Device Timing Management

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 03:33:30download

This topic describes the related APIs of timing management.

API list

Request method
API Description
POST /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers Add a timing task to the device
GET /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers Query the list of timing tasks of the device
GET /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers
Get the information of timing tasks in a specified category
PUT /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers
Update the information of a specified timing task group of the device
PUT /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers
Update the status of a specified timing task group of the device
DELETE /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers Delete all timing tasks of the device
DELETE /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers
Delete the timing tasks in a specified category
DELETE /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers
Delete the timing tasks of a specified task group in a specified category
GET /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers Get the timing tasks of a device group
GET /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers/
Query the list of timing tasks in a group
POST /v1.0/device-groups/timers Create a group timing task
PUT /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers
Update group timing tasks
PUT /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers
Update group category timing tasks
DELETE /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers Delete timing tasks in a device group
DELETE /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers
Delete timing tasks in a specified category of a group
DELETE /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers
Delete a specified timing task of a specified category in a device group

Add a timing task to the device

API description

This interface is used to add timing tasks for a device. Use loops to determine a cyclic timing task or non-cyclic timing task.

  • Cyclic timing task: Take one week as a cycle, and you can set cyclic timing tasks from Monday to Sunday.
  • Non-cyclic timing task: Set a timing task on a specified time point, and the API will limit the set time point. The time point should be later than the current time., Otherwise, a timing task can not be created, and expired information will be prompted.

API address

POST /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_id String URI Yes Device ID.
category String BODY Yes Timing category.
loops String BODY Yes Return a 7-digit number consisting of 0 and 1 if the request failed. 0 represents closed, and 1 represents open.
For example, 0000010 indicates that the task on Saturday is open and other days are closed.
time_zone String BODY Yes Time zone. For example, use +08:00 for China.
timezone_id String BODY Yes Time zone ID, such as Asia/shanghai.
instruct Array<instruct> BODY Yes The specific time and device instructions of a timing task. Multiple tasks are allowed to be set simultaneously.
alias_name String BODY No Alias name.

Description of instruct

Parameter name Data type Required Description
time String Yes Executing time of a timing task
functions Array<functions> Yes Instructions to be executed at a scheduled time
date String No
Note: When date is passed in, loops will be 0000000, and the format of date is 20181212.
Executing date of a timing task

Description of functions

Parameter name Data type Required Description
code String Yes The code of the instruction that is to be executed
value Object Yes The value of the instruction that is to be executed

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Object<result> The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Data type Description
group_id String Timing task ID

Request example

POST  /v1.0/devices/vdevo153490924111111/timers

SDK example


Return example

{ "success": true, "result": { "group_id": "000000****" } }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Illegal permission
1109 Illegal parameter

Query the list of timing task of the device

API description

This interface is used to query the list of timing task details of a specified device ID.

API address

GET /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_id String URI Yes Device ID

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Object<result> The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Data type Description
groups Array<groups> The list of timing task information
category Object<category> Information of timing task category

Description of groups

Parameter name Data type Description
timers Object<timers> Timing task information
id String Timing task number

Description of category

Parameter name Data type Description
category String Timing task category
status Integer The status of a timing task category

Description of timers

Parameter name Data type Description
date String Date of the set timing task
timezone_id String Time zone ID
loops String Cyclic timing information
time String The set time
status Integer Status of the timing task
  • 0: disabled
  • 1: enabled
  • 2: deleted
functions Array<functions> Instruction of timing
group_order Integer Specified order
timer_id Integer The unique identifier of timing information
alias_name String Remarks

Description of functions

Parameter name Data type Required Description
code String Yes The code of the instruction that is to be executed
value Object Yes The value of the instruction that is to be executed

Request example

GET /v1.0/devices/vdevo154458004640011/timers

SDK example


Return example

{ "result": [ { "category": { "category": "test", "status": 1 }, "groups": [ { "id": "000000mwf3", "timers": [ { "alias_name": "", "date": "20200210", "functions": [ { "code": "bright_value_v2", "value": 5000 }, { "code": "switch_led", "value": true } ], "group_order": 0, "is_app_push": false, "loops": "0000000", "status": 0, "time": "17:30", "timer_id": 4906528, "timezone_id": "Asia/Shanghai" } ] } ] } ], "success": true, "t": 1581336613789 }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Illegal permission

Get the timing task information of a specified category

API description

This interface is used to get the timing task information of a specified category under a specified device.

API address

GET /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers/categories/{category}

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_id String URI Yes Device ID
category String URI Yes Timing category

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Object<result> The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Data type Description
groups Array<groups> The list of timing task information
category Object<category> The update time of device status

Description of groups

Parameter name Data type Description
timers Object<timers> Timing task information
id String Timing task number

Description of category

Parameter name Data type Description
category String Timing task category
status Integer The status of a timing task category

Description of timers

Parameter name Data type Description
date String Date of the set timing task
timezone_id String Time zone ID
loops String Cyclic timing information
time String The set time
status Integer Status of the timing task
  • 0: disabled
  • 1: enabled
  • 2: deleted
functions Array<functions> Instruction of timing
group_order Integer Specified order
timer_id Integer The unique identifier of timing information
alias_name String Remarks

Description of functions

Parameter name Data type Required Description
code String Yes The code of the instruction that is to be executed
value Object Yes The value of the instruction that is to be executed

Request example

GET /v1.0/devices/vdevo154458004640011/timers/categories/10

SDK example


Return example

{ "result": [ { "category": { "category": "test", "status": 1 }, "groups": [ { "id": "000000mwf3", "timers": [ { "alias_name": "", "date": "20200202", "functions": [ { "code": "bright_value_v2", "value": 5000 }, { "code": "switch_led", "value": true } ], "group_order": 0, "is_app_push": false, "loops": "0000000", "status": 0, "time": "17:30", "timer_id": 4906528, "timezone_id": "Asia/Shanghai" } ] } ] } ], "success": true, "t": 1581336613789 }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Illegal permission

Update the information of a specified timing task group of the device

API description

This interface is used to update the information of a specified timing task group of the device.

API address

PUT /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers/groups/{group_id}

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_id String URI Yes Device ID.
group_id String URI Yes Timing task group ID
loops String BODY Yes A 7-digit number consisting of 0 and 1. 0 means closed, and 1 means open.
For example, 0000010 indicates that the task on Saturday is open and other days are closed.
category String BODY Yes Timing task category
time_zone String BODY Yes Time zone. For example, use +08:00 for China.
timezone_id String BODY Yes Time zone ID, such as Asia/shanghai.
instruct Array<instruct> BODY Yes The specified time and device instructions of a timing task. Multiple tasks are allowed to be set simultaneously.
alias_name String BODY No Alias name.

Description of instruct

Parameter name Data type Required Description
time String Yes Executing time of a timing task
functions Array<functions> Yes Instructions to be executed at a scheduled time
date String No
Note: When date is passed in, loops will be 0000000, and the format of date is 20181212.
Executing date of a timing task

Description of functions

Parameter name Data type Required Description
code String Yes The code of the instruction that is to be executed
value Object Yes The value of the instruction that is to be executed

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not. It will return null if it failed.

Request example

PUT /v1.0/devices/vdevo154458004640011/timers/groups/100

SDK example


Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Illegal permission

Update the status of a specified timing task group of the device

API description

This interface is used to update the status of the device timing task group.

API address

PUT /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers/categories/{category}/groups/{group_id}/status

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_id String URI Yes Device ID
group_id String URI Yes Timing task group ID
category String URI Yes Timing task group category
value String BODY Yes Timing task status
  • 0: disabled
  • 1: enabled
  • 2: deleted

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not. It will return null if it failed.

Request example

PUT /v1.0/devices/vdevo154458004640011/timers/categories/100/groups/0000002ftg/status
	"value": "0"

SDK example

TuyaClient client = new TuyaClient(clientId, secret, RegionEnum.CN); List<DeviceVo> deviceFunctions = client.getUserDevices(UID); System.out.println("Get the device list of the user: "); System.out.println(JSONObject.toJSONString(deviceFunctions));

Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Illegal permission

Delete all timing tasks of the device

API description

This interface is used to delete all timing tasks of the device.

API address

DELETE /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_id String URI Yes Device ID

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not. It will return null if it failed.

Request example

DELETE /v1.0/devices/vdevo154458004640011/timers

SDK example


Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Illegal permission

Delete the timing tasks in a specified category

API description

This interface is used to delete the timing task in a specified category.

API address

DELETE /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers/categories/{category}

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_id String URI Yes Device ID
category String URI Yes Timing task group category

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not. It will return null if it failed.

Request example

DELETE /v1.0/devices/vdevo154458004640011/timers/categories/100

SDK example


Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Illegal permission

Delete the timing task of a specified timing group in a specified category

API description

Delete the timing task of a specified timing group in a specified category.

API address

DELETE /v1.0/devices/{device_id}/timers/categories/{category}/groups/{group_id}

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_id String URI Yes Device ID
category String URI Yes Timing task category
group_id String URI Yes Timing task group ID

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not. It will return null if it failed.

Request example

DELETE /v1.0/devices/vdevo154458004640011/timers/categories/100/groups/0000002ftg

SDK example


Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error
1106 Illegal permission

Get the timing tasks of a device group

API description

This interface is used to get the timing tasks of a device group.

API address

GET /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_group_id String URI Yes Device group ID

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Object<result> The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Data type Description
groups Array<group> The list of timing task information
category Object<category> Information of timing task category

Description of groups

Parameter name Data type Description
timers Object<timers> Timing task information
id String Timing task number

Description of category

Parameter name Data type Description
category String Timing task category
status Integer The status of a timing task category

Description of timers

Parameter name Data type Description
date String Date of the set timing task
timezone_id String Time zone ID
loops String Cyclic timing information
time String The set time
status Integer Status of the timing task
  • 0: disabled
  • 1: enabled
  • 2: deleted
functions Array<functions> Instruction of timing
group_order Integer Specified order
timer_id Integer The unique identifier of timing information
alias_name String Remarks

Description of functions

Parameter name Data type Required Description
code String Yes The code of the instruction that is to be executed
value Object Yes The value of the instruction that is to be executed

Request example

GET /v1.0/device-groups/4535425325/timers

Return example

{ "result": [ { "category": { "category": "test", "status": 1 }, "groups": [ { "id": "000000mwf3", "timers": [ { "alias_name": "", "date": "20200210", "functions": [ { "code": "bright_value_v2", "value": 5000 }, { "code": "switch_led", "value": true } ], "group_order": 0, "is_app_push": false, "loops": "0000000", "status": 0, "time": "17:30", "timer_id": 4906528, "timezone_id": "Asia/Shanghai" } ] } ] } ], "success": true, "t": 1581336613789 }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error

Query the list of timing tasks in a group

API description

This interface is used to query the list of timing tasks in a group.

API address

GET /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers/categories/{category}

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_group_id String URI Yes Device ID
category String URI Yes Timing category

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Object<result> The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Data type Description
groups Array<groups> The list of timing task information
category Object<category> The update time of device status

Description of groups

Parameter name Data type Description
timers Object<timers> Timing task information
id String Timing task number

Description of category

Parameter name Data type Description
category String Timing task category
status Integer The status of a timing task category

Description of timers

Parameter name Data type Description
date String Date of the set timing task
timezone_id String Time zone ID
loops String Cyclic timing information
time String The set time
status Integer Status of the timing task
  • 0: disabled
  • 1: enabled
  • 2: deleted
functions Array<functions> Instruction of timing
group_order Integer Specified order
timer_id Integer The unique identifier of timing information
alias_name String Remarks

Description of functions

Parameter name Data type Required Description
code String Yes The code of the instruction that is to be executed
value Object Yes The value of the instruction that is to be executed

Request example

GET  /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers/categories/{category}

Return example

{ "result": [ { "category": { "category": "test", "status": 1 }, "groups": [ { "id": "000000mwf3", "timers": [ { "alias_name": "", "date": "20200202", "functions": [ { "code": "bright_value_v2", "value": 5000 }, { "code": "switch_led", "value": true } ], "group_order": 0, "is_app_push": false, "loops": "0000000", "status": 0, "time": "17:30", "timer_id": 4906528, "timezone_id": "Asia/Shanghai" } ] } ] } ], "success": true, "t": 1581336613789 }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error

Create a group timing task

API description

This interface is used to create a group timing task.

API address

POST /v1.0/device-groups/timers

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
id String URI Yes Device group ID.
category String BODY Yes Timing category.
loops String BODY Yes Return a 7-digit number consisting of 0 and 1 if the request failed. 0 represents closed, and 1 represents open.
For example, 0000010 indicates that the task on Saturday is open and other days are closed.
time_zone String BODY Yes Time zone. For example, use +08:00 for China.
timezone_id String BODY Yes Time zone ID, such as Asia/shanghai.
instruct Array<instruct> BODY Yes The specific time and device instructions of a timing task. Multiple tasks are allowed to be set simultaneously.
alias_name String BODY No Alias name.

Description of instruct

Parameter name Data type Required Description
time String Yes Executing time of a timing task
functions Array<functions> Yes Instructions to be executed at a scheduled time
date String No
Note: When date is passed in, loops will be 0000000, and the format of date is 20181212.
Executing date of a timing task

Description of functions

Parameter name Data type Required Description
code String Yes The code of the instruction that is to be executed
value Object Yes The value of the instruction that is to be executed

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Object<result> The returned result.

Description of result

Parameter name Data type Description
group_id String Timing task ID

Request example

POST /v1.0/device-groups/timers

    "id": "682288h",

Return example

{ "success": true, "result": { "group_id": "0000002ftg" } }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error

Update group timing tasks

API description

This interface is used to update group timing tasks.

API address

PUT /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers/groups/{group_id}

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_group_id String URI Yes Device group ID.
group_id String URI Yes Timing task ID.
category String BODY Yes Timing category.
loops String BODY Yes Return a 7-digit number consisting of 0 and 1 if the request failed. 0 represents closed, and 1 represents open.
For example, 0000010 indicates that the task on Saturday is open and other days are closed.
time_zone String BODY Yes Time zone. For example, use +08:00 for China.
timezone_id String BODY Yes Time zone ID, such as Asia/shanghai.
instruct Array<instruct> BODY Yes The specific time and device instructions of a timing task. Multiple tasks are allowed to be set simultaneously.
alias_name String BODY No Alias name.

Description of instruct

Parameter name Data type Required Description
time String Yes Executing time of a timing task
functions Array<fucntions> Yes Instructions to be executed at a scheduled time
date String No
Note: When date is passed in, the loops should be 0000000, and the format of date should be YYYYMMDD (20181212).
Executing date of a timing task

Description of functions

Parameter name Data type Required Description
code String Yes The code of the instruction that is to be executed
value Object Yes The value of the instruction that is to be executed

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean The returned result.

Request example

PUT /v1.0/device-groups/45448283/timers/groups/8912898


Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error

Update group category timing tasks

API description

This interface is used to update timing tasks in a group category.

API address

PUT /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers/categories/{category}/groups/{group_id}/status

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_group_id String URI Yes Device group ID
category String URI Yes Timing task group category
group_id String URI Yes Timing task group ID
value String BODY Yes Timing task status
  • 0: disabled
  • 1: enabled
  • 2: deleted

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not. It will return null if it failed.

Request example

PUT /v1.0/device-groups/63434242/timers/categories/jjska/groups/56343/status
	"value": "0"

Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error

Delete timing tasks in a device group

API description

This interface is used to delete timing tasks in a device group.

API address

DELETE /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_group_id String URI Yes Device group ID

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not. It will return null if it failed.

Request example

DELETE /v1.0/device-groups/782781182/timers

Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error

Delete timing tasks in a specified category of a group

API description

This interface is used to delete timing tasks in a specified category of a group.

API address

DELETE /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers/categories/{category}

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_id String URI Yes Device ID
category String URI Yes Timing task group category

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not. It will return null if it failed.

Request example

DELETE /v1.0/device-groups/we7823121/timers/categories/7989921

Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error

Delete a specified timing task of a specified category in a device group

API description

This interface is used to delete a specified timing task of a specified category in a device group.

API address

DELETE /v1.0/device-groups/{device_group_id}/timers/categories/{category}/groups/{group_id}

Request parameter

Parameter name Data type Parameter type Required Description
device_group_id String URI Yes Device group ID
category String URI Yes Timing task category
group_id String URI Yes Timing task group ID

Return parameter

Parameter name Data type Description
code Integer Response code. See Error code.
success Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not.
  • true: succeeded
  • false: failed
msg String The message returned if the request fails. It will return null if the request succeeds.
result Boolean Determine whether the request succeeded or not. It will return null if it failed.

Request example

DELETE /v1.0/device-groups/242342/timers/categories/vsds/groups/131234

Return example

{ "success": true, "result": true }

Error code

The following are common service exceptions for this interface. For more exception errors, see Error Code.

Error code Description
500 System error