Prepare for Integration with Matter Device

Last Updated on : 2024-02-21 07:27:03

Before the integration of a Matter device into your project, you must configure the project. For the pairing process implemented by Tuya, Matter devices are classified into Tuya-enabled Matter devices and third-party Matter devices. For a third-party Matter device, add an extension target to your Xcode project.


Configure and integrate with main project

Configure entitlements

  1. Open the project settings in Xcode.

  2. Choose the target of the main project > Signing & Capabilities, and click + Capability.

    Prepare for Integration with Matter Device
  3. Add the entitlement Matter Allow Setup Payload that is used to handle parsing of Matter QR codes.

  4. Add the App Groups entitlement that is used to share data with Matter Extension Target. Set App Group ID to the same value as Matter Extension Target.

  5. Add the Background Modes entitlement and select Uses Bluetooth LE accessories that is used to ensure stable communication over Bluetooth.

    The following figure shows these steps.

    Prepare for Integration with Matter Device

Configure Info.plist

  1. Open the project settings in Xcode.

  2. Choose the target of the main project > Info > Custom iOS Target Properties.

    Prepare for Integration with Matter Device
    • Privacy - Bluetooth Peripheral Usage Description

      Add the entitlement NSBluetoothPeripheralUsageDescription that is used for privacy and permission purposes and to provide a user-facing description of the reason for requesting access to Bluetooth peripherals.

    • Bonjour services

      Matter has a strong dependency on communication on a LAN. In light of this, you must configure Bonjour services in the file Info.plist of the main project. Example:


Use CocoaPods for fast integration

  1. We recommend that you update CocoaPods to the latest version.

  2. Add the following code block to the Podfile:

    platform :ios, '9.0'
    target 'Your_Project_Name' do
        pod "ThingSmartMatterKit"
  3. In the root directory of your project, run pod update.

    For more information about CocoaPods, see CocoaPods Guides.

Initialize module

Follow the instructions in Fast Integration with Smart Life App SDK for iOS and initialize the SDK. Then, initialize the Matter module.

// Initialize the SDK.
[[TuyaSmartSDK sharedInstance] startWithAppKey:<#your_app_key#> secretKey:<#your_secret_key#>];

// Initialize the Matter module.
[ThingSmartMatterActivatorConfig setMatterConfigKey:<#YOUR_APP_GROUP_ID#>];

API description

+ (void)setMatterConfigKey:(NSString *)configKey;


Parameter Description
configKey The App Group ID of the project.



[ThingSmartMatterActivatorConfig setMatterConfigKey:<#YOUR_APP_GROUP_ID#>];



Configure and integrate with Extension Target

Things to note

  • Xcode 14.1 or later is required.
  • iOS 16.1 or later is required.
  • Create Matter Extension Target and use the default code file to perform the steps described in the following sections.
  • Matter Extension Target supports Swift projects only.

Configure entitlements

  1. Open the project settings in Xcode.
  2. Choose the target of the main project > Signing & Capabilities, and click + Capability.
  3. Add the App Groups entitlement that is used to share data with the target of the main project. Set App Group ID to the same value as the target of the main project.

Use CocoaPods for fast integration

  1. We recommend that you update CocoaPods to the latest version.

  2. Add the following code block to the Podfile:

    platform :ios, '9.0'
    target 'Your_Matter_Extension_Target_Name' do
        pod "ThingSmartMatterExtensionKit"
  3. In the root directory of your project, run pod update.

    For more information about CocoaPods, see CocoaPods Guides.

Initialize module

Open the file RequestHandler.swift in the ExtensionTarget project and rewrite the init method.

override init()

API description

+ (void)setMatterConfigKey:(NSString *)configKey;


Parameter Description
configKey The App Group ID of the project.



override init() {
  ThingMatterExtensionSupport.shared.setMatterConfigKey(configKey: <#YOUR_APP_GROUP_ID#>)

Use ThingSmartMatterExtensionKit

After the Matter Extension Target project is generated, the file RequestHandler.swift appears in the Extension project. Use the API methods provided by the system and call ThingSmartMatterExtensionKit as shown in the following example.

  1. Import ThingSmartMatterExtensionKit into the project.

    import ThingSmartMatterExtensionKit
  2. Make API requests with the methods that are automatically generated by the system, as shown in the following code block.

    The callback methods in RequestHandler.swift are automatically generated by the system and cannot be modified.

        override func validateDeviceCredential(_ deviceCredential: MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.DeviceCredential) async throws {
        override func selectWi-FiNetwork(from wifiScanResults: [MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.Wi-FiScanResult]) async throws -> MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.Wi-FiNetworkAssociation {
            // Use this function to select a Wi-Fi network for the device if your ecosystem has special requirements.
            // Or, return `.defaultSystemNetwork` to use the iOS device's current network.
            return ThingMatterExtensionSupport.shared.selectWi-FiNetwork(from: wifiScanResults)
        override func selectThreadNetwork(from threadScanResults: [MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.ThreadScanResult]) async throws -> MatterAddDeviceExtensionRequestHandler.ThreadNetworkAssociation {
            // Use this function to select a Thread network for the device if your ecosystem has special requirements.
            // Or, return `.defaultSystemNetwork` to use the default Thread network.
            return ThingMatterExtensionSupport.shared.selectThreadNetwork(from: threadScanResults)
        override func commissionDevice(in home: MatterAddDeviceRequest.Home?, onboardingPayload: String, commissioningID: UUID) async throws {
            // Use this function to commission the device with your Matter stack.
            ThingMatterExtensionSupport.shared.commissionDevice(in: home, onboardingPayload: onboardingPayload, commissioningID: commissioningID)
        override func rooms(in home: MatterAddDeviceRequest.Home?) async -> [MatterAddDeviceRequest.Room] {
            // Use this function to return the rooms your ecosystem manages.
            // If your ecosystem manages multiple homes, ensure you are returning rooms that belong to the provided home.
            return ThingMatterExtensionSupport.shared.rooms(in: home)
        override func configureDevice(named name: String, in room: MatterAddDeviceRequest.Room?) async {
            // Use this function to configure the (now) commissioned device with the given name and room.
            ThingMatterExtensionSupport.shared.configureDevice(named: name, in: room)

Configure Matter capabilities

Due to the characteristics of a Matter device, all its capabilities are implemented based on Matter fabrics. Before a Matter device can be paired, controlled, or managed, you must make API requests to configure basic information about the Matter device. This configuration must be finished before any Matter services are implemented.

A fabric is a group of networked devices (also known as nodes) that share the same security domain. This enables secure communications among these nodes within the fabric. Nodes in the same fabric share the same Certificate Authority’s (CA) top-level certificate (Root of Trust) and within the context of the CA, a unique 64-bit identifier named Fabric ID.

Sequence diagram

The following figure shows the sequence in which basic Matter information is configured.

UserAppSDKInitially load home or switch between homesLoad information about homeReturn information about homeRequest loading list of devicesReturn list of devicesHandle Matter capabilitiesPrepare information about fabricFabric information loadedPrepare information about devicesDevice information preparedUse Matter capabilitiesUserAppSDK

Prepare information about fabric

Information about Matter is bound with homes. Therefore, at the end of the operation of switching between homes or initially loading a home, call - loadFabricWithSpaceId to get information about the fabric that is bound with the home.

API description

@interface ThingSmartMatterManager : NSObject
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;
- (void)loadFabricWithSpaceId:(long long)spaceId


Parameter Description
spaceId The value of HomeID for the current home.
success The success callback.
failure The failure callback.



- (void)loadMatterCurrentHomeFabric:(long long)homeId {
    // Called at the end of the operation of switching between homes or initially loading a home.
    [[ThingSmartMatterManager sharedInstance] loadFabricWithSpaceId:homeId success:^{
        NSLog(@"load fabric success");
    } failure:^(NSError *error) {
        NSLog(@"load fabric fail");


func loadMatterCurrentHomeFabric(homeId: Int64) {
    // Called at the end of the operation of switching between homes or initially loading a home.
    ThingSmartMatterManager.sharedInstance().loadFabric(withSpaceId: homeId) {
        print("load fabric success")
    } failure: { error in
        print("load fabric fail")

Prepare information about devices

Different from other types of Tuya-enabled devices, certain information about Matter devices must be prepared in advance. For this purpose, at the end of loading home information and fabric information, call - getDevicesFabricNodesWithdevIds:callback: to handle Matter devices for the specified home.

API description

@interface ThingSmartMatterShareManager : NSObject
+ (instancetype)sharedInstance;
- (void)getDevicesFabricNodesWithdevIds:(NSArray <NSString *>*)devIds callback:(void(^)(NSArray <ThingSmartMatterDeviceNodeModel *>*result))callback;


Parameter Description
devIds The list of device IDs.



- (void)loadMatterDeviceInfo {
    // Called at the end of `- loadFabric` and loading devices in the home.
    [[ThingSmartMatterShareManager sharedInstance] getDevicesFabricNodesWithdevIds:deviceIdList callback:^(NSArray<ThingSmartMatterDeviceNodeModel *> *result) {
        NSLog(@"load matter device node succes");


func loadMatterDeviceInfo(){
  // Called at the end of `- loadFabric` and loading devices in the home.
  ThingSmartMatterShareManager.sharedInstance().getDevicesFabricNodesWithdevIds(deviceIdList) { modelList in
      print("load matter device info success")