Query Project Details

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:09download

Query the details of projects.

API address

GET: /v1.0/iot-02/community/project

Request parameter

Parameter nameTypeINRequiredDescription
block_idStringquerytrueThe community ID.

Return parameter

Parameter nameTypeDescription

Description of result

Parameter nameTypeDescription
project_idStringThe ID of the project.
_project_tree_idStringThe ID of a specified project tree. This is the space identifier of the project.
structure_idStringThe ID of the associated organization.
project_nameStringThe name of the project.
project_type_idStringThe ID of the project type.
contactStringThe contact name.
mobileStringThe mobile phone number.
locationStringThe code of the location. For more information, visit http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/.
location_nameStringThe name of the location. For more information, visit http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/.
streetStringThe code of the street. For more information, visit http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/.
street_nameStringThe name of the street.
communityStringThe name of the street. For more information, visit http://www.stats.gov.cn/english/.
community_nameStringThe name of the community.
detail_addressStringThe detailed address.
completion_timeLongThe date on which the project was completed.
delivery_timeLongThe date on which the project was delivered.
acceptance_timeLongThe date on which the project was accepted.
registration_timeLongThe date on which the project was registered.

Request example

GET: /v1.0/iot-02/community/project?block_id=136767399153950xxxx

Return example

    "registrationTime": 1617787524583,
    "locationName": "Xicheng District, Beijing Municipality",
    "deliveryTime": 1619083516701,
    "villageFence": "",
    "structureName": "Sunshine xx Group",
    "mobile": "1566901xxxx",
    "acceptanceTime": 1618997121866,
    "structureId": "1384799976831385600",
    "community": "110102007048",
    "treeId": "1384800440935317504",
    "completionTime": 1619083518799,
    "projectTypeId": "1382226418821287936",
    "streetName": "Yuetan Street",
    "projectTypeName": "Smart Park",
    "street": "110102007",
    "contact": "Helen",
    "detailAddress": "Room 7x2, Building 3, Fortune Center",
    "location": "CHN,110000,110100,110102",
    "communityName": "Sanlihe Community Residents Committee",
    "projectName": "Sunny Park",
    "projectId": "138480044029778xxxx"

Error code

For more information, see error code.