Pair Matter Device

Last Updated on : 2024-02-21 07:27:05

Pairing process

The following figure shows the process to pair a Tuya-enabled Matter-certified combo device.

AppMatter deviceScan QR code, entersetup code, orperform autodiscovery to getobject ofThingSmartMatterSet-upPayloadSelect homeGet TokenBuild object ofThingSmartConnectD-eviceBuilderConnect to deviceSession establishedBuildCommissionModelCommission deviceAttest deviceSpecify whether to ignoreattestation failureDevice activated successfullyAppMatter deviceProcess of pairing a Matter combo device

Discover device

Matter devices can be discovered in the following two ways:

  • Scan QR code or enter setup code

    A standard pairing method for Matter devices, including Tuya-enabled Matter devices and third-party Matter devices.

  • Pair by auto discovery

    Tuya’s proprietary method, currently exclusive to Tuya-enabled Matter devices.

The SDK provides two ways to discover Matter devices:

Method 1: Scan QR code or enter setup code

This is the standard method of pairing Matter devices. You can pass the content of the Matter pairing QR code scanned by users or the Matter setup code entered by users to the SDK for parsing. Then, return the parsed object ThingSmartMatterSetupPayload and proceed to the steps as illustrated in the pairing flowchart.

API description

- (nullable ThingSmartMatterSetupPayload *)parseSetupCode:(NSString *)matterCode;


Parameter Description
matterCode The QR code or setup code on the device outer packaging.



- (void)checkCode{
    ThingSmartMatterSetupPayload *payload = [[ThingSmartMatterActivator sharedInstance]parseSetupCode:@""];
        //Use the payload to build `ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder` object
        //Code is invalid;


func checkCode() {
    var payload = ThingSmartMatterActivator.sharedInstance().parseSetupCode("code")
    if payload != nil{
         // Use the payload to build `ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder` object
        //Code is invalid;

Method 2: Pair by auto discovery

Before pairing by auto discovery, the app must be granted access to Bluetooth, and the mobile phone is connected to a Wi-Fi network.

After users start this pairing method, nearby Matter devices that support this method can be automatically found.

API description

- (void)startDiscovery;



[[ThingSmartMatterDiscoveryActivator sharedInstance] startDiscovery];



Device scanning callback

The callback to invoke when a nearby Matter device that supports auto discovery is automatically found. The callback is invoked once each time a Matter device is discovered.

API description

- (void)discoveryedDevice:(ThingSmartMatterDiscoveryModel *)model;


Parameter Description
model The data model of pairing by auto discovery.



- (void)discoveryedDevice:(ThingSmartMatterDiscoveryModel *)model{
    NSLog(@"Discovery a Matter Device!");


func discoveryedDevice(_ model: ThingSmartMatterDiscoveryModel) {
    print("Discovery a Matter Device!");

Define data model of pairing by auto discovery

Generates a data model and returns it to the business layer when a nearby Matter device that supports auto discovery is automatically found.


Parameter Description
payload A section of the setup code generated by the program, without the pairing key.
iconUrl The URL of the device icon.
deviceName The name of the device.
productId The product ID of the device.
isThingDevice Indicates whether this is a Tuya-enabled device.
deviceType Device types

Stop auto discovery

Stops auto discovery when the auto discovery page is closed to avoid unnecessary resource usage.

API description

- (void)stopDiscovery;



[[ThingSmartMatterDiscoveryActivator sharedInstance] stopDiscovery];



Start pairing process

Continues the steps as illustrated in the pairing flowchart, based on the payload property object included in the discovered model object ThingSmartMatterDiscoveryModel.

The design of the Matter protocol determines that only one device can be paired at a time during the pairing process.

Therefore, in your implementation of pairing, finish pairing a device before starting paring the next device.

Build pairing parameters

Get SetupPayload

For more information about how to get the object of ThingSmartMatterSetupPayload, see Discover device.

Get a token

Before the wired pairing process, the SDK must get a pairing token from the cloud in the networked state. The token is valid for 10 minutes and expires immediately after the device is paired. A new token must be obtained if the device needs to be paired again.

API description

- (void)getTokenWithHomeId:(long long)homeId


Parameter Description
homeId The ID of the home with which the device is bound.
success The success callback. A pairing token is returned.
failure The failure callback. An error message is returned.



- (void)getToken {
    [[ThingSmartActivator new] getTokenWithHomeId:homeId success:^(NSString *token) {
            NSLog(@"getToken success: %@", token);
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
            NSLog(@"getToken failure: %@", error.localizedDescription);


func getToken() {
    ThingSmartActivator().getTokenWithHomeId(homeId, success: { (token) in
        print("getToken success: \(token)")
    }, failure: { (error) in
        if let e = error {
            print("getToken failure: \(e)")

Assemble pairing parameters into object

Provides required parameters for pairing. This is the last preparation step before pairing can be started.

API description

- (instancetype)initWithPayload:(ThingSmartMatterSetupPayload *)payload spaceId:(long long)spaceId token:(NSString *)token;


Parameter Description
payload The object of ThingSmartMatterSetupPayload that is returned after users scan a QR code, enter a setup code, or perform auto discovery.
spaceId The home ID. This is the homeId parameter of the current home in most cases.
token The pairing token that is returned by getTokenWithHomeId.



- (ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder *)connectBuilder{
    ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder *builder = [[ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder alloc]initWithPayload:payload spaceId:homeId token:token];
    return builder;


func connectBuilder() -> ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder?{
    let builder = ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder(payload: payload, spaceId: homeId, token: token)
    return builder

Pairing process

Connect to device

After the Matter device is connected, the PASE (Passcode-Authenticated Session Establishment) session is established, and the PASE session success callback is invoked.

API description

- (void)connectDeviceWithConnectDeviceBuilder:(ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder *)builder timeout:(NSTimeInterval)timeout;


Parameter Description
builder The model object of ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder into which required pairing parameters are assembled.
timeout The timeout period.



- (void)startActivator{
    // ThingSmartConnectDeviceBuilder *builder = [self connectBuilder];
    [[ThingSmartMatterActivator sharedInstance]connectDeviceWithConnectDeviceBuilder:builder timeout:300];


func startActivator(){
    // guard let builder = connectBuilder() else {return}
    ThingSmartMatterActivator.sharedInstance().connectDevice(with: builder, timeout: 300)

Device connection callback

The callback to invoke after an attempt to connect to a device by connect. The callback is intended to notify the business layer of the pairing mode and device type.

API description

- (void)matterDeviceDiscoveryed:(BOOL)isThingDevice deviceType:(ThingSmartMatterDeviceType)deviceType;


Parameter Description
isThingDevice Indicates whether this is a Tuya-enabled device.
deviceType The type of device.



- (void)matterDeviceDiscoveryed:(BOOL)isThingDevice deviceType:(ThingSmartMatterDeviceType)deviceType{
    NSLog(@"Discoveryed Device");


func matterDeviceDiscoveryed(_ isThingDevice: Bool, deviceType: ThingSmartMatterDeviceType) {
    print("Discoveryed Device")

Matter pairing option callback

The callback to invoke when the optimal pairing option is selected based on the device advertising data. Then, the SDK returns the callback to the business layer to implement the process of displaying the respective page. The following types of URLs are supported:

  • Pairing option implemented by Tuya (ThingMatterRoutingTypeThing)

  • Sharing and pairing option (ThingMatterRoutingTypeSupport)

  • MatterSupport option for third-party Matter devices (ThingMatterRoutingTypeShare)

    To enable pairing with the MatterSupport option, follow the instructions in Prepare for Integration with Matter Device and configure Matter Extension Target. Otherwise, pairing will fail.

API description

- (void)matterRoutingComplete:(ThingMatterRoutingType)routingType


Parameter Description
routingType The pairing option.



- (void)matterRoutingComplete:(ThingMatterRoutingType)routingType{
    NSLog(@"Routing Complete");


func matterRoutingComplete(_ routingType: ThingMatterRoutingType) {
    print("Routing Complete");

PASE session establishment callback

After the Matter device is connected, the PASE session is established, and the PASE session success callback is invoked.

API description

- (void)matterCommissioningSessionEstablishmentComplete:(ThingSmartMatterDeviceModel *)deviceModel;


Parameter Description
deviceModel The Matter device model that returns certain data during the PASE session.



- (void)matterCommissioningSessionEstablishmentComplete:(ThingSmartMatterDeviceModel *)deviceModel {
    NSLog(@"Establishment Complete!");


func matterCommissioningSessionEstablishmentComplete(_ deviceModel: ThingSmartMatterDeviceModel) {
    print("Establishment Complete!");

Assemble parameters for commissioning Tuya-enabled combo device

To establish a Certificate Authenticated Session Establishment (CASE) session with a Tuya-enabled combo device, you must provide and assemble the required parameters. Then, the device can be commissioned. Only Tuya-enabled Matter devices require you to assemble the parameters.

API description

- (instancetype)initWithSSid:(NSString *)ssid password:(NSString *)password;


Parameter Description
ssid The name of the target Wi-Fi network.
password The password of the target Wi-Fi network.



- (ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel *)commissionBuilder{
    ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel *builder = [[ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel alloc]initWithSSid:@"ssid" password:@"password"];
    return builder;


func commissionBuilder() -> ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel{
    let commissionBuilder = ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel(sSid: "ssid", password: "password")
    return commissionBuilder

Assemble parameters for commissioning Thread sub-device

Pairing the sub-device relies on the OTBR network provided by the Matter gateway. Therefore, you must set the gateway ID before a PASE session is established.

In a PASE session, the SDK scans for available Thread networks nearby and selects the optimal gateway ID with the strongest signal strength. In the callback - (void)matterCommissioningSessionEstablishmentComplete:(ThingSmartMatterDeviceModel *)deviceModel;, ThingSmartMatterDeviceModel provides a list of available gateway IDs indicated by gatewayId. If this parameter is empty or users want to specify a gateway, use another gateway ID for the current home.

Only Tuya-enabled Matter devices require you to assemble the parameters.

API description

- (instancetype)initWithGatewayId:(NSString *)gwId;


Parameter Description
gwId The device ID of the gateway.



- (ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel *)commissionBuilder{
    ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel *builder = [[ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel alloc] initWithGatewayId:@"gwId"];
    return builder;


func commissionBuilder() -> ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel{
    let commissionBuilder = ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel(gatewayId:"gwId")
    return commissionBuilder

Commission Matter device

After a PASE session, certain key information such as the type of device can be obtained. When required parameters have been assembled for a CASE session, to activate the device in the cloud, make this API request to establish a CASE session.

Only Tuya-enabled Matter devices require you to make this API request. Third-party devices do not support this API request.

API description

- (void)commissionDevice:(nonnull ThingSmartMatterDeviceModel *)deviceModel commissionModel:(ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel *) commissionModel;


Parameter Description
deviceModel The Matter device model returned in the callback matterCommissioningSessionEstablishmentComplete to invoke after a PASE session is finished.
commissionModel The model returned after you assemble CASE session parameters.



- (void)continueActivator{
    ThingSmartMatterCommissionModel *builder = [self commissionBuilder];
    [[ThingSmartMatterActivator sharedInstance]commissionDevice:self.matterDeviceModel commissionModel:builder];


func continueActivator(){
    let builder = commissionBuilder()
    ThingSmartMatterActivator.sharedInstance().commissionDevice(self.matterDeviceModel, commissionModel: builder)

Device attestation callback

The callback to invoke when an attempt is made to pair a device that is not Matter-certified. After this callback is invoked, the pairing process will be suspended until you choose to continue or give up pairing.

API description

- (void)matterDeviceAttestation:(void *)device error:(NSError * _Nonnull)error;


Parameter Description
device The pointer to the device object address in the pairing option.
error The error message that is returned when device attestation failed.



- (void)matterDeviceAttestation:(void *)device error:(NSError *)error{
    NSLog(@"Device Attestation!");


func matterDeviceAttestation(_ device: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, error: Error) {
    print("Device Attestation!")

Trust unattested device and continue pairing

Continues pairing if the device certificate is regarded to be trustable.

API description

- (void)continueCommissioningDevice:(void *)device
                              error:(NSError * __autoreleasing *)error;


Parameter Description
device The pointer to the device object address included in the Attestation callback method. The callback parameters must be returned as pass-through parameters, without additional operations.
ignoreAttestationFailure Specifies whether to ignore the attestation failure.
error The error message that might be returned in this call.



- (void)matterDeviceAttestation:(void *)device error:(NSError *)error{
    UIAlertController * alertController = [UIAlertController
        alertControllerWithTitle:@"Device Attestation"
                         message:@"Device Attestation failed for device under commissioning. Do you wish to continue pairing?"

    [alertController addAction:[UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"No"
                                                      handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {
                                                          NSError * err;
        [[ThingSmartMatterActivator sharedInstance]continueCommissioningDevice:device ignoreAttestationFailure:NO error:&err];

    [alertController addAction:[UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:@"Continue"
                                                      handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {
                                                          NSError * err;
        [[ThingSmartMatterActivator sharedInstance]continueCommissioningDevice:device ignoreAttestationFailure:YES error:&err];

    [self presentViewController:alertController animated:YES completion:nil];


func matterDeviceAttestation(_ device: UnsafeMutableRawPointer, error: Error) {

    let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "Device Attestation", message: "Device Attestation failed for device under commissioning. Do you wish to continue pairing?", preferredStyle: .alert)
    alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "NO", style: .default, handler: { _ in
        ThingSmartMatterActivator.sharedInstance().continueCommissioningDevice(device, ignoreAttestationFailure: false, error: nil)

    alertController.addAction(UIAlertAction(title: "Continue", style: .default, handler: { _ in
        ThingSmartMatterActivator.sharedInstance().continueCommissioningDevice(device, ignoreAttestationFailure: true, error: nil)

    self.present(alertController, animated: true)

Pairing success callback

The callback to invoke when a Matter device is paired and activated in the cloud.

API description

- (void)matterDeviceActivatorSuccess:(ThingSmartMatterDeviceModel *)matterDevice;


Parameter Description
matterDevice The complete data model of the Matter device.



- (void)matterDeviceActivatorSuccess:(ThingSmartMatterDeviceModel *)matterDevice{
    NSLog(@"Activator Success!");


func matterDeviceActivatorSuccess(_ matterDevice: ThingSmartMatterDeviceModel) {
    print("Activator Success!")

Pairing failure callback

The callback to invoke when a Matter device failed to be paired.

API description

- (void)matterDevice:(ThingSmartMatterSetupPayload *)payload activatorFailed:(NSError *)error;


Parameter Description
payload The data model of the setup code for failed pairing of the Matter device.
error The error message. For more information about the description of a specific error code, see the definition in ThingSmartMatterKitErrors.



- (void)matterDevice:(ThingSmartMatterSetupPayload *)payload activatorFailed:(NSError *)error{
    NSLog(@"Activator Failed");


func matterDevice(_ payload: ThingSmartMatterSetupPayload, activatorFailed error: Error) {
    print("Activator Failed")

MatterSupport pairing success callback

The MatterSupport process is designed for a third-party Wi-Fi or Thread device. If this process is used for pairing, MatterSupport is regarded as a part of the whole pairing process. When MatterSupport is finished, invoke this callback to continue the pairing process implemented by Tuya.

API description

- (void)matterSupportComplete:(NSString *)gatewayName;


Parameter Description
gatewayName The Tuya-enabled gateway ID that is assigned to the OTBR network used by MatterSupport. An empty value indicates that HomePod or Apple TV is used by MatterSupport to implement pairing.



- (void)matterSupportComplete:(NSString *)gatewayName{
    NSLog(@"Matte Support Completed");


func matterSupportComplete(_ gatewayName: String) {
    print("Matte Support Completed")

Error codes

For more information about the description of a specific error code, see the declaration and definition in ThingSmartMatterKitErrors.h.