Laser Robot Vacuum Map UI API

Last Updated on : 2022-06-10 03:45:35download

This topic describes the APIs used to implement the laser map UI on top of the Laser Robot Vacuum SDK.


The map component of a laser robot vacuum.


<TYRCTLaserMap {...props} />


The following color properties follow the hexadecimal Alpha, Red, Green, and Blue (ARGB) format. The first 2 bits represent a transparency level and the last 6 bits represent a color. For example, #ff000000 represents black with a transparency level of 1.

Field name Type Description Default value
width number The width of the map component. /
height number The height of the map component. /
minZoomScale number The minimum magnification of the map. 1.0
maxZoomScale number The maximum magnification of the map. /
mapData Object The details of the map. /
factorInfo Object The distance displayed in meters. /
pathWidth number The width of the path. /
pathColor string The color of the path. /
pathData string The details of the path. /
planPathWidth number The width of the planned path. /
planPathColor string The color of the planned path. /
planPathData string The details of the planned path. /
markerIcon string The icon of the robot vacuum. /
pilePosition Object The details of the charging station. /
pileIcon string The icon of the charging station. /
edit Boolean The edit mode. false
appointIcon string The icon of the “Point and Go” feature that allows users can point in the map exactly where to clean. /
minAreaWidth number The minimum side length of a cleaning area or a no-go area. /
isRotate Boolean Specifies whether a no-go area supports rotation. /
scale Object The scale by which the map is zoomed to a point. /
hasTypeMap Boolean Specifies whether to use a new drawing protocol. false
areaInfoList string The details of a virtual area. /
splitColor string The color of a divider. /


The width of the map component.


The height of the map component.


The minimum magnification of the map. Default value: 1.0.


The maximum magnification of the map.


The details of the map.

The property labels in an area are classified into the following types:

  • Non-foldable: Property labels are displayed.

  • Foldable: Property labels can be hidden from an area. Users can tap the area to show or hide the property labels.

If non-foldable property labels are used, the optional properties in roomInfo are not required. Otherwise, these properties are required.

The area information specified by roomInfo includes two types of area IDs:

  • hex id: a hexadecimal ID. It corresponds to a map pixel.

  • room id: a unique decimal identifier of an area.


  // The width of the map.
  width: 255.0,
  // The height of the map.
  height: 255.0,
  // A pixel on the map. Two hexadecimal numbers are used to represent one pixel.
  data: 'f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f3f0f0f0f0f0......f3f3f3f3',
  // The coordinates of the origin on the map.
  origin: {
    x: 0,
    y: 0
  // The color data of an area in the JSON format.
  roomIdColorMap: "{f3:'#88001122',f0:'#88334455'}",
  // The details of an area, including the data of each pixel.
  roomInfo: {
    // Each key corresponds to a pixel in `data`.
    f3: {
      // The cleaning sequence.
      defaultOrder: 0,
      // The details in the JSON format.
      // The color of a highlighted area that is selected when areas are merged or split or when the cleaning sequence is configured.
      highlightColor: '#ff007afc',
      // Specifies whether to hide property labels from an area. It is optional and applies to foldable property labels.
      isFoldable?: false,
      // The name of an area. It is optional and applies to foldable property labels.
      name?: 'room1',
      // The color of an area.
      normalColor: '#ff218bfc',
      // The text color of an area name. It is optional and applies to foldable property labels.
      roomNameTextColor?: '#ff000000',
      // The properties of an area, including the water volume icon, suction icon, and cleaning times text.
      roomProperty: [
          0: {
            propertyType: 'uri',
            value: ''
          1: {
            propertyType: 'uri',
            value: ''
          2: {
            propertyType: 'text',
            value: '×1'
      // The background color of a property label in an area. It is optional and applies to foldable property labels.
      roomPropertyBgColor?: "#80225344",
      // Specifies whether property labels are foldable in an area. It is optional and applies to foldable property labels.
      roomPropertyStyle?: "foldable",
  		// The text color of a property label in an area. It is optional and applies to foldable property labels.
      roomPropertyTextColor?: "#FFFFFFFF"
	// The details of a virtual object in the JSON format.
	materialObject: "{}",
	// The total number of pixels in the format of width × height.
	pointCount: 65025,
	// The details of a carpet.
	textureObject: "[{url:'',pointList:[],width:255,height:255}]"


The distance displayed in meters.


  factor: 0.05, // The scale.
  font: 10, // The font size.
  color: '#ff000000' // The font color.


The width of the path.


The color of the path.


The details of the path in the JSON format.

Path points are classified into three types: common, transitions, and charge.

The last point on the path represents the robot vacuum and it is also the current point. Besides the coordinates and type, this point includes additional information.


    x: 1,
    y: 1,
    type: 'transitions'
    x: 1,
    y: 2,
    type: 'common'
    x: 1,
    y: 3,
    type: 'charge'
    // The coordinates.
    x: 1,
    y: 2,
    // The type.
    type: 'transitions',
    // The color of the path point type.
    dataColors: {common: '#ffffffff', charge: '#00000000', transitions: '#ffffd700'},
    // The color of a breathing circle.
    bgColor: "#7f000000",
    // The blinking frequency of a breathing circle.
    duration: 2,
    // Specifies whether to hide a breathing circle.
    hidden: false,
    // The maximum radius of a breathing circle in the blinking status.
    rate: 2


The width of the planned path.


The color of the planned path.


The details of the planned path, similar to pathData.


The icon of the robot vacuum.




The details of the charging station.

When users edit a no-go area or a virtual wall, an alert circle appears to indicate the shortest distance between the no-go area or virtual wall and the charging station. This way, the no-go area or virtual wall will not overlap the charging station. Otherwise, the robot vacuum cannot return to the charging station.


  // The coordinates.
  x: 10,
  y: 10,
  // Specifies whether to hide an alert circle.
  hidden: false,
  // The radius of an alert circle.
  radius: 30,
  // The frame color of an alert circle.
  borderColor: '#ff333333',
  // The color of an alert circle.
  bgColor: '#ff333333'


The icon of the charging station.




Specifies whether the map is editable.

For example, when users plan or select a cleaning area, or edit a virtual area, they need to select or edit a cleaning area, a no-go area, or a virtual wall. In this case, set edit to true.


The icon of the “Point and Go” feature.




The minimum side length of the cleaning area or no-go area.


Specifies whether a no-go area supports rotation.


The scale by which the map is zoomed to a point. It applies to a special vision map.


  // Default value: `1.0`.
  scale: 1,
  // Optional.
  x?: 1,
  // Optional.
  y?: 1


Specifies whether to use a new drawing protocol.


The details of a virtual area in the JSON format.

Virtual areas are classified into five types:

  • No-go area for sweeping and mopping
  • No-go area for mopping
  • Virtual wall
  • Cleaning area
  • The spot to be cleaned with the “Point and Go” feature.

The properties can vary, depending on different virtual area types. They are distinguished by type, as listed in the following table.

Virtual area name Value of type
No-go area for sweeping and mopping 3
No-go area for mopping 3
Virtual wall 4
Cleaning area 2
The spot to be cleaned with the “Point and Go” feature. 1

The no-go area for sweeping and mopping has the same value of type as the no-go area for mopping. Both types are distinguished from each other by forbidType in extend.


  // The no-go area for sweeping and mopping.
    box: {
      // The frame background color of the no-go area.
      bgColor: '#7ff81c1c',
      // The frame color of the no-go area.
      borderColor: '#ffffffff'
    content: {
      // The name of the no-go area.
      text: '',
      // The text color of the name.
      textColor: '#ff000000',
      // The font size of the name.
      textSize: 12,
      // Specifies whether the area can be renamed.
      renameEnable: false
    // The additional information.
    extend: "{forbidType:'sweep'}",
    // The unique identifier.
    id: '1',
    // The coordinates.
    points: [
      {x: 126, y: 165},
      {x: 164, y: 202},
      {x: 129, y: 238},
      {x: 91, y: 201}
    // The type.
    type: 3,
    viewType: ''
  // The no-go area for mopping.
    box: {
      bgColor: '#7f4685ff',
      borderColor: '#ffffffff'
    content: {
      text: '',
      textColor: '#ff000000',
      textSize: 12,
      renameEnable: false
    extend: "{forbidType:'mop'}",
    id: '2',
    points: [
      {x: -20.9, y: 16},
      {x: 54.7, y: 17.3},
      {x: 53.6, y: 81.4},
      {x: -22, y: 80.1}
    type: 3,
    viewType: ''
  // The virtual wall.
    // The additional information, such as `isWall:true`.
    extend: "{forbidType:'sweep',isWall:true}",
    id: '3',
  	line: {
      // The color of the line segment.
  		bgColor: '#fff81c1c',
      // The width of the line segment.
  		lineWidth: 2
    points: [
      {x: 182, y: 104},
      {x: 298, y: 103}
    type: 4,
    viewType: ''
	// The cleaning area.
    box: {
      bgColor: '#7f4685ff',
      borderColor: '#ffffffff'
    content: {
      text: '',
      textColor: '#ffffffff',
      textSize: 12,
      renameEnable: false
    // No additional information is required for the cleaning area.
    extend: '{}',
    id: '4',
    points: [
      {x: 102, y: 98},
      {x: 145, y: 98},
      {x: 145, y: 142},
      {x: 102, y: 142}
    type: 2,
    viewType: ''
  // The "Point and Go" feature.
    id: '5',
    points: [{x: 125, y: 125}],
    type: 1


The color of a divider on the map.

Component events

Field name Description
onLaserMapPoints The callback for real-time virtual area data.
onMapId The callback for mapId is executed when a map component instance is created.
onLongPressInAreaView The callback that is executed when a no-go area or a cleaning area is pressed and held to be renamed.
onClickSplitArea The callback that is executed when an area is tapped for cleaning.
onClickRoom The callback that is executed when an area is tapped.


The callback for real-time virtual area data.

This callback event is triggered when a no-go area or a virtual wall is moved. This callback can be used to process the distance between the no-go area or virtual wall and the robot vacuum or charging station. This avoids certain problems that might arise if the virtual area overlaps the robot vacuum or charging station.


Parameter Description
type The type of virtual area. Valid values:
  • 3: no-go area
  • 4: virtual wall
data The coordinates.

Sample of parameters

// The virtual wall.
  type: 4,
  data: [[{x: 119, y: 58}, {x: 235, y: 57}]]

// The no-go area.
  type: 3,
  data: [[
    {x: 225, y: 117},
    {x: 274, y: 201},
    {x: 213, y: 238},
    {x: 164, y: 154}


const onLaserMapPointsFn = (data) => {
  // do something
<TYRCTLaserMap onLaserMapPoints={onLaserMapPointsFn} />


The callback for the map ID (mapId) when a map component instance is created.

After the component TYRCTLaserMap is called, this event will be called when the native instance of the map component is created.

The parameter mapId represents the unique identifier of the map instance.

Sample of parameters

  mapId: 'laser_1653444189948'


const onMapIdFn = (data) => {
  // do something
<TYRCTLaserMap onMapId={onMapIdFn} />


The callback that is executed when a no-go area or cleaning area is pressed and held to be renamed.

In the map editing state, this event will be triggered when the name of a no-go area or cleaning area is pressed and held. This way, the area can be renamed.

The parameter specifies the virtual area ID. For more information about a virtual area, see areaInfoList in Component properties.

Sample of parameters

  id: '1'


const onLongPressInAreaViewFn = (data) => {
  // do something
<TYRCTLaserMap onLongPressInAreaView={onLongPressInAreaViewFn} />


The callback that is executed when an area is tapped to be selected for cleaning, area renaming, or area customization.

After an area is selected for cleaning, this callback event will be triggered when the area is tapped.

The parameters id and extend are involved. For more information about area properties, see mapData > roomInfo in Component properties.

Sample of parameters

  type: 4,
  data: [{
    pixel: '0c',
    extend: "{roomId:3,normalColor:'#FF218BFC',highlightColor:'#FF007AFC',name:'room3',fan:'0',order:'0',water_level:'0',sweep_count:'1',mop_count:'0',sweep_forbiden:'0',mop_forbidden:'0',y_mode:'255',vertexData:[]}"


const onClickSplitAreaFn = (data) => {
  // do something
<TYRCTLaserMap onClickSplitArea={onClickSplitAreaFn} />


The callback that is executed when an area is tapped.

This event will be triggered when an area is tapped. This callback is used to show and hide property labels of the area.

The parameters isFoldable and roomId are involved. The parameter roomId specifies the area ID. For more information about area properties, see mapData > roomInfo in Component properties.

Sample of parameters

  isFoldable: true,
  roomId: '1f'


const onClickRoomFn = (data) => {
  // do something
<TYRCTLaserMap onClickRoom={onClickRoomFn} />


The map component API of a laser robot vacuum.

TYRCTLaserManager is an earlier API and TYRCTTypeMapManager is the latest API (rnVersion is 3.25 or later).

Method name Description
setLaserMapState Changes the map state.
refreshStateView Redraws the map.
addLaserMapRectWithType Adds a virtual area to the map.
getLaserMapPoints Returns coordinates in a virtual area.


Changes the map state. The map state needs to be changed along with the robot vacuum status and working mode.


Parameter Type Description
state number The map state. Valid values:
  • 0: normal
  • 1: “Point and Go”
  • 2: select and clean an area
  • 3: edit a no-go area
  • 4: edit a virtual wall
  • 5: edit an area
  • 6: select an area
callback function The callback.


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYLaserManager = NativeModules.TYRCTLaserManager;

const callback = () => {
  // do something
TYLaserManager.setLaserMapState(0, callback); // The map is changed to the normal state.


Redraws the map.

import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYLaserManager = NativeModules.TYRCTLaserManager;

	.then(() => {})
	.catch(err => {})


Adds a virtual area to the map.


Parameter Type Description
type number The type of virtual area. Valid values:
  • 1: the “Point and Go” type
  • 2: cleaning area
  • 3: no-go area
  • 4: virtual wall


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYLaserManager = NativeModules.TYRCTLaserManager;

TYLaserManager.addLaserMapRectWithType(3); // Adds a no-go area to the map.


Returns coordinates in a virtual area.


Parameter Type Description
callback function The callback.


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYLaserManager = NativeModules.TYRCTLaserManager;

const callback = (data) => {
  // do something


Method name Description
refreshStateViewWithMapId Redraws the map.
setMapStateAndEdit Changes the map state and edits the map.
addArea Adds a virtual area to the map.
getMapPointsInfo Returns details of a virtual area.
removeAreaList Removes a list of virtual areas.
updateAreaInfo Updates details of a virtual area.
getMapSplitPointWithMapId Returns information required for area editing.
setMapSplitTypeWithMapId Sets the area state when it is edited.


Redraws the map specified by map ID.

The return value of this method is Promise.


Parameter Type Description
mapId string The map ID.


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYRCTTypeMapManager = NativeModules.TYRCTTypeMapManager;

	.then(() => {})
	.catch(err => {})


Changes the map state and edits the map.


Parameter Type Description
mapId string The map ID.
state number The map state. Valid values:
  • 0: normal
  • 1: the “Point and Go” type
  • 2: cleaning area
  • 3: no-go area
  • 4: virtual wall
  • 5: edit an area
  • 6: select an area
edit Boolean Specifies whether the map is in the edit state. Valid values:
  • true: yes
  • false: no
callback function The callback.


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYRCTTypeMapManager = NativeModules.TYRCTTypeMapManager;

const callback = () => {
  // do something
TYRCTTypeMapManager.setMapStateAndEdit('laser_1653444189948', 0, false, callback);


Adds a virtual area to the map. Only one area can be added in each call.


Parameter Type Description
mapId string The map ID.
areaInfo string The details of the virtual area.
success function The success callback.
failure function The failure callback.

The details of a virtual area are in the JSON format. A virtual area can be a no-go area, a virtual wall, or a cleaning area. For more information, see areaInfoList in Component properties.

No-go area

  id: "1",
  box: {
    bgColor: "#7ff81c1c",
    borderColor: "#ffffffff",
  content: {
    text: "",
    textColor: "#ff000000",
    textSize: 10,
    renameEnable: false,
  type: 3,
  viewType: "",
  points: [
      x: 158,
      y: 148,
      x: 178,
      y: 148,
      x: 178,
      y: 168,
      x: 158,
      y: 168,
  extend: '{"forbidType":"sweep"}',

Virtual wall

  id: "2",
  line: {
    bgColor: "#fff81c1c",
    lineWidth: 2,
  type: 4,
  viewType: "",
  points: [
      x: 138,
      y: 128,
      x: 198,
      y: 128,
  extend: '{"forbidType":"sweep","isWall":true}',

Cleaning area

  id: "3",
  box: {
    bgColor: "#7f4685ff",
    borderColor: "#ffffffff",
  content: {
    text: "",
    textColor: "#ffffffff",
    textSize: 10,
    renameEnable: false,
  type: 2,
  viewType: "",
  points: [
      x: 138,
      y: 128,
      x: 198,
      y: 128,
      x: 198,
      y: 188,
      x: 138,
      y: 188,
  extend: "{}",


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYRCTTypeMapManager = NativeModules.TYRCTTypeMapManager;

// The details of the virtual area to be added.
const areaInfo = {
  id: "4",
  line: {
    bgColor: "#fff81c1c",
    lineWidth: 2,
  type: 4,
  viewType: "",
  points: [
      x: 138,
      y: 128,
      x: 198,
      y: 128,
  extend: '{"forbidType":"sweep","isWall":true}',
const success = () => {}; // The success callback.
const failure = () => {}; // The failure callback.

TYRCTTypeMapManager.addArea('laser_1653444189948', JSON.stringify(areaInfo), success, failure);


Returns the details of a virtual area according to the current map state.


Parameter Type Description
mapId string The map ID.
callback function The callback.

The following code block describes the callback parameters:

  // The type of virtual area.
  type: 2, // A cleaning area.
  data: [
      // The coordinates.
      points: [
          x: 108,
          y: 98,
          x: 158,
          y: 98,
          x: 158,
          y: 147,
          x: 108,
          y: 147,
      id: "4",
      areaType: 0,
      extend: "{}",
      content: {
        text: "",


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYRCTTypeMapManager = NativeModules.TYRCTTypeMapManager;

const callback = (data) => {
  // do something
TYRCTTypeMapManager.getMapPointsInfo('laser_1653444189948', callback);


Removes a list of virtual areas.


Parameter Type Description
mapId string The map ID.
areaIds string The list of IDs for the virtual areas to be removed.
success function The success callback.
failure function The failure callback.

The list of virtual area IDs is an array of JSON strings.

['1', '2', '3']


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYRCTTypeMapManager = NativeModules.TYRCTTypeMapManager;

const areaIds = ['1', '2', '3'];
const success = () => {};
const failure = () => {};
TYRCTTypeMapManager.removeAreaList('laser_1653444189948', JSON.stringify(areaIds), success, failure);


Updates the details of a virtual area. Only one area can be updated in each call. Specifically, the name of a no-go area or a cleaning area.


Parameter Type Description
mapId string The map ID.
areaInfo string The details to be updated for the virtual area.
success function The success callback.
failure function The failure callback.

The details to be updated for the virtual area are in the JSON format.

  id: "4",
  content: {
    text: "test area",


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYRCTTypeMapManager = NativeModules.TYRCTTypeMapManager;

const areaInfo = {
  id: "4",
  content: {
    text: "test area",
const success = () => {};
const failure = () => {};
TYRCTTypeMapManager.updateAreaInfo('laser_1653444189948', JSON.stringify(areaInfo), success, failure);


Returns information required for area editing.


  • Get the IDs of areas to be merged.
  • Get information about a divider to split an area.


Parameter Type Description
mapId string The map ID.
callback function The callback.

The following code block describes the callback parameters. When type is 3, an area is split, and when it is 2, areas are merged.

// Splits an area.
  type: 3,
  data: [
      // The coordinates of a divider.
      points: [
          x: 171,
          y: 128,
          x: 91,
          y: 128,
      // The value of `hex id` for the target area.
      pixel: "0c",

// Merges two areas.
  type: 2,
  // The value of `hex id` for each target area.
  data: [
      pixel: "14",
      pixel: "0c",


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYRCTTypeMapManager = NativeModules.TYRCTTypeMapManager;

const callback = (data) => {
  // do something
TYRCTTypeMapManager.updateAreaInfo('laser_1653444189948', callback);


Sets the area state when it is edited.


Parameter Type Description
mapId string The map ID.
state number The state of the target area.
0: normal state
1: reset (⚠️deprecated)
2: merged
3: split
4: tapped
success function The success callback.
failure function The failure callback.

Currently, the following four states are supported:

  • Normal state: The map cannot be edited.
  • Merged: The adjacent areas to be tapped on the map can be merged.
  • Split: A divider will appear in an area to split this area into two areas.
  • Tapped: The target area can be tapped to trigger a specified callback.


import { NativeModules } from 'react-native';
const TYRCTTypeMapManager = NativeModules.TYRCTTypeMapManager;

const success = () => {};
const failure = () => {};
TYRCTTypeMapManager.setMapSplitTypeWithMapId('laser_1653444189948', 2, success, failure);