Create Seat Settings

Last Updated on : 2023-06-21 07:13:04download

Configure seat attributes, such as whether the seat is charged or not, and seat reservation time.

API address

POST: /v1.0/iot-03/seat-reservations/seat-settings

Request parameter

Description of body

Parameter name Type IN Required Description
repeat_flag String true Indicates whether to allow one person to reserve multiple seats during the same time period. Valid values: Y: yes. N: no.
max_days Integer true The maximum number of available days before the reserved date.
blacklist_flag String true Indicates whether to enable the reservation allowlist rule. Valid values: Y: yes. N: no.
blacklist_days Integer true The total number of days for which the reservation allowlist rule is effective.
blacklist_times Integer true The threshold of times when a specified person reserves a seat but does not use it.
blacklist_disabled_days Integer true The number of days for which a specified person is not allowed to reserve a seat.
reservation_time Integer true The granularity of seat reservation time in minutes. Valid values: 15, 30, and 60.
charge_flag String true Indicates whether there is a charge for seat reservation. Valid values: Y: yes. N: no.
charge_url String false The URL of charging the seat reservation.
charge_callback_url String false The callback URL of charging the seat reservation.

Return parameter

Parameter name Type Description
result Boolean Indicates whether the operation is successful. Valid values: true: succeeded. false: failed.

Request example

POST: /v1.0/iot-03/seat-reservations/seat-settings
{ "blacklist_days": 7, "blacklist_disabled_days": 7, "blacklist_flag": "N", "blacklist_times": 5, "charge_callback_url": "ddddddd", "charge_flag": "N", "charge_url": "sdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsdfgsd", "max_days": 8, "repeat_flag": "Y", "reservation_time": 30 }

Return example

{ "result": true, "t": 1623048996093, "success": true }

Error code

For more information, see error code.