
Last Updated on : 2024-11-22 02:19:31download

Before you start, register a developer account with the Tuya Developer Platform, create a product, and define data points (DPs). For more information, see Quick Start.

Create an SDK-based app

  1. Open SDK Development and click Create App.

  2. In the dialog box that appears, select Commercial Lock App SDK.

  3. Enter the required app information and click OK.

    • App Name: Enter an app name.
    • Bundle ID for iOS: Enter an iOS app bundle ID. The recommended format is com.xxxxx.xxxxx.
    • Package Name for Android: Enter an Android app package name. It is not necessary to be consistent with the iOS app bundle ID.
    • App Schema: If you select Auto Generated, the system automatically generates an app schema according to the package name.

    The package name must be globally unique.

  4. Choose SDK solutions based on your needs, generate the SDK, and integrate it using Podfile and Gradle.

  5. Click the Get Key tab and find the AppKey, AppSecret, and security image.

  6. Set an SHA-256 hash value for the Android app. For more information, see How to Get SHA-1 and SHA-256 Keys.

The SDK will only run properly after you complete the above steps.