Pegasus Pairing

Last Updated on : 2024-11-18 06:40:50download

Routers and Wi-Fi devices that have Pegasus pairing enabled can be used to pair other Wi-Fi devices.

Search devices for Pegasus pairing


Pegasus Pairing

Query devices that support Pegasus pairing

API description

     * Get activated devices with lightning activation support.
     * @param homeId Home id.
     * @return Device id list.


Parameter Description
homeId The home ID.

Search devices for Pegasus pairing


Parameter Type Description
devIds List The list of devices that support Pegasus pairing.
serverTimeout long The timeout value for the server to search for devices to be paired. Unit: seconds.
clientTimeout long The timeout value for the client. Unit: seconds.
ITuyaLightningSearchListener Callback The callback.


TuyaHomeSdk.getActivatorInstance().newLightningActivator().startSearch(devList, serverTimeout, clientTimeout, new ITuyaLightningSearchListener() {
			public void onSearchResponse(LightningSearchBean bean) {
				// The search result.

Stop searching


Reset status of discovered devices

Parameter Type Description
devList List The list of discovered devices that support Pegasus pairing.

Pair devices


Pegasus Pairing

Get the token

Before the Pegasus pairing process, the SDK must get a pairing token from the cloud in the networked state. The token is valid for 10 minutes and expires immediately after the device is paired. A new token must be generated if the device needs to be paired again.


Parameter Type Description
homeId String The home ID. For more information, see Home Management.


TuyaHomeSdk.getActivatorInstance().getActivatorToken(homeId, new ITuyaActivatorGetToken() {
	public void onSuccess(String token) {


	public void onFailure(String errorCode, String errorMsg) {


Start pairing


Parameter Type Description
lightningSearchBeanList List The list of discovered devices that support Pegasus pairing.
token String The pairing token.
timeout Int The timeout value for pairing. Unit: seconds. Recommended value: 120.
ITuyaDevActivatorListener Callback The callback of the pairing result.


		.startActive(new TuyaLightningDevActivatorBuilder()
				.setTimeOut(60 * 1000)
				.setListener(new ITuyaDevActivatorListener() {
					public void onError(String errorCode, String errorMsg) {


					public void onActiveSuccess(DeviceBean devResp) {


Stop pairing
