Last Updated on : 2024-10-15 09:14:41
After login into the app, call TuyaSmartHomeManager
to get a list of homes. Then, initialize an object of the TuyaSmartHome
class to get the details of a specific home. This enables device control for the home.
Class name (protocol name) | Description |
TuyaSmartHomeManager | Query a list of homes, sort homes, and add homes. |
TuyaSmartHomeManagerDelegate | The callback that is executed when MQTT connections are created or homes are added and removed. |
must be initialized with the correct value of homeId
to implement information management for a single home. An incorrect device ID might cause failed initialization. In this case, nil
will be returned. Information management for a single home includes the capabilities to manage members, rooms, and other resources of the home.
Class name (protocol name) | Description |
TuyaSmartHome | The home management class. |
TuyaSmartHomeDelegate | The callback that is executed when home information is changed. |
After the home
object is initialized, call getHomeDataWithSuccess:failure:
to return home details. This way, the home
instance object can have data respecting the properties homeModel
, roomList
, deviceList
, groupList
, sharedDeviceList
, and sharedGroupList
API description
- (void)addHomeWithName:(NSString *)homeName
geoName:(NSString *)geoName
rooms:(NSArray <NSString *>*)rooms
Parameter | Description |
homeName | The name of a home. |
geoName | The address of the home. |
rooms | A list of room names for the home. |
latitude | The latitude of the home. |
longitude | The longitude of the home. |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)addHome {
[self.homeManager addHomeWithName:@"you_home_name"
success:^(double homeId) {
// The value of `homeId` for the home.
NSLog(@"add home success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"add home failure: %@", error);
func addHome() {
homeManager.addHome(withName: "you_home_name",
geoName: "city_name",
rooms: ["room_name"],
latitude: lat,
longitude: lon,
success: { (homeId) in
// The value of `homeId` for the home.
print("add home success")
}) { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("add home failure: \(e)")
Returns a simple list of homes. To get home details, initialize the home
object of TuyaSmartHome
and call the API method getHomeDataWithSuccess:failure:
API description
// Returns a list of homes.
- (void)getHomeListWithSuccess:(void(^)(NSArray <TuyaSmartHomeModel *> *homes))success
Parameter | Description |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)getHomeList {
[self.homeManager getHomeListWithSuccess:^(NSArray<TuyaSmartHomeModel *> *homes) {
// A list of homes.
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"get home list failure: %@", error);
let homeManager: TuyaSmartHomeManager = TuyaSmartHomeManager()
func getHomeList() {
homeManager.getHomeList(success: { (homes) in
// A list of homes.
}) { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("get home list failure: \(e)")
API description
- (void)updateHomeInfoWithName:(NSString *)homeName
geoName:(NSString *)geoName
Parameter | Description |
homeName | The name of a home. |
geoName | The name of the home address. |
latitude | The latitude of the home. |
longitude | The longitude of the home. |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)updateHomeInfo {
self.home = [TuyaSmartHome homeWithHomeId:homeId];
[self.home updateHomeInfoWithName:@"new_home_name" geoName:@"city_name" latitude:lat longitude:lon success:^{
NSLog(@"update home info success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"update home info failure: %@", error);
func updateHomeInfo() {
home?.updateInfo(withName: "new_home_name", geoName: "city_name", latitude: lat, longitude: lon, success: {
print("update home info success")
}, failure: { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("update home info failure: \(e)")
API description
- (void)dismissHomeWithSuccess:(TYSuccessHandler)success
Parameter | Description |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)dismissHome {
[self.home dismissHomeWithSuccess:^() {
NSLog(@"dismiss home success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"dismiss home failure: %@", error);
func dismissHome() {
home?.dismiss(success: {
print("dismiss home success")
}, failure: { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("dismiss home failure: \(e)")
Returns the details of a specific home. This way, the home
instance object can have data respecting the properties homeModel
, roomList
, deviceList
, groupList
, sharedDeviceList
, and sharedGroupList
API description
- (void)getHomeDataWithSuccess:(void (^)(TuyaSmartHomeModel *homeModel))success
Parameter | Description |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
- (void)getHomeDataInfo {
self.home = [TuyaSmartHome homeWithHomeId:homeId];
[self.home getHomeDataWithSuccess:^(TuyaSmartHomeModel *homeModel) {
// The home information indicated by `homeModel`.
NSLog(@"get home data success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"get home data failure: %@", error);
func getHomeDataInfo() {
home?.getDataWithSuccess({ (homeModel) in
print("get home data success")
}, failure: { (error) in
if let e = error {
print("get home data failure: \(e)")
API description
- (void)sortDeviceOrGroupWithOrderList:(NSArray<NSDictionary *> *)orderList
Parameter | Description |
orderList | The list of sorted devices or groups. |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
// orderList: [@{@"bizId": @"XXX", @"bizType": @"XXX"},@{@"bizId": @"XXX",@"bizType": @"XXX"}] `bizId` is the device ID or the group ID. `bizType` of the device = @"6" `bizType` of the group = @"5"
- (void)sortDeviceOrGroupWithOrderList:(NSArray<NSDictionary *> *)orderList {
[self.home sortDeviceOrGroupWithOrderList:orderList success:^ {
NSLog(@"sort device or group success");
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"sort device or group failure: %@", error);
func sortDeviceOrGroup(withOrderList orderList: [[AnyHashable : Any]]?) {
home.sortDeviceOrGroup(withOrderList: orderList, success: {
print("sort device or group success")
}, failure: { error in
if let error = error {
print("sort device or group failure: \(error)")
After you implement the delegate protocol TuyaSmartHomeManagerDelegate
, you can process the callbacks of home list changes.
API description
- (void)homeManager:(TuyaSmartHomeManager *)manager didAddHome:(TuyaSmartHomeModel *)home;
Parameter | Description |
manager | The instance of the home management class. |
home | The added home model. |
API description
- (void)homeManager:(TuyaSmartHomeManager *)manager didRemoveHome:(long long)homeId;
Parameter | Description |
manager | The instance of the home management class. |
homeId | The ID of the deleted home. |
An MQTT persistent connection is closed after the program enters the background, and restarted after the program enters the foreground. Therefore, the current home details must be queried again using the delegate to keep the current home data up to date.
API description
- (void)serviceConnectedSuccess;
#pragma mark - TuyaSmartHomeManagerDelegate
// A home is added.
- (void)homeManager:(TuyaSmartHomeManager *)manager didAddHome:(TuyaSmartHomeModel *)home {
// A home is deleted.
- (void)homeManager:(TuyaSmartHomeManager *)manager didRemoveHome:(long long)homeId {
// An MQTT connection is built.
- (void)serviceConnectedSuccess {
// Returns the details of the current home from the cloud and refreshes the UI.
extension ViewController: TuyaSmartHomeManagerDelegate {
// A home is added.
func homeManager(_ manager: TuyaSmartHomeManager!, didAddHome home: TuyaSmartHomeModel!) {
// A home is deleted.
func homeManager(_ manager: TuyaSmartHomeManager!, didRemoveHome homeId: Int64) {
// An MQTT connection is built.
func serviceConnectedSuccess() {
// Returns the details of the current home from the cloud and refreshes the UI.
After you implement the delegate protocol TuyaSmartHomeDelegate
, you can process the callbacks of information changes for a single home.
- (void)initHome {
self.home = [TuyaSmartHome homeWithHomeId:homeId];
self.home.delegate = self;
#pragma mark - TuyaSmartHomeDelegate
// Home information such as a home name is changed.
- (void)homeDidUpdateInfo:(TuyaSmartHome *)home {
[self reload];
// The list of shared devices is updated.
- (void)homeDidUpdateSharedInfo:(TuyaSmartHome *)home {
[self reload];
// A room is added to the home.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home didAddRoom:(TuyaSmartRoomModel *)room {
[self reload];
// A room is removed from the home.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home didRemoveRoom:(long long)roomId {
[self reload];
// Room information such as a room name is changed.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home roomInfoUpdate:(TuyaSmartRoomModel *)room {
[self reload];
// The mappings between rooms and devices or groups are updated.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home roomRelationUpdate:(TuyaSmartRoomModel *)room {
[self reload];
// A device is added.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home didAddDeivice:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)device {
[self reload];
// A device is removed.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home didRemoveDeivice:(NSString *)devId {
[self reload];
// Device information such as a device name or online status is changed.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home deviceInfoUpdate:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)device {
[self reload];
// Device data points (DPs) are updated for the home.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home device:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)device dpsUpdate:(NSDictionary *)dps {
[self reload];
// A group is added.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home didAddGroup:(TuyaSmartGroupModel *)group {
[self reload];
// A group is removed.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home didRemoveGroup:(NSString *)groupId {
[self reload];
// Group information such as a group name is changed.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home groupInfoUpdate:(TuyaSmartGroupModel *)group {
[self reload];
// Group DPs are updated for the home.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home group:(TuyaSmartGroupModel *)group dpsUpdate:(NSDictionary *)dps {
[self reload];
// Device alerts are updated for the home.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home device:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)device warningInfoUpdate:(NSDictionary *)warningInfo {
// Device update status is changed for the home.
- (void)home:(TuyaSmartHome *)home device:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel *)device upgradeStatus:(TuyaSmartDeviceUpgradeStatus)upgradeStatus {
var home: TuyaSmartHome?
extension ViewController: TuyaSmartHomeDelegate {
func initHome() {
home = TuyaSmartHome(homeId: homeId)
home?.delegate = self
// Home information such as a home name is changed.
func homeDidUpdateInfo(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!) {
// reload()
// The list of shared devices is updated.
func homeDidUpdateSharedInfo(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!) {
// A room is added to the home.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, didAddRoom room: TuyaSmartRoomModel!) {
// A room is removed from the home.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, didRemoveRoom roomId: int32!) {
// Room information such as a room name is changed.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, roomInfoUpdate room: TuyaSmartRoomModel!) {
// reload()/
// The mappings between rooms and devices or groups are updated.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, roomRelationUpdate room: TuyaSmartRoomModel!) {
// A device is added.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, didAddDeivice device: TuyaSmartDeviceModel!) {
// A device is removed.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, didRemoveDeivice devId: String!) {
// Device information such as a device name is changed.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, deviceInfoUpdate device: TuyaSmartDeviceModel!) {
// Device DPs are updated for the home.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, device: TuyaSmartDeviceModel!, dpsUpdate dps: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
// A group is added.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, didAddGroup group: TuyaSmartGroupModel!) {
// A group is removed.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, didRemoveGroup groupId: String!) {
// Group information such as a group name is changed.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, groupInfoUpdate group: TuyaSmartGroupModel!) {
// Group DPs are updated for the home.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, group: TuyaSmartGroupModel!, dpsUpdate dps: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
// Device alerts are updated for the home.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, device: TuyaSmartDeviceModel!, warningInfoUpdate warningInfo: [AnyHashable : Any]!) {
// Device update status is changed for the home.
func home(_ home: TuyaSmartHome!, device: TuyaSmartDeviceModel!, upgradeStatus status TuyaSmartDeviceUpgradeStatus) {
API description
Returns the weather overview of the city where the home is located. Weather data includes the city name, weather conditions, such as sunny, cloudy, or rainy, and weather icons.
- (void)getHomeWeatherSketchWithSuccess:(void(^)(TuyaSmartWeatherSketchModel *))success
If no method is found, add the following line:
#import <TuyaSmartDeviceKit/TuyaSmartHome+Weather.h>
Parameter | Description |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
Response parameters of TuyaSmartWeatherSketchModel
Parameter | Description |
condition | The weather conditions, such as sunny, cloudy, and rainy. |
iconUrl | The highlighted URL of a weather icon. |
inIconUrl | The URL of a weather icon. |
temp | The temperature. |
- (void)getHomeWeatherSketch {
[self.home getHomeWeatherSketchWithSuccess:^(TuyaSmartWeatherSketchModel *weatherSketchModel) {
NSLog(@"success get weather summary model: %@",weatherSketchModel);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"failure with error: %@", error);
func getHomeWeatherSketch() {
home.getWeatherSketch(success: { (weatherSketchModel) in
print("success get weather summary model: \(weatherSketchModel)");
}) { (e) in
print("failure with error: \(e)")
API description
Returns the weather details for the city where the home is located. Multiple types of weather data are returned, such as the temperature, humidity, ultraviolet (UV) index, and air quality.
can be nil
. If so, the response parameters follow the settings of the last successful request. If only a single unit is changed, the remaining parameters still follow the settings of the last successful request.- (void)getHomeWeatherDetailWithOption:(TuyaSmartWeatherOptionModel *)optionModel
success:(void(^)(NSArray<TuyaSmartWeatherModel *> *))success
Parameter | Description |
optionModel | The unit settings of the weather details. |
success | The success callback. |
failure | The failure callback. |
Parameters of TuyaSmartWeatherOptionModel
in the request
Parameter | Description |
pressureUnit | The unit of air pressure. |
windspeedUnit | The unit of wind speed. |
temperatureUnit | The unit of temperature. |
limit | The number of request parameters. By default, all parameters are returned. |
Response parameters of TuyaSmartWeatherModel
Parameter | Description |
icon | The URL of a weather details icon. |
name | The name of a weather parameter. |
unit | The unit of a parameter. |
value | The value of a parameter. |
- (void)getHomeWeatherDetail {
[self.home getHomeWeatherDetailWithOption:optionModel
success:^(NSArray<TuyaSmartWeatherModel *> *weatherModels) {
NSLog(@"success get weather model: %@",weatherModels);
} failure:^(NSError *error) {
NSLog(@"failure with error: %@", error);
func getHomeWeatherDetail() {
let optionModel = TuyaSmartWeatherOptionModel()
// do some optionModel config
home.getWeatherDetail(withOption: optionModel, success: { (weatherSketchModel) in
print("success get weather summary model: \(weatherSketchModel)");
}) { (error) in
print("failure with error: \(error)")
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