Modify Organization

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:12download

Modify the detailed information of an organization.

API address

PUT: /v1.0/iot-02/community/structure/{structure_id}

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
structure_idStringuritrueThe ID of a specified organization.

Description of body

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
parent_structure_idString falseThe parent organization. An empty value indicates the root organization.
structure_nameString trueThe name of a specified organization.
address_codeString falseThe address (the code of the province, city, district, and street). For more information, visit
address_detailString falseThe detailed address.
contactString trueThe contact name.
contact_mobileString trueThe contact person's phone number.
contact_emailString falseThe contact person's email address.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription
resultBooleanIndicates whether the operation is successful.

Request example

PUT: /v1.0/iot-02/community/structure/137209008422933xxxx
  "parent_structure_id": "138228055157827xxxx",
  "structureName": "XXXX Limited Company",
  "location": [
      "level": "1",
      "has_children": true,
      "name": "Shanghai",
      "full_name": "",
      "full_id": "CNH,310000",
      "id": "310000"
      "level": "2",
      "has_children": true,
      "name": "District",
      "full_name": "",
      "full_id": "CHN,310000,310100",
      "id": "310100"
      "level": "3",
      "has_children": true,
      "name": "Pudong New District",
      "full_name": "",
      "full_id": "CHN,310000,310100,310115",
      "id": "310115"
      "level": "4",
      "has_children": true,
      "name": "Jinyang New Village Street",
      "full_name": "",
      "full_id": "CHN,310000,310100,310115,310115012",
      "id": "310115012"
      "level": "5",
      "has_children": false,
      "name": "Boshan East Road Neighborhood Committee",
      "full_name": "",
      "full_id": "CHN,310000,310100,310115,310115012,310115012054",
      "id": "310115012054"
  "address_detail": "111",
  "contact": "Test",
  "contact_mobile": "1345555xxxx",
  "contact_email": "",
  "business_license": "",
  "address_code": "310000,310100,310115,310115012,310115012054",
  "structure_id": "138470953518847xxxx"

Return example


Error code

For more information, see error code.