Confirm Start of Update

Last Updated on : 2024-06-29 01:33:06download

Based on the device ID, confirm to start the update of the specified device.

API address

POST: /v2.0/cloud/thing/{device_id}/firmware/{channel}

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
device_idStringuritrueThe device ID.
channelIntegeruritrueThe firmware update channel.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultFusionResultThe returned result.

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
successBooleanIndicates whether the operation is successful. Valid values:
  • true: The operation succeeded.
  • false: The operation failed.
error_codeStringThe error code.
error_msgStringThe error message.
resultObjectThe returned result.

Request example

POST: /v2.0/cloud/thing/vdev1243432***/firmware/0

Return example

    "result": true,
    "success": true

Error code

For more information, see error code.

Limits on API Request Frequency

For more information, see Limits on API Request Frequency.