deviceWithDeviceId:@"your_device_id"];
[self.device getSubDeviceListFromCloudWithSuccess:^(NSArray<TuyaSmartDeviceModel *> *subDeviceList) {
NSLog(@"get sub device list success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"get sub device list failure: %@", error);
func getSubDeviceList() {
device?.getSubDeviceListFromCloud(success: { (subDeviceList) in
print("get sub device list success")
}, failure: { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("get sub device list failure: \(e)")
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