Last Updated on : 2024-11-18 11:33:14
A list of devices can be obtained based on homes. An IP camera (IPC) can be determined by device type. Then, an IPC object can be created with the information provided by DeviceBean
Checks whether a device is an IPC.
API description
boolean isIPCDevice(String devId);
ITuyaIPCCore cameraInstance = TuyaIPCSdk.getCameraInstance();
if (cameraInstance != null) {
IPCs support three P2P channel implementation solutions. The IPC SDK initializes different IPC implementation objects based on the P2P type. You can call the following API method to get the specific P2P type.
API description
int getP2PType(String devId);
ITuyaIPCCore cameraInstance = TuyaIPCSdk.getCameraInstance();
if (cameraInstance != null) {
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